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Please fire Snyder and get a real coach in the summer

Exum is not going to make much of a difference offensively, He couldn't shoot straight last season. He's not going to turn into Steph Curry.

Instead of fire Quin Snyder, how about fire Dennis Lindsey - or replace the Jazz board? Utah is 28th in team payroll. Instead of Ingles taking the three, that could have been Hinrich (or another 3PT shooter). Jazz have had a **** load of cash the last two years and DL has given Utah a ****ty bench, using the "can't skip steps" mantra to justify the Jazz just being a cheap *** organization. But continue to shell out money; the Millers enjoy collecting their cash and are far removed from the team. There is NO passion to the ownership group. They don't care a rat's *** about basketball and winnin. In contrast, look at Lacob or Cuban (who have won championships). They CARE.

Also, in defense of Snyder, Hayward is perhaps the most overrated "star" in the NBA. He needs to be traded. I'm going to take my fanship elsewhere if DL signs Gordon to a 5yr/$150M contract, That will mean the end of any hope to contend as the Jazz will need to shed other players down the road and continue on with a watered down bench.

2nd paragraph hot the nail on the head... Even if we didn't spend a ton we could have added guys on the cheap... Or kind of cheap. Ido think the new giant cap will put more pressure on smaller markets. I don't know all the particulars but I think there is an issue with all the new revenue not being allocated evenly but also a timing issue as to when the new giant revenue matches the increase in cap... I think they are clearly stacking cash against that but u can't say that if you are Dennis Lindsey so we are "bakking cakkes" and focused on internal development.
I see it eyes of snyder he relapse into coke and stripper binge. His focus leaves him when he does this.
And I am free 100% DL is ruin this team with this bake cake, take Jazz DNA player. Enough!
My gypsy cousin tells me the cards are for Trade one of three in offseason: Favors, Haywards, Gobert. They can package one them and lyle and many pick for number one draft choice simmons. It must happen if Jazz can hope to get true number one. I believe gypsy.
I find this highly entertaining this morning. Thank you Jazzfanz.
My gypsy cousin tells me the cards are for Trade one of three in offseason: Favors, Haywards, Gobert. They can package one them and lyle and many pick for number one draft choice simmons. It must happen if Jazz can hope to get true number one. I believe gypsy.

Please ask gypsy cousin if Zimmerman should have chosen UK. Thanks.
Talk about blowing things out of proportion, Quin can improve in some areas but to blame this stretch solely on him is plain ridiculous.
Talk about blowing things out of proportion, Quin can improve in some areas but to blame this stretch solely on him is plain ridiculous.

I especially like the stuff where it's he can't draw up plays to get shots like Stevens can... And we got an open three just like they did... Hood just missed it.
We're NOT winning games. It doesn't matter whether the players like him, whether he gets .01 points per timeout more than other coaches(big ****ing deal!) or whatever other excuse you'll pull out of your *** next. I repeat, we are NOT winning games.

And don't give me that injury ********. Burks missed most of last season, too. Gobert barely played before the All-Star break, Hood missed two months, and every single player had less experience than they do right now. Oh, but we're missing a rookie PG who struggled mightily last year. Sure, and we also didn't have Lyles last year, who you have to admit is contributing much more than Exum was this time last year.

The team looks worse and is playing worse than this time last year. You can deny it all you want, but we all know it's true. Or do you actually think our offense looks better now? More polished? We're getting better looks? It's not just jumpshots and Rudy trying to lay it in from 15 feet out?

We have a young team, but a limited window of time to do something with it before it's broken up. I'd rather not waste more time helping a novice coach learn the ropes.

But we are better than last season...
Please ask gypsy cousin if Zimmerman should have chosen UK. Thanks.

I just ask she say. Ask Skal how his season goes. What is this Skal? She also say Z want play for real coach pitino and knows he is better than calipary. I don't know what all this means though.
Stupid thread.

As of 2/2/2016:


Fickle fans on this board. They praise Quin as a God most of the season. Then they throw him under the bus on the first healthy losing streak in months. We have over achieved all season based on injuries. Quin has had nothing but praise and trust from his players. Do you want Ty Corbin again? Quin is in his second season barely and I say, hats off to him. Stevens is in his 3rd I think and he didn't have success until this year. We are still barely out of reach of the playoffs and we will be getting Burks back.

The stats above prove your comments are a waste of time and you still say that he can't draw up good plays out of time outs? Balls...

We have been scoring at one of the highest levels in the 4th quarter of any team. We have a top 5 defensive team. We have the best, youngest team in the league. And all that in Quin's second year of coaching? I am confident that we will make another jump soon and ya'll will be praising his name next to Gandhi and Enes OKC Kanter again.
I'm just tired of our offense(or lack thereof). To me, it is a testament to the quality of our players that we score as well as we do. Hood's ability to make contested shots has been impressive, and has had a HUGE jump since last year. Trey still sucks, but has had marked improvement on scoring, especially in the midrange area. Favors has become much better than last year. Hayward has upped his game after a slow start. Neto has come a long way. It has been great to watch our young group mature a bit. Not sure you can give a coach credit for improved scoring from last year when a lot of it is attributed to personal growth by the players, not to mention last year we had a very young rookie PG learning the ropes.

I think Snyder is a great development coach. The players like him, which in today's NBA, is very important. However, we are second to last in assists, and we are down 1.5 APG from last year. Our offense does not allow for easy baskets. Our offense has no art to it. It is almost unwatchable. Maybe I am in the minority, but I see a lot of talent on this team, and they they are underachieving.
I used to love Thibs but he ran his starters into the ground at like 38 minutes a night...and continued to do that year after year. You just can't do that. If he's learned from what I consider a mistake, then awesome. I'd probably be on board. But I see absolutely no way Quin is fired and don't think he should be though he's shown to be very flawed.
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I just ask she say. Ask Skal how his season goes. What is this Skal? She also say Z want play for real coach pitino and knows he is better than calipary. I don't know what all this means though.

It means your cuz plays dungeons and dragons with her vag.
The jazz were 23-35 at the end of February last year. Who says they are not better than then right now?
We're NOT winning games. It doesn't matter whether the players like him, whether he gets .01 points per timeout more than other coaches(big ****ing deal!) or whatever other excuse you'll pull out of your *** next. I repeat, we are NOT winning games.

And don't give me that injury ********. Burks missed most of last season, too. Gobert barely played before the All-Star break, Hood missed two months, and every single player had less experience than they do right now. Oh, but we're missing a rookie PG who struggled mightily last year. Sure, and we also didn't have Lyles last year, who you have to admit is contributing much more than Exum was this time last year.

The team looks worse and is playing worse than this time last year. You can deny it all you want, but we all know it's true. Or do you actually think our offense looks better now? More polished? We're getting better looks? It's not just jumpshots and Rudy trying to lay it in from 15 feet out?

We have a young team, but a limited window of time to do something with it before it's broken up. I'd rather not waste more time helping a novice coach learn the ropes.
Dude you can't take a first team rookie defensive player at the point and make a argument about a power forward adding more we are being killed by ones and twos not fours and fives.

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