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Why would the fans complain about Kyrie… let’s think…
You have a local guy telling you that is the case. That's good enough for my. Let's actually think about how fickle fans are. Fans are generally the same everywhere. If things aren't going their way they find something or someone to complain about. This fan base has been bitching about Mitchell and Gobert recently. Lakers fans have been bitching about AD and to a lesser extent even LBJ. That is when they aren't delusionally expecting their immediate return to the finals as is their birthright. There is nothing unique in jazz fans complaining about their best players. It happens everywhere. Please feel free to think for even a second. It might hurt since it's your first time, but give it a try.
You’re like incels who hate women because they don’t think they can get one.
Probably an accurate description of oneye if we're being perfectly honest.

At some point you guys are going to have to believe we could keep a star
But you said it yourself in this very post - everybody knew Gobert would stay.

Truthfully, I think there's a chance Mitchell ultimately stays if we somehow become title contenders, and fast. But if we're being realistic, he's probably leaving. So it would make sense to want to trade him while his value is highest.

I won't complain if we attempt to retool around him and see what happens, but I don't think there's some sort of massive inferiority complex explaining why people would want to trade him.
Nah but others guys may have. Donovan has not said anything about the Jazz this summer. It’s a sign to me… nothing I’ve seen about new or old coach… other than the unnerved article… nothing about guys coming or going… nada. He’s very active on the socials so it’s more pronounced than say Bogey not saying anything.
I have no idea how this is not obvious to anybody. Pretty much EVERYTHING he's said after the end of the season is to set up an exit. EVERYTHING. Start from the exit interviews. Refusing to give the mildest of commitments to this team when he has 4 freaking years on his contract still. Then pretending he's all surprised Quin is gone when Quin's stated reason for leaving is not being able to reach his players anymore and pumping that "unsettled and unnerved and questioning the direction of the franchise" BS for Woj. What was that? The body was still warm and he was so quick to put out another narrative setter.

What the hell do people really expect will happen? Is anybody really expecting the Jazz can do ANYTHING for Mitchell to be happy to stay past next year, let alone past his current contract. You don't believe me? Believe EVERY FREAKING NATIONAL writer and analyst who's said anything about Mitchell's prospects of staying in Utah. It's a public secret that EVERYBODY knows - Mitchell is not long for Utah. He is already gone. Just some extremely naive fans don't seem to be able to grasp it. No idea why.

And for them here's a challenge - construct an off-season from now on(within reason - for example, you cannot say we trade 2 1sts for Luka) that will make Mitchell want to stay in the long-term.
Textbook example of the loser mindset that afflicts this fanbase. The reason you guys hate and blame Mitchell for everything is because you don’t think he will stay. You knew Gobert would stay, so you loved him. It didn’t matter that “The Gobert Effect” doesn’t translate to the post-season, you knew he’d never leave you and that was all that mattered. You don’t think Utah can keep a player of Mitchell’s fame.
It's not about his fame. There are players much more famous than Mitchell who have stayed with their team and there was never really anything close to the noise coming from Mitchell and his camp that he's not long for Utah. EVERYBODY who knows anything about the league thinks Mitchell is gone. EVERYBODY. Ask every reporter or analyst with any sort of reputation. They ALL think he's gone. Lowe, McMahon, Stein, O'Connor, Beck, Mannix...
You’re like incels who hate women because they don’t think they can get one.
With the risk of stretching the metaphor a bit too far... No, it's not like an incel hating women... it's more like... you are married to a woman you are deeply in love with. But you just bought a 200M dollar home for her and a year later she refuses to say she loves you in public no matter how much you show your appreciation for her(firing the well respected landscaper she didn't want around, bringing in the chef and pool boy she's been friends with since high school) and she just told the national tabloids that she's "unsettled and unnerved and questioning the direction of the marriage", while all your friends keep telling you she's seeing other people behind your back...
We could keep Mitchell long term if we could put the right team around him. I believe that. I personally don’t think we can get the right team around him, and I think eventually he will be more valuable to the franchise as a trade asset, but I don’t think that because he’s a “prima dona” that’s going to force his way out after forcing them to trade Gobert (feel strongly Ainge did not care about Mitchell’s feeling on the matter one way or the other, and did what he had to do for the franchise—which is why bringing him in was the best move Smith has made); I just don’t think he’s good enough and I don’t think we could get the other star players we would need without trading Don.

At some point you guys are going to have to believe we could keep a star, and you’re going to have to take the media spreading rumors that he’s going to leave in stride. It happens to every small market with every player, whether it’s true or not. After we rebuild the cycle will start again with the next star we luck into.
This is not about us believing we could keep someone. This is about how realistic it is to believe it when given all the information we have and all the noise we are hearing. I believed we could have kept Hayward. We didn't but IMO we had a legitimate shot had we not faced a very specific situation on the other side. I believed we could keep Gobert too and we did keep him. I don't believe we can keep Mitchell because every move and word out of his mouth for the last 2 years has been setting up an exit. And EVERYBODY seems to know this. Every reporter and every analyst with any reputation whatsoever thinks Mitchell is gone. This is not coming out of thin air out of the minds of fearful Jazz fans. This is one of the worst kept secrets in the NBA right now. I have no idea how anybody can have any sort of confidence that Mitchell wants to be here long-term.

If he had conducted himself in a manner in which he seems invested in the team, I would have absolutely no problem going forward with a retool around him. I just don't think he will give Ainge the chance and the time to retool. I think by the time this team is ready to compete again, Mitchell will be gone(be it through requesting a trade or after his contract expires). That's why I want us to maximize our return now.
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Jingles is an adult.

I’d guess half of the roster was afraid of upsetting Don and therefore didn’t post. The remaining half dozen players or so are probably too dumb or too inactive on social media to give a damn.

Bogey is the guy who is curious. He seems to be mature and probably not give a **** what Don thinks. Is he active on social media at all?
When you’re surrounded by Judases, find yourself a Keefe.

Don built himself a cult of personality on this team. His own personal God Squad, just not nearly as cool and gay.
Look strip this never ending argument between the gobert and Mitchell people down to brass tI think it’s just too far to blame Mitchell for the Gobert trade. I really don’t think he’s why it had to happen. I think they were both trying but after the Clippers series, they and the entire franchise knew, deep in their hearts, this team didn’t have what it takes. So this last terrible season was a sad epilogue. We did Gobert a solid by trading him to a good situation where he has a chance to win.

I’m really excited for Gobert on the Timberwolves. I’m definitely going to adopt them next year as the jazz are probably going to be tanking at least for next year. I hope he finally gets the respect around the league he deserves. On paper this is a better team than we ever put around him. Now we will see if what he does can translate to the post-season.
When you’re surrounded by Judases, find yourself a Keefe.

Don built himself a cult of personality on this team. His own personal God Squad, just not nearly as cool and gay.
This is the Rudy cult on here lol

The only real tragedy to come out of all this is Alex Jensen. Apparently Hardy perceives him as a threat so not retained.
