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Quotes from Grizzlies' forums-"The stream got suspended, what happened in the last play?"


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Pre Game

Why TF was this team favored with Ja out???

We need to help these dudes remember how to tank

I kind of like the Jordan Clarkson over 17.5 points. He usually has big games against the Grizz and I don’t see what else their offense can consist of. Like maybe Dillon “shuts him down” but he will still take a lot of shots.

I think it'll be tough with all the guys we've got out, but it's a second night of a back to back for them, at least.

Shame was, they got blown tf out so none of their starters had more than like 25 minutes lol

Jokes on the Jazz, the more people that are out the more powerful we become.

This feels like a trap game

New career high for Des? We're gonna ****ing need it plus Dillon had the best game of his career at Vivint

1st Half

The ****.. how many centers they got starting?

aka float tha goat aka flotus Jones is putting in work as always

Tyus Stones balling out of his mind tonight

Does anyone like Kelly Olynyk

Holy **** the blood on X's teeth. ****ing battling right now

Nobody makes me bleed my own blood

Brooks shooting 67% on all shots.

Love when Dillon gets into a groove and that mid-range is dropping.

I think we got the g league trainee refs

Everybody is going to foul out it’ll be both coaching staff playing each other

Did these refs meet to decide to call every screen an offensive foul? Some of these are atrocious

6 offensive fouls 2Q alone

Did the league just decide to ban screens

Best episode of the Offensive Foul show yet

Having to follow via the nba app at work what the hell is going on out there? surely the refs have blinkers on never seen so many offensive fouls in a game and it's not even halftime yet

They’ve called a foul on literally every screen this quarter

I do not like watching the jazz audience enjoy basketball.

Olynyk’s screens are 50x worse than the **** they’ve been calling


That was an ugly half but we clean up a bit on the turnovers and don’t let them get open 3’s we got this. **** those refs tho

Not a terrible first half. Those last 3 minutes were kind of ugly though.

Missed most of the game and see we are +20 in the paint with fewer FT. Are the refs booty?

I don't mind refs making an occasional mistakes they are human but to call every screen a foul? The fans are here to watch the teams not the refs. Nobody wants to watch only shooting we want to see players attack the rack also

Dillon always plays good in Utah

Yoooo they are not missing from 3. Wow

These refs got a crush on Olynyk

Olynyk ugly *** face is definitely going to be in my nightmares tonight

Christ these ****ers have been hitting so many 3s

It being completely impossible to trust Bane with the ball if NAW is on the court is disgusting lmao

2nd Half

The stream got suspended, what happened in the last play?

7 3s in a row gg defense

Jenkins calling that TO with 3.2 hurt. Had to take ball out at 3/4 court & gave their D time to set up. Had a fast break for the lead.

Horrendous perimeter defense tonight

D was awful how u leaving open, they never left us open, we had to do it ourselves, we literally giving them free throws

Obviously, those ridiculous calls cost us the game.

Really hate how that ended. Wish Bane could’ve gotten the shot up.

ETA: Obviously he slipped, it happens. Just an very unsatisfying ending after the steal.


My brain is not functioning

this game has been a floater clinic

Googles* where is Quinn Snyder the mobster

**** y'all chicken sandwiches lol

"No food for you! No chicken for you!!!" Lmfao Like the soup Nazi lol

Like 4 fouls there but

I miss defense

Our ball!!! Leggooooo

jiminy crickets. that was not swell at all.

Olynik gives me nightmares

I would say we are playing bad defense, but we’re not playing defense at all so

lauri is so nice bruh

Clarkson got fouled like 4 times in 5 seconds

after a bizarre whistle all game, no whistle on either team's last possession

I love the fight we showed tonight! No Ja, no Jaren, missing Ziaire who was a key rotation player for us last year and one of our first round picks in LaRavia who's had some bright moments so far in this young season. Tyus Jones stepped up big time with 20 pts and 10 asts, Brooks brought that energy on both ends and had 30 and Bane continued his string of impressive games with ANOTHER 30 piece. Young players got some run and we competed hard. The Jazz are underrated and we'll see em again on Monday! GNG Forever!

Well that was a horrific sequence

What was that ending? It was so chaotic.

2 teams trying to go out swinging it was ****ing crazy

Post Game

bro are you ****ing kidding me man short handed my *** that’s a horrible, bs loss.

Jazz still not doing **** this year. Took them a perfect tryhard game to win against our rookies and bane

The Jazz seriously might be most fun team to watch in the league rn this team ****ing rocks lmao

this one will hurt come May

Defensive rotations cost us the game tonight. Love the effort but can’t forget the assignments and give them wide open 3’s all game. Unlucky ending as well, but I’m sick of losing to the Jazz

Lauri Markkanen and Kelly Olynyk in the win over the Grizz: 46/12/9/4/3 on 17/31 shooting

Saruman and Gandalf going ham

Olynyk is currently shooting the three at 64% for the season.

Olynyk’s a POS but man is he a spark for this Utah team. They are so fun to watch

Hated the Rudy Gobert/Mitchell Jazz but this team is really fun to watch now

So did I get the memo right? Or is Utah not tanking anymore cause they got a haul of picks?

Tough loss but end of game sloppiness like this happens when you have your closer and best defender out and playing rookies on the road. We've always struggled in Utah. Time to regroup and try and win on Halloween.

Jazz will either hit the lottery or develop a team of almost AllStars built to weather the play-offs without a legitimate superstar.

The ball movement during some of those last possessions from the Jazz was genuinely electrifying to watch. Clarkson getting doubled in the corner and nearly giving it up turns into him making a cross-court pass, and a few seconds laters, Kelly Olynyk is dropping a wide-open dime from the top of the arc.

Beautiful stuff.

Talk to your kids about MVP Lauri Markkanen

Outta nowhere The Jazz and the Grizzlies make at this point the best game this season? Incredible

That was an insanely fun game, highly recommend anyone who missed it to rewatch at least the 4th quarter. Kelly Olynyk is ****ing incredible

I like how we just decided to leave him open the whole time.

Can’t believe that Kelly Olynyk is the best player in the league now. What an amazing world we live in.

Best duo in Jazz franchise history: Kelly Olynyk and Lauri Bird.

The Ivory Towers.

Jazz being last in Zach Lowe's League Pass rankings is criminal, this team is peak entertainment.

The NBA is regretting taking away their only nationally televised game for sure

I remember a month or two ago, I was on the Jazz subreddit for some reason, and a person was arguing that their team was still too good/deep, and got downvoted to hell. That guy knew.

While it sucks to lose to the goddamn jazz, a lot of positives from this game, DB getting his groove back, bane going back-to-back-to-back 30 point games (all star 2023 mark my words) and Roddy coming into his own. Can’t win ‘em all but still love the effort.

NBA must have utah winning the chip in the script this year with these calls

Extremely disappointed. Why we don’t stay on our feet when closing out on the 3 . Stop jumping at everything . Good game overall ,just to many 3s . Oh well,on to the next . Let’s watch some film and get better

Last play that little time throw it around the Basket Slam or get Foul We will get them Monday but we got to Guard the 3 point line They Bigs Cut Up Salty was Slow tonight

The amount of times bane gets stripped on drives is crazy

What an epic collapse

These mf had a 118-113 lead with 2min to go i don't care if Ja played or not how do you lose that

O'Lynick and Lauren Markey took turns roasting that second year project Santi Isuckma

Honestly not mad that game was mad fun

Dillon giveth and Dillon throws it away.

Jokes aside he and alot of other guys stepped up. Just a weird game with TERRIBLE officiating on both sides. I can live with it but damn that was annoying

This team really needs a true big besides Adams. Opposing team bigs, especially backups, have been feasting: Hartenstein, Sengun, Wood. Tonight with Markkanen/Olynyk. JJJ fixes that, but still need an emergency one.

The Jazz are just the 2015 warriors reincarnated and we still can’t play defense

You’re supposed to be tanking Jazz

Jazz offense so crisp down the stretch.

Damn that arena is still one of the loudest in the league

The Jazz lowkey have a good team.

The last 10 minutes of this game was insane

How is Utah actually this good

Man, all the Jazz games are crazy. They just keep pulling out these wins, this team is so fun to watch for some reason.

And their fan base is ****ing loyal. That building was ****ing packed and they scream at the top of their lungs

Sexton deserves some damn respect

That jazz court actually looks good, better than it used to. Too bad the jerseys are terrible

Cool to see them fighting hard and playing well. Reminds me of the 13-14 sixers

Dude the Jazz are so fun wtf lol

Wild *** game. Jazz going crazy

Olynyk put on a masterclass in the 4th on both ends. Markannen is the best player on the team but I think Olynyk does the most things

They just kept leaving Olynyk wide open. And he just kept making them.

To be fair Clarkson was creating havoc, and causing those open shots though.

They are a classic overperforming early season team, not to rain on anybody's parade. They are better than people thought though

Did the Jazz get better for real?

They have a **** ton of shooting honestly

We gotta figure out how to keep teams from dropping 120 on us regularly.

No Conley or Rudy Gay and somehow the Jazz still win.

Defense lookin more lost than a 2nd grade rec league team.

Absolute horse **** defensive effort. should’ve won regardless of being down men

Disgusting!!! mother****ers how do you aspire to advance? Criminals

damn we really lost this one that's tough

Nice choke job dudes


Your luck will run out when teams get healthy and in mid season form. Jazz not winning 20 games this season

Dang what happened

The last 2 and a half minutes of each half killed us. 13-4 in the first half and 11-5 in the second half. Just terrible execution in crunch time.

That is just a horrible loss. Short handed or not, that loss is going to haunt us come April. Blew the lead in a miraculous fashion

Bummer but ain't too mad at it. The switch everything defense stopped working down the stretch and Clarkson made some great decisions. We'll get em next time, as they say

I really wished we had Clarkson.

Why did we lose? 20 ****ing turnovers! We gotta clean that up

That’s a bit misleading… the refs were on some middle aged horse **** with the offensive fouls the first half. We probably only had like 12-13 true turnovers.

Normally i would be happy if we had so many guys out and still competed but **** that how do you have a 118-113 lead with 2min to go and you still lose, with Ja or not that is bad
Can’t believe that Kelly Olynyk is the best player in the league now. What an amazing world we live in.

Best duo in Jazz franchise history: Kelly Olynyk and Lauri Bird.

Funny as ****. I love it.

Also to the random dude who said we aren’t winning 20 games this year - lol.
My favs:

"Everybody is going to foul out it’ll be both coaching staff playing each other"

"I do not like watching the jazz audience enjoy basketball."

"Talk to your kids about MVP Lauri Markkanen"

"Outta nowhere The Jazz and the Grizzlies make at this point the best game this season? Incredible"

"That was an insanely fun game, highly recommend anyone who missed it to rewatch at least the 4th quarter. Kelly Olynyk is ****ing incredible"

"Can’t believe that Kelly Olynyk is the best player in the league now. What an amazing world we live in."

"Best duo in Jazz franchise history: Kelly Olynyk and Lauri Bird."

"Jazz being last in Zach Lowe's League Pass rankings is criminal, this team is peak entertainment."

"The NBA is regretting taking away their only nationally televised game for sure"

"That jazz court actually looks good, better than it used to. Too bad the jerseys are terrible"

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