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Game Thread Nov 15, 2022 07:00PM MT: Jazz vs Knicks

Added to Calendar: 11-15-22

All aboard the tank train. Hardy is beginning to look pretty damn clueless out there and my biggest worry seems to be coming true with Lauri getting less and less touches.
Just got up. Is this game even worth watching or should I use the hours for something more productive like picking my nose?

Based on box and comments looks like more hero ball from guards and we had wrong guys in at the clutch.

Guess I will check the Fontecchio minutes at least.
Absolutely no doubt the worst loss of the season.

All the stupid turnovers were about as infuriating as it gets. Clarkson trying a bounce pass between three guys on the Knicks...I don't even understand how a professional basketball player even tries a pass that dumb.
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Just watch the replay , was too busy at office. Really a tanking effort tonight, poor and stupid shoot selection, lack of rebound. Sexton is useless, Clarkson back to brainless player.... only Kessler and Fontecchio were correct. If we don't regroup fast, time will come to set up the tank. I'm not too worry, if we play like that we are perfect for a lot of 2-8 series.....
This is the team you were looking for. The earlier team was what they can become. But this is the tanking team we all expected. But so far we probably haven't seen the real Utah jazz yet.
This is the team you were looking for. The earlier team was what they can become. But this is the tanking team we all expected. But so far we probably haven't seen the real Utah jazz yet.
No i wasn't actually. I always tought this team can go both way and still think it's the case. Level is quite high this year in West conference and we can ended between 4 to 14 . Let's see . I still enjoy to see the game even if today one was awful.
I managed to watch through the game and it wasnt as bad as I thought based on the comments. We moved the ball much better and took better shots.

Few takeaways:
1) I think Hardys system has revealed its biggest flaw. It sort of assumes everyone is shooting equally well, and if one guy is hot and the other one is cold it just fails. JC and Conley didnt force shots against bad looks this time... they were pretty open on their shots. Only problem was they werent hitting them. We went 3/13 from 3 on the 4th (Lauri 2/2, others 1/11), and 5/23 from the field.
2) When Lauri came in from the bench, I felt like he brought in great energy and got us some momentum. He hit 2/2 threes and had one big block, but the problem was he had already used the 2 shots allowance he has for 4th quarters. Oh and btw, one of those shots was after he stepped out with his own rebound after Conley miss. This is infuriating. Feed him if he is fired up.
3) Our defense wasnt great but it wasnt horrible either. We definitely struggled with their guards driving and shooting, but I feel like we contested their shots better than they did ours. Paint defense was weak at times, but it didnt kill us really... especially not in the 4th.
4) JC was a problem. He didnt take bad shots, but he had like 1 good assist (that kickout to Conley) and several mistakes leading to turnovers. His chemistry with Lauri is suddenly questionnable. But the bigger problem is he has gone so cold shooting, while still leading the team in FGA every game it seems.
5) KO was fantastic offensively. He was also rebounding so much better than we have seen all year. Always with better leverage. Loved it.
6) Conley needs a rest.
7) Vando was good at rebounding, and that was about it for him. I laughed when he passed backwards to Conley when KO had wide open 3pt looks right in front of him after he got offensive board.
8) Sexton tried passing more than before. Some growing pains, but I hope he keeps working on it.
Quite agree with your resume.

Point 8 is still a concern for me. Sexton seems to be not clever at alll when he goes to move the ball. But as i say he is young and back from a serious injury. Le'ts give him some time.
Quite agree with your resume.

Point 8 is still a concern for me. Sexton seems to be not clever at alll when he goes to move the ball. But as i say he is young and back from a serious injury. Le'ts give him some time.
Yeah but at least now he was moving the ball more and dribbling less. We need that from him if he ever plans to be more than the 6th man. So lets stay patient with some of those the sloppy mistakes.
struggling shooters , bad turnovers

JC 5/16, 3/11 from 3
Mike 3/10 , 1/6 from 3
Beasley 5/12, 3/8 from 3
Lauri 5/11
sexton 1/5

Can't really point at 1 guy here. It seems that defenses are focusing on conley, Clarkson and lauri. Giving them fits, denying passes, pushing them out of their comfort zones. Plenty of times Mike drives but just fall back or pass it to somebody at the perimeter. Which means the play has been neutralised. Clarkson OTOH I see his defender put more body on him, sticking closer especially at the beginning. They don't want him to start a fire like what he always do. By the time he gets the ball he just mindlessly shoots. Defense is forcing him to play old JC 6th man and not the new JC the playmaker. He need to bring back the deadly floaters and forget the fade away jump shots. Lauri they are hacking him, pushing him. Forcing him to dribble which results mostly into turnovers. He need to flop or act. Yeah it's silly but he need to let the refs know or else they won't call it. also need to stop the over passing.