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Game Thread Nov 19, 2022 08:00PM MT: Jazz at Trail Blazers

Added to Calendar: 11-19-22

He succeeded this time with his hero ball, nobody else barely touched the ball in last 5 minutes. Including Lauri.

But this is a horrible way to play always.

Now that Conley is out we will see JC&Sexton selfish dribbling over and over again.

Good luck Lauri getting even those 10 shots and&or passed the ball to at all.
Yesterday we had 32 assist. Today 23. Mikes passing and game control will be missed for sure but it also means we can win either way. We become unpredictable and chaotic and that's just fine.
The insane scrutiny this kid is under on this board is wild.
What do you mean? It seems it was praising him for his stats based on limited minutes and coming off injury. Then following up with rooting for him.... not sure what "wild scrutiny" you're seeing.
Ohh, tough night for those Jazz "fans" who want to see the team lose. It's one of those nights I really feel bad for those "fans." This night was tailor made for them.

And **** the tank!
On another note man those Blazers announcers are ****ing terrible. So many times they had to get on these dumb little rants or topics, completely ignoring what was going on in the game.
I know but we haven’t put a team to sleep yet. We were up 19 with dame gone; gotta go night night for them there
I think Nuggets, Memphis and Lakers might disagree. But you are right about us having a lot more opportunities to do so.
I prefer this win than the suns one if i have to choose.
For 2 reasons :
- We got it without Mike.
- We got it not shooting particulary well.

We cannot expect shooting 40% at 3 every night considering the high volume we take. Tonight we shoot only 35.9% which is correct but we find a way. Very impressed by this group.
In fact they are a better team than last year.