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LA Clippers Lob City vs. Utah Jazz Swat Lake City, Wed. 8:30 MT ESPN

OK, once again, Jefferson had another Clipper behind him to worry about. If he would have stepped up to try to foul Griffin then he would have left the basket wide open for that player to receive a pass from Griffin and an easy basket. How in the world do you expect Jefferson to defend two guys and the rim??

Did Jefferson play it perfectly? Obviously not - but he should never have been in that postion to begin with.

He should have fouled earlier but I see your point of the other clipper. However, he still fouled griffin with a pathetic excuse for an attempt at a stop. There is no excuse for a 3 pt play in that situation. Sloan would have benched him for 3 games for that weak crap. I am no Sloan supporter and don't agree with fouling instead of defense but with 30 sec left, put him on the line. I am tired of Al Jeff playing stupid.
Totally agree that they have the major pieces in place. Give Jordan & Griffin another year to mature and then I think they could be considered contenders. But I still think they can get the WCF this year.

I'll say again how impressed I was with the Jazz's performance last night. The Clips were going to give us their best game considering we humiliated last time, and everytime they punched us, we punched them right back (2nd half of last year we would have just sat back and taken the beating). Really proud of how we played.

Exactly. Same with the Dallas and LA games in Utah. The Jazz were right there and did not give up. For a "rebuilding" team the Jazz are alot farther then most people would have thought.
I'm sure this has been said somewhere in the 35 page sprawl, but it has been nice to see Hay playing SG. Coming into this year I wasn't sure if he was an SF or an SG, and I was leaning SF... but I think it's pretty clear he's an SG.

Too bad this game isn't played with power forwards and shooting guards.
I'm sure this has been said somewhere in the 35 page sprawl, but it has been nice to see Hay playing SG. Coming into this year I wasn't sure if he was an SF or an SG, and I was leaning SF... but I think it's pretty clear he's an SG.

Too bad this game isn't played with power forwards and shooting guards.

He can play either position. Clearly he will have trouble with guys like Lebron, but if Burks is the real deal Hayward will have to play a lot at the SF position. Having said that I would not be opposed to drafting a bigger 3 to deal with people like Lebron, Durant, and Melo.
This could be the beginning of a pretty good rivalry. Sap and Flopsie already dislike each other, clearly.

I agree- I see these two as being rivals, and they'll be seeing each-other a good deal. Griffin got the better in that game but I like our guy and I think he has the experience and skills to make Griffin look silly too.