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NASA says they may have found alien life


Well-Known Member
NASA launched the Cassini spacecraft in 1997 and it looped through Saturn’s system of moons from 2004 through 2017 before plunging into Saturn’s atmosphere. The whole time it was beaming back massive amounts of data which scientists are still combing through.


Enceladus is a moon of Saturn with a liquid water ocean like Earth but the ocean is covered by a thick sheet of ice. Astronomers have long seen jets of this Enceladus ocean water shooting through cracks in the ice sheet and into space. One of the mission objectives of Cassini-Huygens was to fly through one of these plumes to sample the Enceladus ocean water and beam back the results. The spacecraft successfully completed the fly-through of the Enceladus plumes on October 28, 2015.


NASA released those results this past week.

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