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Podcast Questions

What does your insider think about all-Star weekend, like off- but on-the record kind of thing? Good bad ugly, all of the above? Beyond the money aspect.
Why is Lauri considered in our timeline but Simone wasn't?
I think Simone just wasnt considered to be all that good. I don't think timeline came into play there

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Also depending on who the insider is should change what’s asked.

These are good suggestions and most fit the themes of what I’d ask. Appreciate the thoughts here.
Serious question, try to dig beneath the standard boiler-plate ********, does the FO really have championship in mind, or are they just shooting to be competitive and if they win one, well that's just icing on the cake? Is the goal to go all-in on a team that can directly compete for a championship, or do they more or less just want to keep butts in the seats for the long-haul.

Yeah yeah I get that "of course they want to win a championship" and yeah "we need to take care of the team fiscally and ensure we remain competitive in our market" blah blah blah, so just level with us, what are they REALLY trying to do? What's the top end of the master plan? Is it ring-or-bust or just fight-the-good-fight?
Serious question, try to dig beneath the standard boiler-plate ********, does the FO really have championship in mind, or are they just shooting to be competitive and if they win one, well that's just icing on the cake? Is the goal to go all-in on a team that can directly compete for a championship, or do they more or less just want to keep butts in the seats for the long-haul.

Yeah yeah I get that "of course they want to win a championship" and yeah "we need to take care of the team fiscally and ensure we remain competitive in our market" blah blah blah, so just level with us, what are they REALLY trying to do? What's the top end of the master plan? Is it ring-or-bust or just fight-the-good-fight?
You said to dig beneath the basic the you asked the basic...
Not sure really have to put it in a succinct question, but what are the FO dynamics between JZ and DA?
I think this is a question that would never be truthfully answered but I’d be very interested in the answer.
Please tell us that this will be like the early 2000s “Masked Magician” on Fox and you’re gonna bring in a FO or other org person whose voice will be disguised and distorted, or we’ll be looking at their silhouette, as they reveal deep secrets. At least the drama would distract us for a season. Maybe the FO would even welcome that distraction.
Please tell us that this will be like the early 2000s “Masked Magician” on Fox and you’re gonna bring in a FO or other org person whose voice will be disguised and distorted, or we’ll be looking at their silhouette, as they reveal deep secrets. At least the drama would distract us for a season. Maybe the FO would even welcome that distraction.
No sorry. Not an actual team employee insider. I should have phrased it differently… we got big Mike, Monty, and Jazz Notes to join… it’s weird cuz they only have one email to send the invite to… hmmmm.
You said to dig beneath the basic the you asked the basic...
What are you talking about. The job of the podcaster is to dig deeper. That's the point. The questions are always basic, the answers are not.
I really just wanted to make sure if there are big gaps in the types of things we might ask that we fill those. I think I have a good read on the things that will be interesting but sometimes when you ask you get surprised.
If you are having Sarah Todd on it might be interesting to see the difference between the Jazz and the other organizations she has covered.
If you were the GM of the Jazz what would you be doing with the team?
What would you do to bring a championship to Utah?
How does this align with what the Jazz are doing now?
If it is a media insider, I am curious about the dynamics of their jobs. Do they go to everyday game? What other responsibilities to they have? How has media coverage changed? How do they see their job in 10 years?
If for a media person:

1) How much do Jazz employees tell you about their draft board (or draft priorities generally) both before and after the draft? If they are talking, why do you think they are talking?

2) How much of what you know about the Jazz (that fans would like to know) is "on the record" stuff, and how much is off the record?

3) How (especially in terms of controversial, non-flattering stuff) do you decide whether you have enough information to go with a story (as opposed to taking more time to see how things play out)?