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Offseason Ideas (Mills, Green, Batum, Ajinca)

Trade Trey Burke for Patty Mills?
Sign Danny Green as FA?
Trade Alec Burks for Nicolas Batum?
Sign Alexis Ajinca as FA?

All vets between the ages of 27 and 28
Another Aussie and two other Frenchies
Mills, Green, Batum can all shoot and Ajinca can defend
I like the trey for mills trade. I doubt San Antonio does though.

I also would like the ajinca pick up depending on what we do in the draft
mills for burke will be awesome but..... would you do it if you were spurs? i wont lol

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mills for burke will be awesome but..... would you do it if you were spurs? i wont lol

If I'm the Spurs, I'd consider it. . . because right now I have Chip Engelland, and it would be interesting to see Trey Burke after a couple of years working with the best shooting coach in the world. I like Patty Mills, but he's had 2 serious injuries (foot and shoulder), he's 4 years older, only under contract for two more seasons (Burke is a minimum of 3) and he's never been a long time starter.

While I hate to admit it, I'd probably keep Burke and try to have my coaching staff improve his value. I have a feeling that Pops and Company would get more out of Burke than the Jazz have so far. Either include him in a bigger move or keep developing him. That's my take on it.
I'd rather have Tomic, Burks and trade up for a wing in the draft tbh. If the Jazz don't sign Tomic, stay at #12 and draft a big, I'd probably try to make a run at either DeMarre Carroll or Danny Green. Both of those guys are upgrades over Hood in the starting lineup (as of right now) and I really like the idea of Burks sparking the bench.

No interest in Batum. At least not unless he has a rebound year and the Jazz sign him as an UFA, giving up no assets in the process. I'm leery about investing that much in a guy who really struggled this past season.
I think Burks is/will be better than batum and hood is/will be better than green.

And both our guys are younger/cheaper
Agree. We're underestimating Burks. His injury limited his ability to drive and finish but he still improved his shooting. Plus he's shown he can initiate the offense. For me, Hood's emergence has removed the necessity of adding a high-priced wing. Carroll will need to start and will want too much $. Green could be a decent fit, but do we really need him? I'd rather see Utah draft one of the available wings at #12.
I think we all over value Burks... I'm really not sold on him. His shooting stroke is still very flat, he will be less likely to drive into the trees after his injury and his passing is just about average. I'm not sure he's an upgrade over and definitely not over Green
I think we all over value Burks... I'm really not sold on him. His shooting stroke is still very flat, he will be less likely to drive into the trees after his injury and his passing is just about average. I'm not sure he's an upgrade over and definitely not over Green

I agree with you about Green. He's a great shooter. But whatever tension there was between him and Pops appears to be over as he's expressed a desire to return to SA. However, I think we have a "Danny Green" on the team already. His name is Rodney Hood. Apart from his injuries, Hood had a very good rookie season shooting the ball. I have little doubt believing he will be >40% on his threes and play 25-30 mins/per, just like Green.

As for Alec, why would he be hesitant to drive into the lane? He's been playing with an injured shoulder since college and it didn't stop him in years past. It just got to the point where he couldn't finish. Now that it's fixed, he's probably pain free for the first time in years. As for his shooting, he was never asked to be a 3PT threat until this year. And he improved to almost 39%. Will he ever be Klay Thompson from outside? Probably not. But the Jazz are also counting on him to be a play maker. He has shown some PG skills. I'm not worried about our wing rotation one bit. What I AM worried about is having PG's who can hit 3's consistently.