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Game Thread Nov 06, 2023 06:00PM MT: Jazz at Bulls

Added to Calendar: 11-06-23

no way LM will sign an extension with this crap team
And why he should Lauri is not owe Ainge and Zanik.
This group of individuals has no direction and no future.
This team is not going anywhere next 5 years if there won't be dramatic changes on the roster as soon as next summer.
Until tonight I kept telling myself that it was all just a bad dream. But nope, it’s the real deal and tonight was the worst yet. It’s gone from bad dream to nightmare… the real Freddy Kruger kind.

Last year was such a gift. No one expected anything from the year after, the spare parts we collected to go with the war chest full of Draft Picks supposed to be the real prize. And yet, it was like we couldn’t lose for trying, and finally had to jettison players and pay Westbrook beaucoup bucks to split so we could get a ping pong ball or two.

Of course after last season, expectations filled the air, but what a difference a few months can make. We gotta be the absolute worst team in the League right now and it’s difficult to point fingers because it’s almost everybody that’s f’n it up on a consistent basis… just some more than others.

So here comes the part where I go flow of consciousness on y’all. 1) Hardy’s Small Ball experiment is a complete **** up bust! Bulls announcers even commented on it, “They have this big lineup where they have an advantage but they barely use it” (paraphrased). 2) The By Committee guard-line approach is also dead in the water. Our guys feel like they are all on such a short leash, nobody can play freely instead looking like a keystone cops clown show. 3) The one bright spot is John Collins who proved tonight that he can be efficient and that he can create for himself.

Anyway, that’s all I got on the flow side for now. Feel free to draw your own conclusions. Me I’m back to my original consolidation guard line trade aspirations. Sometimes less really is more.
And why he should Lauri is not owe Ainge and Zanik.
This group of individuals has no direction and no future.
This team is not going anywhere next 5 years if there won't be dramatic changes on the roster as soon as next summer.
Bring in new guards that are worthy to start and this team might be pretty good. 17 of the 22 turnovers were committed by the guards. 10 of those 17 were committed by the two starting guards. JC and THT who each had 5. We lost because of those two idiots
Just watch replay as i watch Minny live. Not sure who is f... up with Rudy and Mike trade :)? We are terrible. Obviously going from Don-Mike to JC-THT is not the best move.... time to set up a solid tank. I think with Porland, we may be the worst team at West.
That was probably one of the worst quarters possible for the Jazz. We started the game very solid in the 1st. Then the turnovers absolutely wrecked everything in the second. Some were forgivable turnovers but a handful were just really dumb. The second half wasnt anything special but it was fine after a few early turnovers.

All 4 bigs were solid tonight and played well enough to win. THT and Clarkson were really bad.

Dunn had one dumb turnover but he should play more. His defense is really good, he rebounded well, and he at least settles the team down and tries to get the offense setup, which we need more of.
I really dont know what to say anymore. The incompetence of our starting backcourt (JC, looking at you in particular) and Hardy's unwillingness to try other options to set a different tone is just breaking the backbone of this team. We need fire, and Clarkson is as inspiring as limp cold sausage right now.

JC/THT against Bulls 27th ranked defense: 12 points on 5/19 shooting. Not a single trip to the FT line. 10 assists to 10 TO. Bad to mediocre defense.

Like they almost combined for the point and assist producion of a single PG, except it comes with 19 shots and 10 turnovers.
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At the moment, JC is so detrimental to the performance of the whole team, he shouldn't be playing more than 10 minutes. It's pretty damning to the backcourt if Hardy says that they need to practise more reading defences, knowing when to pass and not crowding postups - these are really basic things that are taught since you're 10 years-old or something. There shouldn't be need to teach basic basketball skills to professionals making millions per year. JC has absolutely no basketball IQ and should not be playing major minutes, Sexton is not much better and THT only marginally. And Lavine is absolutely not the answer as he's just another athletic chucker with a very low basketball IQ and not a winning player. He is what he is - like JC - and will not change.
That was probably one of the worst quarters possible for the Jazz. We started the game very solid in the 1st. Then the turnovers absolutely wrecked everything in the second. Some were forgivable turnovers but a handful were just really dumb. The second half wasnt anything special but it was fine after a few early turnovers.

All 4 bigs were solid tonight and played well enough to win. THT and Clarkson were really bad.

Dunn had one dumb turnover but he should play more. His defense is really good, he rebounded well, and he at least settles the team down and tries to get the offense setup, which we need more of.
Dunn should never play. He wrecks the offense more than turnovers
I really dont know what to say anymore. The incompetence of our starting backcourt (JC, looking at you in particular) and Hardy's unwillingness to try other options to set a different tone is just breaking the backbone of this team. We need fire, and Clarkson is as inspiring as limp cold sausage right now.

JC/THT against Bulls 27th ranked defense: 12 points on 5/19 shooting. Not a single trip to the FT line. 10 assists to 10 TO. Bad to mediocre defense.

Like they almost combined for the point and assist producion of a single PG, except it comes with 19 shots and 10 turnovers.
I mean the Bulls are a good defensive team.. they might be 27th so far this year,but they were top 5 last year and they added some defenders like Craig.