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One-year rental of Big Al

Would San Antonio bite on a one-year rental of Big Al for Paddy Mills and Blair or Splitter? I looked at the salaries and they don't even come close to matching, and being totally ignorant of the rules about the cap, I figure it's an impossibility.

But can a team make such a trade that would put them over the cap if it solidifies their chance for a title? The big three's window is closing and an offensive force down low could put the Spurs over the top.

If anyone could get Big Al to pass out of the double team and to rotate on the P n R, it would be Pop. You know if Al didn't, Pop would put him on the bench until he did. Plus Al would have Duncan there as a second coach and his presence would help him on defense as well. Of course, Al's minutes would diminish in such a situation and he might not even start for them. But he could be a huge weapon for them, especially in the fourth quarter, and you know Pop would be subbing in for defense, as he always does if you watch the Spurs.

The Spurs don't need Mills or Blair, not sure they'd give up Splitter but that would ease the salary discrepancy because he makes $4 million and Blair only $1 million and change. And we could make Mills our starting point. Having watched him in the Olympics, I believe he is good enough to be a starting NBA PG and would definitely be better than anyone we have. Mo could then be a combo-guard sixth man and play back-up point, and we could trade Foy for a draft pick.

I realize this is an unlikely scenario but one can dream.
no, i dont think so.... they are too smart to do a trade like this.
nice effort though, maybe we can brainstorm and come up with something better, friend.
sticking in texas, what about dallas or houston? they could use a guy like Big Al.
Well, then, maybe bring in a third team. I think Mills might be the most attainable PG to fit our needs. And we could get rid of Foy in the process too. At least I hope so. He's almost as bad as Raja last year, except that he can shoot better.
Well, then, maybe bring in a third team. I think Mills might be the most attainable PG to fit our needs. And we could get rid of Foy in the process too. At least I hope so. He's almost as bad as Raja last year, except that he can shoot better.

is the whole goal of this to get mills for you? if so, i gotta ask, why do you want mills so bad?
he kinda sucka. woulda rather have Mo to be honest. and i am not a big Mo fan.
If we also could get Splitter and shed salary, then a good deal for the Jazz -- getting rid of Al and his salary is addition by subtraction, but getting something of value in addition would be a huge bonus. If we do the same with Foye related to this deal, that would even be better.
If we also could get Splitter and shed salary, then a good deal for the Jazz -- getting rid of Al and his salary is addition by subtraction, but getting something of value in addition would be a huge bonus. If we do the same with Foye related to this deal, that would even be better.

Funny how I brought up a Splitter and Al type trade last season after the playoffs, and nobody cared.
Now all of a sudden.....
This thread is a fail.

First what is Eenie-Meenie's infactuation with a scrub pg?

Second HH has posted three times in nine posts, scary.

Nothing good can come of this thread.
This thread is a fail.

First what is Eenie-Meenie's infactuation with a scrub pg?

Second HH has posted three times in nine posts, scary.

Nothing good can come of this thread.

What's the ad hominem have anything to do with what's good or bad -- an ad hominem is in itself a negative we should avoid.
Would San Antonio bite on a one-year rental of Big Al for Paddy Mills and Blair or Splitter? I looked at the salaries and they don't even come close to matching, and being totally ignorant of the rules about the cap, I figure it's an impossibility.

But can a team make such a trade that would put them over the cap if it solidifies their chance for a title? The big three's window is closing and an offensive force down low could put the Spurs over the top.

If anyone could get Big Al to pass out of the double team and to rotate on the P n R, it would be Pop. You know if Al didn't, Pop would put him on the bench until he did. Plus Al would have Duncan there as a second coach and his presence would help him on defense as well. Of course, Al's minutes would diminish in such a situation and he might not even start for them. But he could be a huge weapon for them, especially in the fourth quarter, and you know Pop would be subbing in for defense, as he always does if you watch the Spurs.

The Spurs don't need Mills or Blair, not sure they'd give up Splitter but that would ease the salary discrepancy because he makes $4 million and Blair only $1 million and change. And we could make Mills our starting point. Having watched him in the Olympics, I believe he is good enough to be a starting NBA PG and would definitely be better than anyone we have. Mo could then be a combo-guard sixth man and play back-up point, and we could trade Foy for a draft pick.

I realize this is an unlikely scenario but one can dream.

Blair is a spitting image of Big Al, without the forced shots, turnovers and pathetic defense.
Ill trade them big al for a box of twinkies.... those are getting rare so dont doubt their value...
Its funny seeing the contrast between our takes on the trade idea and the national forum on this site.

Everyone on this site is saying if it doesn't include K.Leonard no way Jazz will trade a guy in his prime.............. HA HA lets hope the Spurs think highly of Jefferson the way all of these fans do.


I mean there is no way the Spurs trade Leonard and there is no way Jazz trade Jefferson for just Patty Mills and Splitter. We won't take Blair. We already have a short PF in Millsap.

Only option I see is.

Jazz get (No matter what we have to be getting Danny Green if we do this trade. Our new GM found this guy)
Danny Green
Patty Mills

Spurs get
Earl Watson or Tinsley
Raja Bell (only to make salaries work) or include Foye instead to make it fair.

I still don't think the Spurs will do it because they are winning right now. But this is the only way it could happen.
Danny Green, Patty Mills & Foye cannot be traded until December 15th anyways.