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Quotes from Blazers' forums-"Playing from behind and making games close really is our kink this year, isn't it?"


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Pre Game

This will be a tough one. Jazz have been balling outta control lately!

My daughter saved her money to buy court side tickets and there wasn’t a place to park…boooo

Hey, they're coming off a road trip. Back to back nights. Maybe their legs go in the 3rd quarter, or early 4th. Winning this game establishes the fact that Portland is REAL this season.

I think Conley is the only jazz player I could name off the top of my head

I can see Lauri warming up to drop 45 on us

15 for 18 last night, he's gonna go 3 for 12.

This is the game I’ve been waiting for. Hopefully the Jazz aren’t to sluggish on the B2B. They’ve had a pretty stiff schedule to start the season been very impressive

During the Boylen years I never thought I would hear the sentence "What is Portland going to do to stop Lauri Markkanen" :')

What is with these Jazz uniforms?? They are absolutely terrible. Who approved them and why?

Jazz played a close game in phx last night. We definitely have the advantage

Hopefully being guarded by Sexton and Clarkson will be a good chance for our backcourt to get out of their shooting slump.

They are on a b2b. Run early, put them behind, and don't even let them think about winning.

The West is ours!

I’m eating breakfast in Thailand and a dude wearing a Rasheed Wallace jersey walks in. He’s a fan from Switzerland. What are the odds. Blazers are GLOBAL. I love it

1st Half

Geeez now down 10.. Come on. Well now 7 pts and almost all of dames shots are 3s

Brutal half of basketball.

Someone needs to light the match...Could be the teenager..

Dame is in a crazy 3 pt slump. This hurts to watch. 0-8

hahaha another nurkic fever. Dude literally played like he has fever. He is just the odd man out. Better get rid of him early because he gonna drag the team down with his zero energy zero effort and always complaining.

Another year of dame being hurt all the time.

Utah bricking all their open 3s

There’s so much funner to watch whendame is gone much faster game

I hope the “plan” isn’t giving them wide open treys all night and hope they keep missing

Whichever team stops bricking 3s will probably win this game. Jazz 1-9 Blazers 1-6

Reverend Horton-Tucker got his collar removed!!!!

Maybe Ant will start the game hot at some point this year

Clarkson 0-4 from three. Good for us but I wouldn't count on it to continue

Does Utah suck or are we just really good

If you don’t love him at his lazy pouty slow Nurk, you don’t deserve him at his big strong beast Nurk

I love our energy. We came to play, but are obviously being boosted by the Saturnal equinocturnal diurnal tide shifted waxing gibbonous moon paradigm.

Some of their bricks are so off that they get the rebound

Their bench is outscoring their starters

Drew running like Tom Cruise down that court!

Vanderbilt is about ready to kill himself in the name of basketball.

Jazz can't hit the left side of a barn right now

Utah shooting 24%, but only down 6. Blazers need to be capitalizing big before they remember how to hit their shots.

Teams 2-22 on threes

The devil's greatest trick was convincing the world there was any other type of Talen Horten-Tucker

Beasley smoking us

somebody guard Malik Beasley !!

That would mean we have to guard the 3pt line and Blzers don't do that

a basketball just crashed through my window. Blazers must be playing at home.

Lillard is clanking everything.

Clank clank

Clank clank clank

Blazers have NOT attempted one shot inside 20 feet in 2nd qtr.

Jazz of course have a gaggle of close in buckets, therefore the lead

I just want to rip my hair out at this point. The Blazers are giving the most inefficient guards a lion's share of the shots. Set up Grant and Sharpe please! OMG!

Goddamn we have two of the best shooters in the NBA getting great looks and they're 2-14

Has Markenen always been that solid on defense?

Trying to find a silver lining…with Dame and Ant missing like storm troopers we’re still holding a manageable deficit…

the jazz are feasting on second chance points holy ****

Some people watch basketball to relax, can you imagine

Utah is dissecting us on the second night of a b2b. This is getting embarrassing

Pleaseeeeeee stop forcing it dame

This is legitimately the only game where benching dame may be viable. He’s not playing to win rn. He’s playing to find his shot

Honestly **** the jazz. They just hunt for fouls and flop

We should be up by 20 with how awful the jazz looked to start. Now because of unforced errors it’s going to be a close game all night

Happy for Markannen but please suck against us lol

**** that hippy looking *** Olynyk

Vanderbilt and Olynyk have been infuriating to watch, one just throwing his body into everyone else and the other just throwing his body into the floor

Let’s not forget that this same Jazz team dropped 134 points on the Suns last night.

Why do our guards forget about our forwards?

Utah on a 41-22 run. Reminiscent of the preseason game

Utah should be exhausted after last night but we look bad instead

Utah scored 38 that quarter. Our cringeworthy defense is back

That second quarter suuucked.

Everyone knows Markannen has been hot and we still can't do anything about it. Feels bad.

Lauri Markkanen is a stud. To get him plus a boat load of picks.. Ainge is the king

halftime reminder to drink water, load/empty the dishwasher, and change over the laundry!

Turnover after turnover after turnover. That’s the problem when everyone is a playmaker

68 to 37 run since 4 minutes left in the 1st quarter

Olynyk looks like the guy that lives in a van and hangs out at the Circle K to buy beer for high school kids.

This is embarrassing. There just running past us nobody is contesting no effort whatsoever

The jazz honestly really played poorly too for the most part. I’m an optimist but that is not a great sign for the second. Dame will probably wake up but I think the jazz can still play better.

Damn the jazz are on a B2B? How are we not exploding against them

2nd Half

Lillard and Simonson chucking up 3s and missing at least 4/5 of them. Just move the ball or drive in..

A combined 5/25 from 3, and 9/33 from the field. Yikes

So is Utah like actually for real? Like a legitimate contender? Or what?

I am so sick of watching random guards **** on us.

I'm pretty sure everyone in oregon could hear me screaming at my TV. I was (and still am) very angry.

Michael Holton would like to see the Blazers run the Jazz off the 3 point line.

Who knows, maybe it's worth considering.

I think we should start Eubanks for a few games and bring Nurkic off the bench. He brings more energy and is more active around the basket. I’m wondering if Nurkic is trying to play through pain; he’s very timid since he returned.

i just don't understand what dame and simons feel like they have to prove by shooting a three every time down the floor

Chuck, chuck, goose.

Crazy idea: run an actual play on offense. Just try it once. Please.


I missed it, but be alright Conley!

We are getting DESSTRROYED on the glass. 10-2 offensive boards. That’s the game besides Dame and Ants Anti run there for a bit

Clarkson waltzed into the lane on Ant and laid it up. Did you see that? Ant defense??

F’g layup drill for Utah. Our D is horrid.

Utah playing some great team ball. Forget tanking, they look like an easy top 6 seed and I won't surprised at all if they secure home court in the first round.

It's absolutely absurd how obvious it is that Ant and Dame can't share the floor and how much different having a mobile/athletic center makes us. Like, insanely obvious.

Not sure who Nurk.guards on Utah. All their bigs are perimeter guys.

Late 3's and missed shots last two minutes was the killer

Lillard can't buy a bucket.

Amusing that the Oregon Ducks are also facing Utah on the same night.

Utah is destroying these overly aggressive closeouts.

I've never heard of a player going 1 for 12 from 3 before. He's got no lift, that calf is bothering him obviously.

Utah has a lot of size and length on their team. Portland coming after the Brooklyn game
and if they lose to the Jazz, is going to see nothing but big front courts until they show
they can adjust.

Eubanks single-handedly changed this game

Ahahaha... Playing from behind and making games close really is our kink this year, isn't it?

I love dame. I am a big fan of his. It has been said in the past in the blazer community but I think dame needs to be traded and try to get what we can for him. Also trade nurk. we need to get younger and athletic and we can with trades and draft picks.

Olynyk is such a joke…

Nurkic is averaging more turnovers than assists this season. We should stop relying on his passing.

This is the most frustrating game I have ever seen

I feel like we’re playing on the road with the way these calls are going. Come on where’s the home court advantage.

I thought Jazz is a good team because of their team play.I guess they are good because they flop every possession

Squeeze this win out then worry about life without Lillard afterwards.

I can’t handle Anfernee Simons anymore. I just can’t.

Jazz scored 28 points off turnovers.

I'm on the light rail watching the game cast on ESPN.com, and I'm laughing out loud like a crazy person because all I see are ant misses shot, hart offense rebound, ant misses shot, hart offense rebound, ant misses shot

Brooklyn and now Utah were both on back-2-back games and they still look more fresh than Portland. This is just sad.

Olynyk and Markannen probably jack off to each other flopping

This is such a bizarre game. A total sh*t sandwich throughout most of it, but a few truly inspired performances.

everytime i hear "Horton-Tucker" my brain finishes it off with a ... Hears a Who!

Olynyk sure spends a lot of time on the ground.

This has gone from a game that I was okay with losing due to putrid shooting to a game I'll be really annoyed to see us lose

Oh, man... It's really gonna be two close losses in a row that we would have run away with had we shot anything close to a normal %. That's basketball but it hurts.

Are we seeing ghost of Gobert in the paint?

So the Jazz bench is better than some teams starters but not better than the Kings bench... Got it.

Josh has got to know better. Do we even read scouting reports? This team just flails at 3pt shooters. Grant does it constantly

Clarkson hardly passes. Wtf can’t we bring the double. He’s always going to the rim anyways

Clarkson's awful hair makes me so much more upset for some reason ahaha


No lie though, Clarkson has really improved his scoring repetoire since he entered the league. Dude in his training videos is really impressive.

First back to back losses of the season and it’s only getting worse headed to Milwaukee then Cleveland.

Oh my god. Well that was a fun first 14 games. Let’s tank now. Trade dame please he’s awful

Clarkson killing ys on the switch is just like Luka.

Yet another team with size and length to wreck this offense.

You need big people to win basketball at the highest level.

Clarkson gets into the paint whenever he wants

Jordan Clarkson seems pretty good tbh

Clarkson really got it like that damn

one important stat most people might not be aware of is **** KELLY OLYNYK

Jordan Clarkson looks like a Mass Effect character.

Clarkson having Eubanks on him is BBQ chicken

Clarkson giveth taketh giveth

Utah shouldn’t wear any of their jerseys besides the purple throwbacks… Jesus Christ my eyes

Clarkson's awful hair makes me so much more upset for some reason, ahaha. ****, he's been a killer down the stretch. FAIR ENOUGH.

No matter how bad Clarkson play. He can just take a ballgame at the clutch. He is not afraid to shoot.

Some horrid defense to end the game, Clarkson decided to end the game

jazz on a back to back too

Feel like the Jazz are the “chip on their shoulder” team, these dudes are a complication of traded players that want to make a statement. And they are playing tough

Which one of y’all pissed Clarkson off before the game?

Losing to Clarkson, I mean when they hit shots like that it’s frustrating but what do you do?