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Randy Rigby Interview


Well-Known Member
Reading the transcript Moni put up over at Jazz Fanatical of the Randy Rigby interview yesterday, one of the really awesome things I he said...

What’s happening in the draft war room?
I literally walked in to Zions Bank Basketball Center ye–this morning, and I really got excited because as I’m up there talking with, I was talking for awhile with COACH [Tyrone] Corbin, and I looked out, and I see, there, we’ve got Karl Malone working out with Derrick Favors. And really some intense workouts going on there.

Anyway, definitely worth reading the entire thing. Go check it out. https://jazzfanatical.wordpress.com/2013/06/27/bits-from-randy-rigby-interview-626/
Reading the transcript Moni put up over at Jazz Fanatical of the Randy Rigby interview yesterday, one of the really awesome things I he said...

Anyway, definitely worth reading the entire thing. Go check it out. https://jazzfanatical.wordpress.com/2013/06/27/bits-from-randy-rigby-interview-626/

Did they capture any quotes?

Karl to Favors "Look, did you see what the Mailman did there, he busted through your candy arms, and made easy basket"

No but seriously this action is hotter than Jenna Jameson on Miss Utah. Barely...
With physical talents aside, success is normally about those who have an elite work ethic and drive. The Jazz have a huge opportunity with Kanter and Favors to have a great future.

Cool name bro, welcome to the board.

I do believe Favors really needs that father figure in his life (he grew up without a father IIRC). I think Karl Malone could be that man. I think the relationship will work because they'll need each other.

Favors need all the insights that made Malone great and a father figure in his life. Malone needs to feel needed again, and give something back to the Org. that has given him so much.
I'm mainly glad Karl is involved because these guys need someone that can't roll their eyes at as they walk away.. like, "what does he know?"

Yes. The other thing I like about Karl, and I mean this in the nicest way, Karl isn't going to over complicate anything by over thinking.
I'm mainly glad Karl is involved because these guys need someone that can't roll their eyes at as they walk away.. like, "what does he know?"

He can also teach them the values of impregnating and ignoring your underage baby's mama.

Yes. The other thing I like about Karl, and I mean this in the nicest way, Karl isn't going to over complicate anything by over thinking.

Corbin lacks the ability to over think. It is not physically possible for him.
Had to turn off the radio listening to Rigby. He must be a freak in sheets causes he's a borderline retard in the streets.
Bodhi upping his post frequency is the best thing to happen to Jazzfanz in a very long time.

Will rep asap