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Quotes from Pelicans' forums-"This team of nobodies can't miss a g** damn shot now. So frustrating."


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Pre Game

These are the games you have to win. They will probably give us the business per usual but we just have to grind it out and make sure we aren’t horribly out worked. That is how you lose against the bad teams.

Jordan Clarkson and Lauri Markkanen - the Jazz's two leading scorers, accounting for about 41 points a game - are both out tonight.

Facing Utah's lineup tonight, I might sit BI, too. j/k He could go off for a 50 cent piece (depending on his minutes).

Nevertheless, we shouldn't need him to beat a Lauri-less Jazz team. This should be very winnable despite the absence of Zion, CJ, Trey, and Matt Ryan.

After that Jazz injury report i think we really need to win this. Just don't go into the game like it is over and we should be fine.

Lineup alert: Jazz will start George, Dunn, Fontecchio, Collins, Yurtseven on Saturday.

This will live in the "If you lived through this starting five, you're a real fan" bag.

certainly a starting lineup of all time. Joke right ?

Is this for their G league team???

Jazz really tanking before dec

Lol wtf is thys lineupif we lose to thys lineup I might break my tv tnght. LETS GO PELS

JV should go off tonight. They have absolutely nothing for him.

No Markkan or Clarkson for the Jazz. Im ok with Zion missing this one

Herb on Keyonte, Dyson on sexton and I don’t see how they will be able to score. Just try to get Kessler in foul trouble and we should win this easily

Dude relax. Honestly we should easily beat this team without Zion. This is one of the few games I don’t mind him resting. Clarkson and Lauri aren’t even playing.

Let's beat this squad from Utah. And how about not using the Jazz name in these threads.

The Utah team is pretty bad this year, but this is the most rest advantage I've ever seen. Utah hasn't played since Wednesday while the Pels lost an hour on their back to back.

Lauri Markkanen is out for Utah tonight. That’s huge for the Pels. We need to look to the long term and rest guys if we need to.

Jazz are last in defensive efficiency plus Lauri is out. Pels need to capitalize.

Easy money for the Pels. Have to do the bare minimum to win and they better start by feeding JV.

jazz is a boogie man side we always lose to them

No Clarkson or Markkanen. Even without Zion, this game should be easy work. Hope JV can handle Kessler down low

Thank god! Those dudes NEVER miss vs us

1st Half

This game has started out awful. Jazz are rusty and pelicans are tired

George looking really nice. This rookie class is stacked

Kessler looking good out there

Is our rim tampered with????????????????

There’s already been like a dozen combined turnovers wtf

walker kessler and kelly olynk always kill us

i despise kessler and olynk.

Winning easily is a rarity, but I’m okay with it.

Jazz are so bad. They can't possibly lose this one.

I'm so sick of Larry. Keep him as a vibes and locker room guy but man is washed on the court.

It makes me sad seeing a 4-11 Utah sell out their stadium for a regular season game while the Pels struggle to get people in seats when we're having a solid season. Those camera shots showing they got people sitting all the way up in the nosebleeds... meanwhile at the SKC every game I've gone to this year it's like not even half full in the upper level.

This Keyonte George kid is solid

How many times do we have to see this ?? Every single time Nance comes into the game...the opposing team goes on a run.

This is no longer a coincidence. Dude is finished. He's a liability on both ends of the floor

You never assume anything...but it would be nice to shutdown BI, JV, and Herb in the second half.

its so odd to me how they just destroy us

i hope we smash them and dont take the foot off the pedal. we lost all our games to them last season didnt we? markannen became dirk Nowitzki

Thank god for a timeout.
Pels are 1/9 to start the game with that one make being by Herb.

i think they lacking focus because they know we should win this game but utah is reminding them that this is still the nba....

I think they’re pumping in crowd noise
No way can anybody be this excited watching this

I don’t know what’s worse, post passing, post defense, or post officiating

That was embarrassing, we should have put this team away. Not playing to our hottest hand is utterly stupid, you'd think we were trying to lose

Jose driving on Kessler is asking for trouble

Larry looking like he would get cooked on a YMCA court these days

Hawkins should hit 40 tonight

This is going to be one of those games where you hope to build a good cushion going into the second half. They are going to try to wear us out by going up and down the court. Our conditioning will play a huge role in the second half.

If we just don’t play sloppy, we win by double digits.

2nd Half

Cant like what i see. They are turning it over(Dyson 6 steals at the half), they can't buy a 3 and we are only up by 10. If they get hot this can get out of hands really quickly.
Herb back-to-back with foul trouble, has to be better than that.
I have bad feeling about these games...

Are we going to f around and lose this game?

Ainge has got to be thinking, how many guys do I have to sit to lose this game?

Hawk with 20 in the first half. Then they basically run nothing for him in the 3rd.

ive never seen a player away with more 3 sec in the lane than walker Kessler

This jazz team is so bad , and we really gonna make this harder then it has to be

Kessler owns us.

Napoleon dynamite is killing us

Kessler and Olynyk have the most punchable faces this side of Devin Booker

We might actually lose this game.

Will also add that while those are reasons, they're not good enough excuses. Execution has also been poor, there's been far too much dribbling and not enough passing in the 2nd half, no attempts were really made to counter the changes Utah made out of the half-time break particularly with their treatment of Hawkins, and we've been thoroughly out-rebounded. Just not good enough play overall.

I know all the excuses. But against this team, THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE BY ANY MEASURE,

This could be such a horrible loss , B2B or not you can’t lose to a glorified g league team

This dog ***** Jazz team could be 0-17 at this point and still wax the Pels at home.

Kessler is HUGE

Something about playing in Utah……

Welp. We fell asleep on defense for a good 5 minutes on defense. That would be fine if people were hitting shots and keeping it going offensively but we didn?t. Has to be one of the other. You can?t have these silly swings on the road. Bad loss. Onto the next one. They were gassed.

JV getting bullied by Kessler

That travelling call was the refs saying ''no, we aren't watching anymore of this garbage, we will not allow OT''

Pelicans should be up twenty against this f-league team who do nothing but launch and brick threes

Stop trying to sugarcoat it. This would be an awful loss. Their top 2 scorers aren't playing tonight. You have to win games like this in the West

We’ve let them back in the game with just a bunch of DUMB plays…. Jose end of quarter, Larry take foul, and naji foul on an easy bucket.

How about BI be pissed about being outplayed by Collin Sexton in the fourth qtr. He had a bad last 6 min. He is the best player on the court by far and couldn’t close tonight.


Coach should be fired for playing Larry nance 12 fricking minutes. Worst player in the league and it’s not close

I think pelicans are losing it... omg against bench disgrace

I swear to god if this team loses without Clarkson and Lauri.

This team of nobodies can't miss a g** damn shot now. So frustrating.


Man our guys got hella gassed. Respect the jazz. Our fatasses must’ve not done the same conditioning

Gonna put this one out of my brain cause I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep otherwise

I mean we literally played with two offensive players lol, this is the problem with the roster we have way to many defence players, if we get an injury to any of them it affects the team majorly, compared to Utah who can still field guys who can shoot even when their top two scorers are out

Did Zeller bang Willie's wife? Why is he not playing over Larry?

They better SLAUGHTER these clowns next game. That’s ****ing embarassingLost the 4th quarter 37 - 23 to a team missing it's top two scorers.

Bad loss. That hurts.

A typical Pels loss. Lead most of the game then gack it up at the end.

Then you force BI to play 37 minutes. If Zion plays no starter plays more than 28 minutes and everybody is resting most of the 4th.

The wisdom of this no back-to-backs while still without CJ and Trey is highly questionable. Especially when the NBA's own research says rest does not prevent injury.

Yea this was a pretty embarrassing loss. Can't lie.

My gosh , remember this one when we are 1 game out of having to not deal with the play in . Inexcusable, that team we just lost to is pure garbage man . Teams that are serious about winning don’t lose these games

Utah had 10 more turn overs then us

wonder if nance 10 mil contract is the worst value in the league hahaa

Lost the 4th by 17 points. That’s unacceptable

Fat boy needed a rest. If I’m BI, I’m pissed. He busted his arse tonight and fat boys eating popcorn laughing on the bench.

same thing vs wolves. them babying zion is not only keeping him less in shape by not letting him play into shape but ALSO going to cost us important seeding. it's like 15 games this season we're intentionally choosing to hurt our chances of winning for no reason. dumb as hell

If Zion sits on another back to back, I’m going to fricking riot. 7 game winning streak if he was a man.

Bruh this is classic pels . Beat contenders and lose to lottery teams with their stars sitting lol this was a Vegas game fellas

We always play so weird against Utah, always have. Even in the AD-Boogie days they kinda bullied us.

Btw ZERO fouls on the Jazz in the 4th

Jazz played it perfectly. They started their athletes and used their entire rotation to go up and down the floor knowing we're on a back to back. It wore us down and our legs were gone by the 4th.

We still should be able to beat this trash Utah team. I don’t know what it is, but they always play us tough.

Sick to my stomach

Can we stop blowing 4th quarter leads pls. Timberwolves Jazz and Rockets man. Should be 12-5

Hope y'all are embarrassed. Horrid basketball. Might be the worst game I've ever watched in my life

How do we go from beating the clippers to losing to the jazz Wtf

need a star player that won’t sit out on back to backs…

I think it's pathetic that our "star player" in "the best shape of his life" can't play b2bs but hey I'm just a spectator

Worst loss all year. Trey and CJ need ti be back asap

Glad that 23 year old on our bench got some rest

We own the Clippers and the Jazz own is

lost to a squad of 10 day contracts

Probably the worst lost this year no Markkanan no Clarkson we don’t care about early season wins

Outcoached by the Jazz... My god this Coach and Team is Garbage

I wasn’t watching. Can someone tell me how we lost? Looked like we were in firm control

Everyone talks about how deep this team is yet they couldn't put this terrible jazz team away who had a million turnovers. That was pathetic to watch.

Literally everyone except maybe Hawkins had an off night

Sadly, this is who the Pels are. They’ll go on a nice win streak against good teams, then **** down their legs against an undermanned, already not good Jazz team.

Don’t give me the “well Zion, Trey, CJ weren’t playing”. Utah was without Lauri AND Clarkson.

Utah also had 23 assists AND turnovers to the Pels 31 assists and 12 turnovers. They didn’t even look they they tried to win and stumbled their way into beating us.

Good thing Pillsbury rested y'all didn't need him for that easy win

I think there’s plenty of blame pie to go around, but Will Hardy was 1000% the better head coach tonight, there’s just no argument

We lost to 4-11 Utah. Utah was missing its top two scorers. Utah turned the ball over 23 times. We had a 9 point lead entering the 4th.

Good teams win that game.

The excuses are straight up pathetic and goes to show the loser mentality so many in this fanbase have.

Hawkins drops 20 in the first half and then has zero shots in the third quarter. Basketball malpractice right there from the coaching staff

The problem is our other offensive weapons are either injured or fat. So when we’re missing 3, arguably 4 guys who can score we’re forced to let Dyson take 14 shots which should never happen.

How the **** have the Utah Jazz had our number for the better part of two decades…. It’s unbelievable.

I Just don’t get why we can never beat the Jazz. We could win every other game and we’ll still lose to them. It’s like we’re cursed because they have our name or something
"Let's beat this squad from Utah. And how about not using the Jazz name in these threads."

40+ years later and they are still upset we took their name. Suppose I would be as well.
Lol wtf is thys lineupif we lose to thys lineup I might break my tv tnght. LETS GO PELS
I see tv shopping in your future
Let's beat this squad from Utah. And how about not using the Jazz name in these threads.
Dude!! Pels is a great name, you’re welcome!! I once watched a pelican eat a duck, just swallowed it up like it was nothing. Them Pels are bad mo-fo’s
I live a hour and a half away from New Orleans. They are DEFINITELY still mad. Can barely walk around in Jazz gear lol.
I should move to New Orleans. I thrive on others misery. I’d wear my jazz stuff every chance I could.
I would be too though to be honest. We should have left the name.
I admit that there’s prolly not a lot of Jazz happening in any part of Utah whereas NOLA particularly Bourbon Street is known for it. However, we are the Jazz franchise that relocated in SLC (along with Pistol Pete) with all its’ basketball history and are well within our rights to recognize it. I mean History still means something, even if it’s constantly being scrutinized and rewritten. Besides, it gives us something culturally to strive for - used to love the Dixie Land Jazz band at the games back in the day.
Lineup alert: Jazz will start George, Dunn, Fontecchio, Collins, Yurtseven on Saturday.

This will live in the "If you lived through this starting five, you're a real fan" bag.

certainly a starting lineup of all time. Joke right ?

Is this for their G league team???

Jazz really tanking before dec

Lol wtf is thys lineupif we lose to thys lineup I might break my tv tnght. LETS GO PELS
LMAO :p Punked your A$$ Peligators!
I admit that there’s prolly not a lot of Jazz happening in any part of Utah whereas NOLA particularly Bourbon Street is known for it. However, we are the Jazz franchise that relocated in SLC (along with Pistol Pete) with all its’ basketball history and are well within our rights to recognize it. I mean History still means something, even if it’s constantly being scrutinized and rewritten. Besides, it gives us something culturally to strive for - used to love the Dixie Land Jazz band at the games back in the day.
We’re playing them again tomorrow. We’ll take the win, their lunch money and the Pelicans name off them too. They’ll just be known as the New Orleans basketball team afterwards.
t makes me sad seeing a 4-11 Utah sell out their stadium for a regular season game while the Pels struggle to get people in seats when we're having a solid season. Those camera shots showing they got people sitting all the way up in the nosebleeds... meanwhile at the SKC every game I've gone to this year it's like not even half full in the upper level.
Why do they think they lost their first franchise and their beloved Jazz name in the first place? For this exact reason. Keep it up and they’ll be the Boise Pelicans in a few years.
Why do they think they lost their first franchise and their beloved Jazz name in the first place? For this exact reason. Keep it up and they’ll be the Boise Pelicans in a few years.
“Give us our name back!”

- New Orleans Seafood Boil fans in the 2040s every time they play Boise.
New Orleans Seafood Boil may actually be a better name than Pelicans so the joke lands a little flat. Kinda hard to come up with something worse than Pelicans. Even Crawfish is better.
New Orleans Seafood Boil may actually be a better name than Pelicans so the joke lands a little flat. Kinda hard to come up with something worse than Pelicans. Even Crawfish is better.

Hmmmm, I'm hoping you're not from Utah, while making those sick "burns"...

The only thing we're known for is Mormons.
Hmmmm, I'm hoping you're not from Utah, while making those sick "burns"...

The only thing we're known for is Mormons.
Okay? I’m not sure where you read any of that into it. I’m talking about the name Pelicans.