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Game Thread Nov 23, 2022 07:00PM MT: Jazz vs. Pistons

Added to Calendar: 11-23-22

Anyone else sick of KO turning down open shots to pump fake and then pass off?

Such a frustrating player.
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Not at all what I suggested… we needed to run some of our stuff where he dives from the elbow and cooks those guys as they navigate the puck and stay in good position… should be able to put those guys in positions where he shooting over them on drives… not just backing them down.

BBQ chicken refers to being too small in the low post. I would have said attacking the basket on a drive and going over them is something completely different.

As for Lauri, Detroit as a team defended him very well, played him very tight and aggressive which took away the angle which he had to attack the rim and going through/over the top of their defenders. He also didn't seem to have it (his legs) tonight, which meant he was naturally less aggressive.
Anyone else sick of KO turning down open shots to pump fake and then pass off?

Such as a frustrating player.
KO is infuriating. Some moments I love him and other moments I hate his guts. There is no in-between.

I think his defense is his weakest link though. Doesn't have the bulk to guard bigs and doesnt have the step to guard wings. I don't know who he is supposed to defend. His hustle is undeniable and he gets charges with his flopping, but at times that looks like the only thing he has going for him.

Offensively he giveth and taketh, but definitely the better half of his game.
KO is infuriating. Some moments I love him and other moments I hate his guts. There is no in-between.

I think his defense is his weakest link though. Doesn't have the bulk to guard bigs and doesnt have the step to guard wings. I don't know who he is supposed to defend. His hustle is undeniable and he gets charges with his flopping, but at times that looks like the only thing he has going for him.

Offensively he giveth and taketh, but definitely the better half of his game.

Makes sense why he has been a bench player for most of his career. Good for 20-25 minutes a game but can't be regularly relied upon.
Still gotta keep in mind, that this was only the 4th game of the season where didnt have the lead at any point in the 4th quarter. Vs Rockets we were tied late in the 4th, and in the Nuggets and Wizards games we were trailing all the way.

And I feel like we were coming back in this one before that elbow on Lauri that the refs didn't call. I feel like we got stuck to that non-call and what was looking like a one possession game before the elbow just got out of hand after it.
My concern was about the energy we put in the games to make the 10-3 series. No team can play like that all season long. We will have to organize us better specially on the defensive part or we will struggle. Next 4 or 5 games will show what we can expected for me .
Bagley was destroying us. Then Kevin Knox. It's just demoralizing to watch total scrubs have career games against the Jazz.
I have a Chicago fan staying at my house over the holiday. He's telling me this is the real Lauri.
Shame on you for listening to a hater. Lauri wanted out of Chicago as he needed a fresh start, and they are still bitter about it.

We have seen 20 games, and he has been bad in 2 of them, mediocre in few others and good to excellent in most of them. Cleveland loved him, both the fans and the coach (go read Bickerstaff rave about him). Hardy and our players rave about him.
As much as I love Lauri I think the ratio of Jazz fans to Lauri fans on here is reaching a tipping point and is going to get overwhelming at some point this season. We have a ton of new posters on here and I assume most of them are here for Lauri. We might have got a few fans of other players but no where near the number of Lauri people. If we get losses piling up or make a youth switch its going to be rough sailing on here.

But I think we get back on track with our homestand after these two road games. Hopefully we win 1 or both the road games. This board overreacts to everything though, quite the emotional bunch.
We need another pg into this roster. If Mike is out, no one else can find people off the cuts or in the traffic. Everyone can find shooter open around the arc but that is easy.
Though, our defense is so bad might as well sell half of the farm and quit dreaming. Of course when Mike comes back we might again demolish teams offensively.
Lauri needs to set the tone for us. I don't know why he looked so passive today, especially in the first half. Like he didn't come in with the same attitude we have seen in many previous games.

He was better in the second half, but I felt it was too little too late. I'm the biggest stan of the guy but I still think he sucked and it was not on anyone else, including the guards or the coach. I will still give him a pass.

As been telling here - Lauri has had endurance issues in his career. This season so far it has taken one or two games before bouncing back, sometimes it might have taken weeks.
His game is so much about the first step, cuts etc. And in the defense his short arms for that tall of dude is a hindrance, so if his legs seem to be off, his contests arent as good.
In games where his step seems off, he needs the most Mike-tier point guard. But like in the last game, seems he had all the needed endurance to pick out offensive boards and run for the all the damn time.
A couple comments, no game in the NBA is a gimme, Detroit is not as bad as their record. They didn't even play with the PG and they still have guys who can score. It was the revenge of the former Jazz players. I miss Bogie and the Jazz lost that trade. They should have gotten a first for him. Jazz have no chance if Lauri scores 13 points. Jazz should extend Beasley. Dude scored 29 again off the bench.
Jazz should be embarrassed by this loss. Losing at home to a loser team.

Hardy needs to pull a Tom Thibodeau and emphasize defense during practice.

Simone needs more playing time.

Sexton... man he tries. A lot of his assists were basic and telegraphed but I really like the passes he gave to KO in the paint. There were two that come to mind and I was impressed. I also like his bounce pass assists. I think he had one to Clarkson in the paint and it was nice.

Sexton clanked a lot of 2nd half shots but all of them were good, open attempts. Finally, his mid-range game is nice. He needs to shoot more mid-range as he hit a bunch of them in the first half. You can tell the coaching staff is giving him direction and Sexton is working hard to be a better team player. I saw that last night; I think he's going to become a better passer - he had some bad passes that were too risky and I think he'll adjust.
BBQ chicken refers to being too small in the low post. I would have said attacking the basket on a drive and going over them is something completely different.

As for Lauri, Detroit as a team defended him very well, played him very tight and aggressive which took away the angle which he had to attack the rim and going through/over the top of their defenders. He also didn't seem to have it (his legs) tonight, which meant he was naturally less aggressive.
Ehhh the guys I play with it just means you are cooking them… doesn’t matter how. Burn, cook, Bbq chicken are all synonymous for us… sorry for the confusion.

Not sure why he wouldn’t have his legs tonight… they were on a back to back not us.
BBQ chicken refers to being too small in the low post. I would have said attacking the basket on a drive and going over them is something completely different.

As for Lauri, Detroit as a team defended him very well, played him very tight and aggressive which took away the angle which he had to attack the rim and going through/over the top of their defenders. He also didn't seem to have it (his legs) tonight, which meant he was naturally less aggressive.

Nah, BBQ chicken means the player is going to eat. It isn’t specific to being small in the post. Get your basketball lingo up son.
As much as I love Lauri I think the ratio of Jazz fans to Lauri fans on here is reaching a tipping point and is going to get overwhelming at some point this season. We have a ton of new posters on here and I assume most of them are here for Lauri. We might have got a few fans of other players but no where near the number of Lauri people. If we get losses piling up or make a youth switch its going to be rough sailing on here.

But I think we get back on track with our homestand after these two road games. Hopefully we win 1 or both the road games. This board overreacts to everything though, quite the emotional bunch.
It will still be better than LoPo vs Cy saga
Jazz should be embarrassed by this loss. Losing at home to a loser team.

Hardy needs to pull a Tom Thibodeau and emphasize defense during practice.

Simone needs more playing time.

Sexton... man he tries. A lot of his assists were basic and telegraphed but I really like the passes he gave to KO in the paint. There were two that come to mind and I was impressed. I also like his bounce pass assists. I think he had one to Clarkson in the paint and it was nice.

Sexton clanked a lot of 2nd half shots but all of them were good, open attempts. Finally, his mid-range game is nice. He needs to shoot more mid-range as he hit a bunch of them in the first half. You can tell the coaching staff is giving him direction and Sexton is working hard to be a better team player. I saw that last night; I think he's going to become a better passer - he had some bad passes that were too risky and I think he'll adjust.
Yeah that one handoff pass to KO where Kelly cut behind him was a thing of beauty. The whole play and all defenders were flowing one way and Sexton turned the ball away from the flow to the backdoor. I do remember him having another one between defenders or something... but that one stuck out to me as well.
Ehhh the guys I play with it just means you are cooking them… doesn’t matter how. Burn, cook, Bbq chicken are all synonymous for us… sorry for the confusion.

Not sure why he wouldn’t have his legs tonight… they were on a back to back not us.
It definitely looked like his bounce wasnt there when he hit the front iron on those few shots early on. I dont know if Hardy made them run lines after the loss or smth.

But I cannot sugarcoat the loss or his performance in the first half. He did show up for the second half but I think that one stupid elbow non-call threw him back off and eventually ended up snapping our back.

I never thought Sexton would play PG as good as he did and we would still lose. Defense was eventually why we lost.