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KOC Interview from Locked on Sports today

VJ, he said the primary reason for missin the worlds was "health." The fact that he might need to shoulder more of the load with Booza, Korver, and probably Memo gone was an additional reason for not wanting to risk his health, but it has been an issue since the season ended, and his participation in the games has been questionable since then.

If he did'nt think he would have to shoulder the extra load he would have given the Worlds a shot, wrist injury or not. He was actually the last one amongst the stars to pull out of the Worlds.And he actually did say that he was frustrated.
In retrospect, the whole conspiracy becomes obvious. Miami didn't really want Bosh, they wanted Deron. Bosh didn't really want Miami, because he didn't wanna play with them ballhogs, Wade and LeBron. Everyone knew Booza would leave, and that Utah would be without their "best player" and desperate to replace him. Miami trades Bosh to Utah for Deron: All a pre-planned and inevitable outcome, see?
And he didn't say HE was frustrated....

"Any time you lose two guys like that you're going to be frustrated," said Williams while hosting his Point of Hope foundation's event at Thanksgiving Point to benefit Shriners Hospitals.

"But ... it's a business, and that's the way it went."

Still in denial, Hopper?
Still in denial, Hopper?

Ya left out the part about how close he said he was to Korver, personally. That was frustrating, yeah. I don't think he's really gunna miss Booza's sorry ***, but that's a different story.

Still out to present your PROOF that Deron was extremely unhappy with, pessimistic about, and dissatisified with the prospects for the team, Borat?
Ya left out the part about how close he said he was to Korver, personally. That was frustrating, yeah. I don't think he's really gunna miss Booza's sorry ***, but that's a different story.

He may have been close to Korver, but he SAID he was frustrated because we lost both Booz and Korver. I am not sure what's to debate here. I also think he is A LOT less frustrated now that we got Al, but certainly at the time he was frustrated we lost Booz and Korver, and he actually said it. He also could not have known we were going to get Al, because I doubt even KOC knew it, since negotiations were far from over, and Dallas was very much in the mix.
He also could not have known we were going to get Al, because I doubt even KOC knew it, since negotiations were far from over, and Dallas was very much in the mix.

Of course he couldn't have known it, it hadn't been done yet, and, even though KOC had been lookin at Jefferson for months, and, according to KOC, talkin to Deron about him and other potential players, nuthin is done until it's done. But he knew KOC was workin hard at it, apparently, even if he didn't let on like he knew much (as he was probably told to do, if he didn't know it already). He did say that he was bein patient and just hoping the team would be improved.

It's kinda like goin into the 4th quarter of a tough game tied. You don't KNOW you're gunna win, but you don't hike up your skirt and flounce to the bench because you haven't won the game yet, either. You play on, HARD, without quittin due to "frustration."
There's a difference between bein temporarily "frustrated" because, for example, you're obviously fouled on a play with no call and have to run hard back to defend, like it or not, fair or not, and throwin in the towel like Sonny Liston against Cassius Clay because you've been frustrated into submission. Some here had "thrown in the towel" and were preachin utter defeatism. Interestingly enough, some here insisted that Deron felt exactly the way they did. They forgot one thing: Deron aint no candyass quitter.

No mas, no mas!
He could not have known that. Dallas was just as interested and may have very well ended up with him. But, like I said before, it's a moot point now.

I think he knew there was real interest. KOC said he had been talking to Minnesota about Jefferson at the deadline last season and before the draft. O'Connor also said he gets input from Deron on players. Look, he can't come up to Deron and say, "we're getting Jefferson." But he can ask what he thinks about Al as a player. And if I were Deron, anytime O'Connor asked me about a player and I gave positive input, I'd think it was a possibility the Jazz were looking at a deal.Deron's frustration, I believe, amounted to the fact KOC had talked to him a lot, but it was all just one big, well I can't say that phrase. It was all just teasing until something finally got done.
. It was all just teasing until something finally got done.

Ya tryin to say it aint over til it's over, Glass? I don't think the typical JazzFan buys that. For them it always seems to be over BEFORE it's over.

If ya don't believe it, sit in on chat durin a game sometime. Then you git to see the "heart of a Jazzfan." If the team is down by, say, 8 point with 4 minutes left in the game, 90% of the chatters will be solemnly announcing that the Jazz "blew it," and "can't possibly win." They will be cursin most every player on the team. When one or more of the remaining 10% point out that it aint over yet, and the Jazz can still win, they are shouted down and ridiculed as stupid homers. If ya don't quit at the first discouragin sign, ya just aint no real JazzFan, I figure.
He may have been close to Korver, but he SAID he was frustrated because we lost both Booz and Korver. I am not sure what's to debate here. I also think he is A LOT less frustrated now that we got Al, but certainly at the time he was frustrated we lost Booz and Korver, and he actually said it. He also could not have known we were going to get Al, because I doubt even KOC knew it, since negotiations were far from over, and Dallas was very much in the mix.

I'd also bet GOOD money that KOC talked to him about Korver and Matthews - i.e. if they gave money to Korver, they would almost certainly lose Wesley since they only had the MLE and bi-annual money to use.Now what had to be frustrating is losing Korver, THEN seeing Portland give Wesley that outrageous offer. So now we lose both. Had the timing been different, perhaps the Jazz would have offered $5M to Kyle. Who knows? I'd also place good money on Deron being asked or advised about Matthews. IF Matthews is kept, you can bet it was Deron that swayed the vote, just like he did with CJ. If the offer isn't matched, I think it's EXTREMELY likely Deron gets his little buddy back.
Ya tryin to say it aint over til it's over, Glass? I don't think the typical JazzFan buys that. For them it always seems to be over BEFORE it's over.

Funny story...my dad used to cover sports for the Utah Sporting News (it's long since ceased publication). He used to take me to games when I was a little boy (Golden Eagles, Salt Lake Angels, and the Utah Stars...yep, I'm that old now). We once walked out on baseball game when the Angels were down BIG heading into the 9th. As we reached the car, the stadium erupted in cheers. We listened to the rest of the incredible comeback on the radio. Moral of the story: wait for the fat lady to sing!
1320 had two good interviews today, CJ supprised me with his personal goals of 15 & 6 for the year. " If I can average that in the play-offs I should do that in the regular season." But also recognized his role on the team.

KOC seemed downright giddy compared to other interviews. I'm suprised no-one has mentioned that when asked about paying the luxary tax or talking about the millers paying the tax KOC seemed to choose his words very carefully so that I came away with the impression that his others roster moves would resolve the luxary tax issue.
KOC seemed downright giddy compared to other interviews. I'm suprised no-one has mentioned that when asked about paying the luxary tax or talking about the millers paying the tax KOC seemed to choose his words very carefully so that I came away with the impression that his others roster moves would resolve the luxary tax issue.

Excellent observation. KOC did indicate we are in tax now, and Miller allowed it, so big thanks to Greg, he said. But yes, as we all suspect, Jazz will try to shed salary. After all, with Koufos gone, we are only .4 mil over right now. True, there a a few players left to sign, but definitely a striking distance to get under the tax.
Like I have said before one of 2 guys will be moved this off season or before the trade deadline. AK or Memo will be moved so say your goodbyes fellow Jazzfanz. That is all.
I think then that a lot depends on how well Memo recovers from his injury. If he can come back and play at or near his former level, then we shed AK. If not, then we try to let Memo go, though if he doesn't recover well, then maybe we go for some injury hardship exception.
Funny story...my dad used to cover sports for the Utah Sporting News (it's long since ceased publication). He used to take me to games when I was a little boy (Golden Eagles, Salt Lake Angels, and the Utah Stars...yep, I'm that old now). We once walked out on baseball game when the Angels were down BIG heading into the 9th. As we reached the car, the stadium erupted in cheers. We listened to the rest of the incredible comeback on the radio. Moral of the story: wait for the fat lady to sing!

I can do you one better, but it wasn't me who missed out. My parents bought a car from LHM and got free tickets to a couple of Jazz games. One of the games was against Jordan's Bulls and my dad took me. It was a close game but by the end of the third the Bulls had built a nine point lead. The guy sitting directly in front of me was bitching the entire game about 100 different ways the Jazz sucked. At the end of the third he declared the game was over and he was going to beat traffic going home. Well...three overtimes later and Jordan getting ejected for 6 fouls (or was it technicals, I think it was fouls) the Jazz beat Jordan's Bulls. It was the first NBA game I ever went to and I was only mildly interested before that. Well, 18 years later here I am posting on Jazzfanzz on a daily basis and I'm sure that game had something to do with it.

What was this thread about again?
I can do you one better, but it wasn't me who missed out. My parents bought a car from LHM and got free tickets to a couple of Jazz games. One of the games was against Jordan's Bulls and my dad took me. It was a close game but by the end of the third the Bulls had built a nine point lead. The guy sitting directly in front of me was bitching the entire game about 100 different ways the Jazz sucked. At the end of the third he declared the game was over and he was going to beat traffic going home. Well...three overtimes later and Jordan getting ejected for 6 fouls (or was it technicals, I think it was fouls) the Jazz beat Jordan's Bulls. It was the first NBA game I ever went to and I was only mildly interested before that. Well, 18 years later here I am posting on Jazzfanzz on a daily basis and I'm sure that game had something to do with it.

What was this thread about again?

A tale of how one wrong decision of getting a vehicle from LHM dealership can cause a man 18 years (and counting) of agony.
Not sure if this was in the interview or not... I haven't seen it mentioned here though, and seems a bit concerning.

(Siler tweet)

For Jazz fans eager to add a shooter, O'Connor suggested he feels DWill, C.J., Hayward and Memo can collectively fill that void.