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Looking for genuine discourse re: Donald Sterling/NBA


Well-Known Member
This guy has been a well-documented racist nutbag for decades. TMZ's release of audio obviously magnified things, but his sentiments revealed through that audio (doctored or not) is NOT news.

Silver's robot like presser on the matter was nothing more than publicly making sure Sterling cannot sue the league. There are hundreds of millions of dollars on the table from both sides should the NBA try impose any sanctions or force him to sell. In a free market society, people are free to say whatever they want about just about anything and do whatever they want (within the law) with their money.

I find it curious Doc Rivers and the Clippers players are speaking out against Sterling considering they all willingly chose to be employed by him given his documented history of prejudice. If the audio on TMZ was the first they'd learned of it, then shame on them for not doing one iota of research on their potential employer.

These stories become so big it sickens me because the only reason they're big is because it's a chance for the masses to stroke themselves with self-righteousness. The narrative that's already exploded in the (death of journalism) 24-hour news cycle/social media/bloggosphere is centered around race and how repulsive bigotry in 2014 is. Yet the same people expressing appalled indignation by an owner's sentiments, are the same who tacitly support them by consuming his product. The NBA and the owners have stood by just as idly, with mere slap on the wrists to Sterling with (relatively) petty fines.

It's not news the rich ****s of the country own everything. Most human beings suck in their own unique way. Humans who are physically and athletically gifted enough to play in the NBA are free to choose to do so, as well as choosing to pursue a different career should they be opposed to a flawed human (bigot/degenerate gambler/misogynist/adulterer/etc.) paying their salary. The people who choose to consume the NBA's product whether they're season ticket holders, purchase apparel or tune into the broadcasts on TV are also in no way obligated to do so.

If the public truly cared about shifting cultural ideals that they feel so strongly about (just check their facebook page or tweets!!), it would. But they're too busy being zombies glued to their ****ing cell phone, computer or TV. When the country's government was sold to the rich ****s many decades ago, the public was given plenty of distractions to keep them from investigating who truly were the decision makers or why decisions were made by them.

I've found peace with paying my taxes, abiding by the laws set forth by federal, state and county governments as well as enjoying the company of those I love or share a genuine bond of friendship with. One of the many distractions from the reality of a power structure/caste system in this country that I enjoy partaking in is professional sports entertainment.

I don't condone any of Sterling (the self-loathing Jewish man who's last name at birth was Tokowitz) misguided values, but I choose to watch the game despite the knowledge that I'm spending money on products who's owners may have personalities I fundamentally oppose.

If this issue the media will surely keep in the headlines (to keep the public clicking links or watching on tv) until closure with the situation is the one that sparks the public to revolt and raise arms to change the infrastructure of this country, perhaps I will join in the revolution. But if Trayvon Martin's death at the hands of George Zimmerman, the Bundy Ranch or any major domestic news story before or in between hasn't, I doubt an Instagram post igniting an 80-year old to spew vitriol while being recorded will.

Okay, time to step off my soapbox and get back to watching Breaking Bad on Netflix (I'm seven episodes deep today). I appreciate anyone who has taken the time to read this and takes some more time to respond.
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This guy has been a well-documented racist nutbag for decades. TMZ's release of audio obviously magnified things, but his sentiments revealed through that audio (doctored or not) is NOT news.

Silver's robot like presser on the matter was nothing more than publicly making sure Sterling cannot sue the league. There are hundreds of millions of dollars on the table from both sides should the NBA try impose any sanctions or force him to sell. In a free market society, people are free to say whatever they want about just about anything and do whatever they want (within the law) with their money.

I find it curious Doc Rivers and the Clippers players are speaking out against Sterling considering they all willingly chose to be employed by him given his documented history of prejudice. If the audio on TMZ was the first they'd learned of it, then shame on them for not doing one iota of research on their potential employer.

These stories become so big it sickens me because the only reason they're big is because it's a chance for the masses to stroke themselves with self-righteousness. The narrative that's already exploded in the (death of journalism) 24-hour news cycle/social media/bloggosphere is centered around race and how repulsive bigotry in 2014 is. Yet the same people expressing appalled indignation by an owner's sentiments, are the same who tacitly support them by consuming his product. The NBA and the owners have stood by just as idly, with mere slap on the wrists to Sterling with (relatively) petty fines.

It's not news the rich ****s of the country own everything. Most human beings suck in their own unique way. Humans who are physically and athletically gifted enough to play in the NBA are free to choose to do so, as well as choosing to pursue a different career should they be opposed to a flawed human (bigot/degenerate gambler/misogynist/adulterer/etc.) paying their salary. The people who choose to consume the NBA's product whether they're season ticket holders, purchase apparel or tune into the broadcasts on TV are also in no way obligated to do so.

If the public truly cared about shifting cultural ideals that they feel so strongly about (just check their facebook page or tweets!!), it would. But they're too busy being zombies glued to their ****ing cell phone, computer or TV. When the country's government was sold to the rich ****s many decades ago, the public was given plenty of distractions to keep them from investigating who truly were the decision makers or why decisions were made by them.

I've found peace with paying my taxes, abiding by the laws set forth by federal, state and county governments as well as enjoying the company of those I love or share a genuine bond of friendship with. One of the many distractions from the reality of a power structure/caste system in this country that I enjoy partaking in is professional sports entertainment.

I don't condone any of Sterling (the self-loathing Jewish man who's last name at birth was Tokowitz) misguided values, but I choose to watch the game despite the knowledge that I'm spending money on products who's owners may have personalities I fundamentally oppose.

If this issue the media will surely keep in the headlines (to keep the public clicking links or watching on tv) until closure with the situation is the one that sparks the public to revolt and raise arms to change the infrastructure of this country, perhaps I will join in the revolution. But if Trayvon Martin's death at the hands of George Zimmerman, the Bundy Ranch or any major domestic news story before or in between hasn't, I doubt an Instagram post igniting an 80-year old to spew vitriol while being recorded will.

Okay, time to step off my soapbox and get back to watching Breaking Bad on Netflix (I'm seven episodes deep today). I appreciate anyone who has taken the time to read this and takes some more time to respond.

And what are you doing to change things? Posting on the internet. Oh, the irony. You're a regular Holden Caulfield

Otr, I do recognize your point, but this isn't news either. It's the same as people complaining about bad environmental practice from corporations, unhealthiness of fast food, etc. When it comes down to it, most individual consumers prefer the product despite its shortcomings. I think the reactions you described above are just defense mechanisms to make them feel better about some of the costs of their decision, and in no way am I implying they are the making the wrong decisions. Quite the opposite, actually. I won't agree with Sterling and I'll let people know that I don't agree, but I'm still going to watch Blake Griffin play. To me, it's not worth losing that opportunity.

Consumers are too large of a group to organize and do anything anyways. No one is going to look at themselves and think they'll make a difference by taking a stand right now and not going to that Clippers game, and he/she would be correct. And surely this is better than people saying nothing at all? Even if it doesn't change consumer behavior at least Sterling's character is being destroyed.

Yeah, it's not the world you or I want it to be, but it's a hell of a lot better than everybody being like Donald Sterling.
And what are you doing to change things? Posting on the internet. Oh, the irony. You're a regular Holden Caulfield

Ha - I did clearly state that I'm just a peon that chooses to go with the flow and not be the first to take a stand. Thanks for responding, and I agree it's always nice to see one of these pigs be exposed for what they are. But if not Sterling, we could choose from about 10,000 high profile people who would be morally spat upon by the public. A lot of that has to do with the relatively new trend of lusting at the lives and downfall of celebrities/wealthy people, etc.
Damn bro..

Care to elaborate on your reaction to what I shared? I am interested in finding out what about my post (titled looking for genuine discourse) elicited that response. Congrats on UK being loaded for next season. I can't wait to see how the rotation of bigs shakes out - and how much Ulis plays. A year like this past season under his belt, plus another offseason of training, is going to do wonders for Andrew Harrison in the 2014-15 season because he showed flashes of being able to dominate a game.
Sterling's a racist douche but I hate to think we live in a county where things you say in the "privacy" of your own home in front of (supposedly) loved ones can cost you your livelihood.

It also bears mentioning that after listening to the tape I have no doubt in my mind it was made for the express purpose of blackmailing him by his now ex-girlfriend.
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Sterling's a racist douche but I hate to think we live in a county where things you say in the "privacy" of your own home in front of (supposedly) loved ones can cost you your livelihood.

It also bears mentioning that after listening to the tape I have no doubt in my mind it was made for the express purpose of blackmailing him by his now ex-girlfriend.

thats what said half hour ebefore you in other thread.

how is this not an issue.

i admit i have not listened to the tape not one bit. i give the man his privacy.
not a fan of clippers. not a fan of anyboody in that organization(except collins, if he is still there)

but seriously where the **** is this world going.

everybody thinks they have the right to recrod photograph and film everything.
wtf happened to privacy!?!?!?!

i find the reporters who put this out and the people who listen to peoples private convos just as deplorable and without moral as a racist
I feel bad if we live in a society that actually believes or feels the same way Sterling does.

This and Bundy prove to me that racism is clearly alive and well.

I hope the owners unite together and force him to give up his team. The only way we can fight inappropriate behavior is to actually punish it.
I feel bad if we live in a society that actually believes or feels the same way Sterling does.

This and Bundy prove to me that racism is clearly alive and well.

I hope the owners unite together and force him to give up his team. The only way we can fight inappropriate behavior is to actually punish it.

ok so no privacy can be expected in home or in office?
I feel bad if we live in a society that actually believes or feels the same way Sterling does.

This and Bundy prove to me that racism is clearly alive and well.

I hope the owners unite together and force him to give up his team. The only way we can fight inappropriate behavior is to actually punish it.

Really? We do? I haven't heard anyone agreeing with his sentiments.
Really? We do? I haven't heard anyone agreeing with his sentiments.

exactly i dont even know what his sentiments are.

just heard that it si racist
but also hear dpeople have overblown it.

i dont care what he says in the privacy of his own home/office. and friends and families homes. the man deserve to have a private live.
keep that **** private.

wheter its racism. sexual heinousness. aslong as he is not physically and mentally a busing people. he can do what he wants behind close doors.
wheter i agree with his words or not it does not matter.

i give the man his privacy
Really? We do? I haven't heard anyone agreeing with his sentiments.

Hence why I said IF.

I believe he needs to be banned from the league. Yes, it's time to take the bazooka out and blow this guy away. Time for Adam Silver to meet these shockingly offensive and racist words with an equally shocking and powerful punishment. Ban him. Kick him out of the league. Whatever. The NBA and this racist need to part ways.

Between this guy, cliven, and our political climate, it's getting real old these kinds of "slip ups." Racism appears to be alive and well here in the United States.
Dude was born in the 1930's, tbh it's not even that surprising (for me) to hear someone his age/demographic to say stuff like that, especially in 'private'.
Hence why I said IF.

I believe he needs to be banned from the league. Yes, it's time to take the bazooka out and blow this guy away. Time for Adam Silver to meet these shockingly offensive and racist words with an equally shocking and powerful punishment. Ban him. Kick him out of the league. Whatever. The NBA and this racist need to part ways.

Between this guy, cliven, and our political climate, it's getting real old these kinds of "slip ups." Racism appears to be alive and well here in the United States.

The NBA could easily take a stand now - and could've with each past transgression from Sterling - but the NBA would have to sacrifice hundreds of millions of dollars in doing so.
don't agree at all with the sentiments expressed by Mr. Sterling, but it bothers me more that a private conversation was recorded and sold to an online celebrity gossip website that now seems to milking the controversy for every penny it can get

wish I had a better understanding of the rules against recording a private conversation and making it public (or allowing it to be made public)

agree with the statement someone expressed above about a former girlfriend trying to use this for her own personal profit
don't agree at all with the sentiments expressed by Mr. Sterling, but it bothers me more that a private conversation was recorded and sold to an online celebrity gossip website that now seems to milking the controversy for every penny it can get

wish I had a better understanding of the rules against recording a private conversation and making it public (or allowing it to be made public)

agree with the statement someone expressed above about a former girlfriend trying to use this for her own personal profit

In many states that is crime as an illegal wire-tapping. I don't the know the laws in California. However I suspect most DA's offices wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.
don't agree at all with the sentiments expressed by Mr. Sterling, but it bothers me more that a private conversation was recorded and sold to an online celebrity gossip website that now seems to milking the controversy for every penny it can get

wish I had a better understanding of the rules against recording a private conversation and making it public (or allowing it to be made public)

agree with the statement someone expressed above about a former girlfriend trying to use this for her own personal profit

Seems like sterling and his ex bitch should both be reprimanded
I agree that taping and selling private conversations is disgusting. However, now that is out in the open, I don't see anyone standing and backing him up. State Farm is pulling out of their sponsorship of the Clippers, others will follow. There has to be some kind of repercussion for this to boil over. Do you think the league can force him to sell the Clips? I don't know what else they can do besides a fine