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Lance ArmDrugStrong going to burn?

I'm all for legalizing anything that adds to my entertainment. If I'm going to ****ing tune into television and watch guys bicycle, they better be pedaling their damn arses off .. like FAST!!!!!!

(or I'm out like Cuban)
hey franklin bro are u really the dude that wrote that 1 article (bout al jefferson)? u never answered me in that thread :(
i think franklin has me on ignore bros. somebody quote this so he sees it.
huh? bro tell me if that was u or not for real man. that was a good article i liked it even tho everyone here hated it lol. quit playin bro with my heart

bro are you on performance unenhancing drugs bro? I don't get it .. going to Eddie McStiffs to figure this out over a few fruit filled natty ices.
The justice department may bring a law suit against him. if they do it is a gross misuse of tax payer money . just like the dumb *** steroids in baseball hearings.
I'm just glad Lance was caught before the bicycular application of German lasers .. woulda been totally unfair and ruined the sport for us bicycle racing purists.
I'm just glad Lance was caught before the bicycular application of German lasers .. woulda been totally unfair and ruined the sport for us bicycle racing purists.

A true shame I have given my maximum of daily rep.
I guess I'm in the minority but I don't give a **** if he juiced. The dude overcame cancer and then won the tour de france several times in a row. What was it, like 7 times or something?

You mean if I stick a needle in my *** I can win the tour de france? No? Of course not.

Today's steroids were last century's vitamins and exercise equipment and machines. Science has been trying to enhance physical performance for centuries. Why it's suddenly considered taboo is beyond me.

The dude overcame cancer, and then won the tour de france, like 7 times. We're seriously condemning him for juicing up? Even though everyone else was juicing up too? Why?

Let me see anyone on this board, or reporting on this story in the media, win the tour de france even once. Juice up all you want and tell me how it instantly made you superman, lol.
Vindictive, conspiratorial, lying, cheating, smug azhole that used his position to ruin the careers of people trying to make an honest living and to ruin the careers and reputation of people who tried to speak the truth.
Yea, the cheaters should get all the money and glory, and honest decent people are pond scum losers (sarc) . Whatever yo.