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Questionable Ads - NSFW and Others


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We need a thread where we can post NSFW ads we are getting, or otherwise questionable or bothersome ads. @Jason you have done a great job moderating and fixing the ad experience so here is a thread we can post these things to see if we can get them corrected.
I have no idea where this ad is coming from as I only see it on my work computer and I literally only go to work sites, amazon, and jazz fanz on my work computer, other than searching for the occasional reaction gif or clicking on articles posted on jazz fanz. But this is a bit much in the NSFW category. Any way to block ads like this? Otherwise I may be forced to keep the ad blocker running while I am at work.

I have no idea where this ad is coming from as I only see it on my work computer and I literally only go to work sites, amazon, and jazz fanz on my work computer, other than searching for the occasional reaction gif or clicking on articles posted on jazz fanz. But this is a bit much in the NSFW category. Any way to block ads like this? Otherwise I may be forced to keep the ad blocker running while I am at work.

View attachment 13456
I actually clicked on that once. It's a simple fighting game, from what I can tell. Highly deceptive advertising.
I actually clicked on that once. It's a simple fighting game, from what I can tell. Highly deceptive advertising.
Yeah and the implication is not, uh, family friendly, let's just put it that way.
Thanks. I would need the URL or advertiser to block it though which means you'd have to click it to share... which isn't great either. That said, most of the time we use a Google provider and this icon is in the upper right. You can click it and see who it is and even block it personally for you. But if you get the advertiser name, you can post that too.


  • Screenshot 2022-12-01 at 4.40.46 PM.png
    Screenshot 2022-12-01 at 4.40.46 PM.png
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Thanks. I would need the URL or advertiser to block it though which means you'd have to click it to share... which isn't great either. That said, most of the time we use a Google provider and this icon is in the upper right. You can click it and see who it is and even block it personally for you. But if you get the advertiser name, you can post that too.
I did that a few times. It goes away for a while then comes back.

This one keeps popping up. I have reported it to google several times. Any way to kill this one? I have no idea how the algorithm works for these because this is on my work computer and I basically only ever visit jazz fanz and NPR and some news sites from work, oh and NBA.com. Occasionally youtube for basketball videos. This is NSFW for sure.


This is the link address within the ad for the pic, if that helps at all

Full element:

<div class="ns-6a3em-e-0 x-layout non-skyscraper-category GoogleActiveViewElement" data-google-av-adk="79928205" data-google-av-aid="0" data-google-av-btr="" data-google-av-cpmav="" data-google-av-cxn="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.c...6WOk996h_flLttaHbtUYvUjL72aWIul0qn30dH4cGpBgB" data-google-av-dm="2" data-google-av-flags="[&quot;x%278440'9efotm(&amp;753374%2bejvf/%27844>'9wuvb$&amp;56533>!=|vqc)!273794&amp;<qqvb/%<1735020!=nehu`/!364=5051!9abk{a($160210:3&amp;<cbotf+*0150034:%2bejvf/%72;17613!=efdwa*'76463;21$?ebkpb$&amp;0366717>*>bgipf+!3=712363%9aihwc)!7202<217'9efotm(&amp;20061;48&amp;>`dopb/%<1707200!=8(&amp;2005575?&amp;>`dopb/%<170642?!=|vqc)!7201;=50'9wuvb$&amp;03641654*>bgipf+!3=731103%9aihwc)!7200?073'9efotm(&amp;2004?51;&amp;>`dopb/%<17>474>!=nehu`/!36406412!9abk{a($160>358<&amp;<cbotfz&quot;]" data-google-av-itpl="22" data-google-av-metadata="la=1&amp;xdi=0&amp;" data-google-av-naid="1" data-google-av-override="-1" data-google-av-rs="2" data-google-av-slift="" data-google-av-ufs-integrator-metadata="" data-ifc="[[[&quot;10, 10, 10, 10&quot;,null,null,2]]]" id="banner" lang="en" x-ns-6a3em-e="0" x-overflow-forbidden="xy" data-creative-load-listener=""><div class="ns-6a3em-e-1 row-container" x-ns-6a3em-e="1" x-overflow-forbidden="xy" x-score="10"><a class="ns-6a3em-e-2" data-asoch-targets="ad0,imageClk" href="https://www.googleadservices.com/pa...tm_campaign=19651751486&utm_term=jazzfanz.com" target="_top" x-ns-6a3em-e="2"><canvas class="ns-6a3em-e-3 image" height="500" width="955" x-ns-6a3em-e="3"></canvas></a><div class="ns-6a3em-e-4 vertical-separator" x-ns-6a3em-e="4" x-overflow-forbidden="xy"></div><div class="ns-6a3em-e-5 column-container side-rounded-borders" x-ns-6a3em-e="5" x-overflow-forbidden="xy"><div class="ns-6a3em-e-6 column-container" x-ns-6a3em-e="6" x-overflow-forbidden="xy"><div class="ns-6a3em-e-7 row-container" x-ns-6a3em-e="7" x-overflow-forbidden="xy"><div class="ns-6a3em-e-8 column-container" x-ns-6a3em-e="8" x-overflow-forbidden="xy"><div class="ns-6a3em-e-9" x-ns-6a3em-e="9" x-overflow-forbidden="xy"></div><div class="ns-6a3em-e-10 title" x-ns-6a3em-e="10" x-overflow-forbidden="xy"><a class="ns-6a3em-e-11" data-asoch-targets="ad0,titleClk" dir="auto" href="https://www.googleadservices.com/pa...tm_campaign=19651751486&utm_term=jazzfanz.com" target="_top" x-ns-6a3em-e="11">35 Funniest Stars Bloopers</a></div><div class="ns-6a3em-e-12" x-ns-6a3em-e="12" x-overflow-forbidden="xy"></div><div class="ns-6a3em-e-13 body" x-ns-6a3em-e="13" x-overflow-forbidden="xy"><a class="ns-6a3em-e-14" data-asoch-targets="ad0,bodyClk" dir="auto" href="https://www.googleadservices.com/pa...tm_campaign=19651751486&utm_term=jazzfanz.com" target="_top" x-ns-6a3em-e="14">The following 35 celebrities have the funniest bloopers that live rent-free in<br>our minds.</a></div><div class="ns-6a3em-e-15" x-ns-6a3em-e="15" x-overflow-forbidden="xy"></div></div></div></div><div class="ns-6a3em-e-16 separator" x-ns-6a3em-e="16" x-overflow-forbidden="xy"></div><div class="ns-6a3em-e-17 row-container common-animation-pattern button-container" x-ns-6a3em-e="17"><a class="ns-6a3em-e-18 bar-clickable-container" data-asoch-targets="ad0,btnClk" href="https://www.googleadservices.com/pa...tm_campaign=19651751486&utm_term=jazzfanz.com" target="_top" x-ns-6a3em-e="18"></a><div class="ns-6a3em-e-19 url common-animation-pattern url-container" x-ns-6a3em-e="19" x-overflow-forbidden="xy"><a class="ns-6a3em-e-20" data-asoch-targets="ad0,urlClk" dir="auto" href="https://www.googleadservices.com/pa...tm_campaign=19651751486&utm_term=jazzfanz.com" target="_top" x-ns-6a3em-e="20">Exorigos</a></div><div class="ns-6a3em-e-21" x-ns-6a3em-e="21" x-overflow-forbidden="xy"></div><div class="ns-6a3em-e-22 button common-animation-pattern button-container" x-ns-6a3em-e="22" x-overflow-forbidden="xy"><a class="ns-6a3em-e-23" data-asoch-targets="ad0,btnClk" dir="auto" href="https://www.googleadservices.com/pa...tm_campaign=19651751486&utm_term=jazzfanz.com" target="_top" x-ns-6a3em-e="23">Open</a></div><a class="ns-6a3em-e-24" data-asoch-targets="ad0,btnClk" href="https://www.googleadservices.com/pa...tm_campaign=19651751486&utm_term=jazzfanz.com" target="_top" x-ns-6a3em-e="24"><div class="ns-6a3em-e-25 common-animation-pattern button-container" x-ns-6a3em-e="25" x-overflow-forbidden="xy"><canvas class="ns-6a3em-e-26 flip-on-rtl common-animation-pattern highlight-button" height="100" width="100" x-ns-6a3em-e="26"></canvas><canvas class="ns-6a3em-e-27 flip-on-rtl common-animation-pattern white-button" height="100" width="100" x-ns-6a3em-e="27"></canvas></div></a></div></div></div><div class="ns-6a3em-e-28 full-height border hborder top" x-ns-6a3em-e="28" x-overflow-forbidden="xy"></div><div class="ns-6a3em-e-29 full-height border hborder bottom" x-ns-6a3em-e="29" x-overflow-forbidden="xy"></div><div class="ns-6a3em-e-30 full-height border vborder left" x-ns-6a3em-e="30" x-overflow-forbidden="xy"></div></div>
Thanks. I’ve blocked the destination url now. My apologies.


  • 75E5D42C-C953-430B-B37C-DF8113C47CEC.jpeg
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Thanks. I’ve blocked the destination url now. My apologies.
Thank you, sir. Nothing to apologize for, you are doing the Lord's own work keeping this site going on a shoe-string. We appreciate your attention to these things. I just am glad I didn't have to activate the ad blocker so I could keep at least that much support for the site going.