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Quotes from the Clippers forums after Game 4 - "Getting destroyed by a relic"


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F***. Rudy is back.

I’m calling the Clippers win by 20 and crush it in game 5 also. CP will no longer be held back by his desire to share the team with Blake and he will assert his dominance all over this unexpecting Jazz team. These are the times Clippers show up and play to their ceiling! Can’t wait for some epic Clipper basketball!!

F*** Ingles.. ugly *** f***

Joe Ingles might be the whitest man in the history of the world

Like if Utah were a person, it would be Joe Ingles
• It would be Gordon Hayward.
• Hayward does look crazy pale.
• Hayward looks like death.

Hayward needs some Green Tea.

hayward so fatigued...yet hair still amazing

Why does Mo think he can score over Gobert?

There's no way Quin Snyder hasn't murdered a person

That replay of Felton v Gobert made his shot look even more incredible. Like... damn!

I'm so f***ing sick of George Hill making every 3 pointer.

The Utah fans booing the loudest at the most obvious fouls amuses me for some reason.

it's ridiculous that ingles didnt make the clippers that one year...no way we had 12 dudes or whatever better than him

Joe ingles looks like Toby from the office

Joe Ingles looks like that dude's dad who drives a vette, wears cut-off jorts that he cut himself, listens to hair metal, and possibly beats his wife

I hope this isn't Favors breakout playoff game.

F*** Ingles dirty f***.. I actually hate him w such a passion

wow Ingles doing it all. Please get JJ off the floor.

Crazy that Exum and Neto in back to back games make their first threes after sitting forever.

Ingles has shot 4 times this game why is everyone rotating so hard to him. hes moving so slow his man could hustle and catch back up to him because hes not actually looking to shoot

What's the over under on if Joe Ingles has a meth-lab in his basement

The jazz are being allowed to run the same play over and over...

Utah was without its best defensive player for the first three games. As soon as Gobert comes back, Hayward goes down with food poisoning.


You're certainly seeing Gobert's presence on the defensive end. That was an impressive block on Speights.

Don't understand clippers defense keeps switching and helping on Ingles. Force him to be a scorer instead of getting everyone involves

No solution for Joe Johnson, none at all

Utah is exposing their jugular and we're not taking advantage.

joe johnson might very well be the end of us

Will our next defensive stop be in Game 5?

You can't really run and ISO 30 plays in a row and expect to have decent offense. For us at least

Joe Johnson isn't Utah's best player, but he's had several stretches this season when he was Utah's best player.

Gonna lose to the crappy Jazz without Gordon Hayward. Blow up this team now and get rid of Doc!

Joe ingles is killing us with his dribble penetrarion. Good job not signing him doc.

Haven't seen as many screens set by a team like Utah runs. Pretty remarkable the offense that they run.
I'm nervous. We're playing well, Hayward is out, yet Utah is hanging around. I'm very uncomfortable right now.

Utah Has Suddenly Gone Ballistic. The Jazz are on fire, thanks almost entirely to Joe Johnson. Iso Joe dropped 11 straight points, then handed out three straight assists.

not a jazz fan but man.. that crowd is lit.

Can you feel some defense? They just scored on the same play 5 out of the last 6 possessions!

This is one of the best stretches of Joe Johnson's career. What a ridiculous performance.

Is this Joe Johnson or Michael Jordan... wtf

Are we just not going to contest the Joe Johnson floaters?

getting beat by the oldest guy on the court in uniform.

Is Joe Johnson the live child of lebron and Michael frickin Jordan?! SOMEONE GUARD THIS MAN

Getting destroyed by a relic

After this series I never want to see Joe Johnson again

Everyone named Joe on the Jazz can go straight to hell.

Dang, Joe Johnson is on fire tonight. Ugh.

what the actual hell- how many times are they gonna double Joe Johnson and let him pass it to a shooter who makes another goddang 3.

We just needs to hurry up lose this series, so we could continue with our lives... Let's do a petition to get Doc rivers fired. He's the cancer for this team... Let redick go, Blake go, Austin go, trade Crawford (when you needed him, he disappeared) pierce needs to retire.

Why has Doc not benched JJ yet? He has a 6'8 Joe Ingles guarding him. As good as JJ is, no way he is going to make a shot over Joe.

Joe Ingles sure made Doc regret cutting him. Dude has been killing us with his defense on Redick and the dagger 3-pointers. It'd be nice to have a guy like that to fill our SF spot. Even when players fall into his lap, Doc's acumen for talent evaluation shows how lacking he is in that department as the de facto GM.

It's a battle of Joe Jesus and Point God on the Sabbath in Salt Lake City. It's biblical in this bitch.

Ok. Everything is just gonna go in for the Jazz. Real f***ing great.

I hate that everyone is blowing joe ingles he's so f***ing dirty it's ridiculous

It's 26-16 in the fourth for Utah. Joe Johnson willed this team to victory. Again.

40 minutes to build a seven-point lead 2 minutes to lose it.

Ridiculous. How about double Joe Johnson and get the ball out of his hands...

You know that your team sucks when they get owned by the Jazz without Hayward

Jj Reddick always disappears in the playoffs the guy should be benched the rest of series, he missed some open shots just a terrible playoff player.

Well, here comes the sadness.

Over the last 6 minutes, any Utah player could have turned around, closed their eyes, and just thrown the ball up in the air and it would have gone in.*#ridiculous

Tonite's winning post comes from Bill Harp: "Doc Rivers should be arrested by the LAPD when they land at LAX for stealing Balmer's money."

With Rudy back and griffin out this series is over. Sorry not sorry clips


Sometimes players get hot. Joe Johnson went Super Nova.

It hurts my soul every time ingles hits a shot. I so wanted doc to keep him back in the day.

Blake wearing a boot for a sprained toe. He needs to be playing with barbies not basketball

The Clipper fan understands Old Testament suffering better than anyone - what it's like to wander forty years in the desert.* Why Cain killed Abel.* We know the life of the disfavored stepchild.* So, fLakers, stay out of a dark alley if we are around!

Give them credit. They made all the big buckets, we didn't.

Good game. *Doc made the critical mistake of leaving JJ Redick out there instead of Raymond Felton. Utah decided to double team Chris Paul. *There went the Clipper offense. Instead of having two point guards out there to attack at different angles, Doc left JJ Redick who was essentially useless out there. Quinn Snyder outcoached Doc, who up until this time did a good job. One critical mistake when Gordon Hayward is unable to play, and the Clippers are in trouble.

Welp, that didn't work. When did Joe Ingles become Larry Bird?

Not angry or disgusted, but the reality is that in the first four games of this series, the Jazz haven't been at full strength yet. They've been missing one of their top two players at virtually all times. And we could only split those games. Now we have to beat them twice in three games with (presumably) all their weapons and us missing ours. Not sure I like those odds.

Basically Joe Johnson caught fire, then they fed off of him and then other guys made shots- EVERY SHOT. This game reminded me of a previous regular season game in Utah when the Jazz simply couldn't miss. One problem IMO was that Chris Paul was too ball dominant down the stretch even as the Jazz started to play him really tight. DJ was pretty much ignored inside even though Gobert wasn't in there. Slow the game down a little, play some pick and roll. Play smart.

Jazz had a defensive plan, they did a good job containing those pick and rolls to take away the option of DJ inside. Joe Johnson basically created all their offense in the 4th while shooting like 80% FG.

This opinion is gonna be very reactionary because we just lost. But i can't really see us winning this series after losing this game. We wasted an amazing jamal game, and hayward was out basically the whole game. We have yet to find an answer to joe johnson. Man i hate to give up before the games are played but im not feeling so confident :(

They can. But the Jazz are a different team with Gobert in the lineup. Clogs up the middle and makes DJ not quite as effective.


Clippers Suffer From Severe Case of ISO Joe, Lose 105-98

Credit to the Jazz They lose Hayward and don’t miss a beat. Such a well coached team expertly exploiting our weaknesses. Our defense makes the trio of Johnson, Ingles and Hood look like the the Dubs big three.
Their misery is delicious, did anyone give the odds on Jingles Meth Lab? Hopefully the good times keep rolling in LA.
I gotta say, that this thread after each win is the main reason I come to this forum. It's fantastic. I appreciate the work you put into this.

Well done.
Hayward so fatigued yet hair still amazing.
It's a battle of Joe Jesus and Point God on the Sabbath in Salt Lake City. It's biblical in this bitch.
A couple of them made a good point. The Jazz were missing one of their two best players in each of these first 4 games, and the Jazz still tied the series. If they're at full strength from here (knocks wood), the Jazz should be favored to win it.
I love how Ingles not only gets into the Clipper players heads but also their fans. I want him for the next 5 years based on that alone.