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Let's write fake promos for all of the different radio shows


I'm bored and pretty much hate everyone on all the radio stations (except Gunther and Graham are ok) so I thought it'd be fun to write some fake/hypothetical promos for each person's radio show, you can even resurrect ppl like Bagley and Harrington, or just single out individuals in general. I'll try a few:

Checketts and Monson: Tune in daily to hear us ramble about idiotic hypothetical rhetorical subjective questions that borderline have nothing to do with sports or utah!

DJ & PK: Listen to us daily pretend to have strong opinions so you'll pay our advertisers on the text line. Also, PK will try to convince you he's not mormon.

Jake Scott and Tony Parks: The most bland talk show since Scott Garrard + Anybody.

Gunther and Graham: Football! football football football, BYU, UTAH, football, NFL, football! laugh laugh football, cats, aliens.

OC on sports: Nobody wants to co-host a show with this guy

Bill and Hans: Listen to us talk about soccer injuries and utah football with our sponsored doctor daily from the 9th south delicatessen. Let's throw it over to Jonny from Sky satellite now!
Not what I had in mind. But glad we've got the obligatories out of the way. Thanks Bordy.
DJ & PK: The only morning radio show that will make you cram screwdrivers into your ears faster than 2 minutes of Mark Levin & Diane Rehm hosting together.