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Looking for name ideas - exhausted

I have to disagree with "Gateway." Like, a lot. But whatevs.

That's kind of my point.. the concept is perfect but the word, itself, doesn't work... but the idea, I like.

Within the entire city of Santa Clara, this project is the only "gateway" (access) to the public lands to the south and west of the city.
I'm drawn to that area because it's at the suture of two different geological terranes. But 'terrane' (not terrain) is a specialized geology word... no help here. That's probably related to what's appealing about 'gateway'; you're coming into something different whether you're coming or going.
I'm drawn to that area because it's at the suture of two different geological terranes. But 'terrane' (not terrain) is a specialized geology word... no help here. That's probably related to what's appealing about 'gateway'; you're coming into something different whether you're coming or going.

It's actually where three major ecosystems converge in a climactic burst of color and diverse geological formations. Nowhere else in the U.S. Can you find such a spot.

Mohave Desert
Colorado Plateau
and the
Great Basin
Mohave Plateau Basin?

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Convergence is quite good.

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I have been thinking about this a lot. I don't like the use of the word park in the name. It sounds cheap. There is a place up here in jackson I used to work for called snake river park, maybe that's why I think it's cheap because it was an rv park. They got the customers thinking they would be next to the national park, it worked for that aspect, I guess.

Monument is a good word, and still has the association with the National Park Service and dept of the interior.

Monuments Gateway
Monuments Edge Resort

If you are going to use park:

Monument Parkway Resort
Also, I've been trying to figure out how to buy a condo in a place exactly like this down there. We'll have to talk in a year or two about this.

Bear claw poppy is an awesome area. I've ridden the mountain bike trail through there a few times, and loved it.
Dr. Jones' X spot.


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My suggestions aren't even acknowledged? Well, **** you too then.
I am going for both. They will be marketed to different demographics and though the two properties are in very close proximity and will be operated under one set of books, they do not necessarily 'communicate' to one another. I think I can have two very diverse personas within one operation. One is extreme and dirty, the other is more laid back and spa like. Millennials and boomers ... and they will cross over from one resort to the other, of course.

The millennial side can be named Espacio Seguro
I keep trying to come up with something that means a sanctuary or refuge combined with the idea that it's on the edge of wilderness and adventure but everything I've come up with is garbage.
I keep trying to come up with something that means a sanctuary or refuge combined with the idea that it's on the edge of wilderness and adventure but everything I've come up with is garbage.

Okay it sounds like u want something based on preserves. I do not know the area but something like gooseberry groves? Do they grow there? Okay so playing on this Gameface since I love pickled cactus w spiced mustard how about something like Cactus Coves on The Preserves? Okay like it is a joke cactus coves on the preserves but give me a sec. Pickled cactus is not technically preserved but is and this place is on a national reserve.

I would be so honored if cactus coves was chosen by Mr. Jones.