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sAlT lAkE cItY iS bOrInG

I like boring. In fact I wish it was more boring than it is.

If not for my job I would probably live in wyoming or something way more boring than slc.

The place I actually want to live is on the idaho/wyoming border. Star valley

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Something I found surprising I recently learned is Marcus Stroman from the Mets has a home here. And not a Park City home a Salt Lake City home. He’s been posting fairly often about it on Twitter of late. Idk maybe Donovan does like it here, I know they know each other fairly well. I’m sure it got Donovan’s endorsement before he just up and bought a home in SLC. And he’s spending his winter here of all things.

I love that SLC is getting bigger and more diverse. I could never live in a city much smaller than say Boise. If I wasn't from SLC I'd probably feel a stronger pull to live in a larger city like Denver, Portland or Seattle. San Diego is nice but the weather is too boring. Definitely wouldn't want to live anywhere in the south where it's hot, muggy and never snows.

So many people talk about wanting to live a rural lifestyle yet for some reason the vast majority of people live in cities People have created dense cities for as long as people have been civilized. You'd think if living apart from large populations of other people was as important to people as they claim it is then we wouldn't have such a strong tendency to build and live in cities.
I like boring. In fact I wish it was more boring than it is.

If not for my job I would probably live in wyoming or something way more boring than slc.

The place I actually want to live is on the idaho/wyoming border. Star valley

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
This is why I moved to the LA area. Sitting in traffic for an hour to go to Walmart at 11:00 am on a random Tuesday, then fighting concert-level crowds to get a gallon of milk is incredibly exciting.

Run to Walmart, she said. Grab a gallon of milk, she said.

Returns on Wednesday. Forgot the milk.
Salt Lake City is a mid-size city in the mountains. Its appeal is primarily the outdoors. So people come here for several days to ski or hike, play golf or bike a bit. It's a place you come for maybe 3 or 4 days to relax and then move on. It's always been popular during the week between Christmas and New Year's. Sundance Film Fest is also a big attraction.

Flying to SLC for a powder day at Alta or Snowbird is actually easier than driving to Lake Tahoe if you live in California. Deer Valley appeals to more upscalers.
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From what I hear it isn't SLC but the Utah citizens that weird people out. Not my opinion but what I hear from others ...

It's partly the impression people have of the Mormon church, but probably mostly a perception of people here being backcountry yokels. I don't know how much of that perception is deserved or not. It's just not a super urban area that people are used to.
Probably because many NBA players have openly said they don't want to play here, and Utah/SLC has been on the top of lists of cities that players don't want to play in.

I'm not a Utahan, but all that stuff has been out there for 20 years.

It's not as bad as it used to be. And to be honest, half the cities in the league have this problem to some degree. Utah's still cold in the winter and mostly white people, so that's certainly part of it. Players aren't lining up to go to Minneapolis, Milwaukee or Cleveland either.
I think SLC is more attractive than Milwaukee, Minnesota, Denver (used to be 2nd biggest KKK Capital), Cleveland, Charlotte, Oklahoma City, New Orleans.. the list goes on. I think it's got to be more about the people.
I'm sorry, but does this really belong in the Jazz forum? Should it be moved to General Discussion?
I love SLC, those who don’t? **** em. SLC is not a giant city. Yes it has winter, it also has anything you need and is close to Vegas and LA if you want a vacation. SLC is a nice place, if some don’t like it oh well.
Adrian Dantley probably started when he got traded to the Jazz when he said "To be honest, there's not much for a young black dude to do in Salt Lake."
Adrian Dantley probably started when he got traded to the Jazz when he said "To be honest, there's not much for a young black dude to do in Salt Lake."
Yeah....and AD also couldn’t believe how much the city had changed with his most recent visit, in AD’s day it was 100% true, now?.....well now....SLC has quite a bit to do. It’s not one of the major major US cities by any means but SLC is not the same as Utah lol. It’s not. I can assure you, guys find plenty to do in SLC now, figuratively and literally.
People like us and people with millions in their bankrolls don't really live in the same city. Things for millionaires to do in Salt Lake and Utah in general has climbed quite a bit since the 80's. I mean, how upscale does Indianapolis or Cleveland get?

Also, fairly certain that in 20 years everyone from any neighboring state with an income of more than $500,000 a year will own a home in St. George. That stuff is insane!
It's partly the impression people have of the Mormon church, but probably mostly a perception of people here being backcountry yokels. I don't know how much of that perception is deserved or not. It's just not a super urban area that people are used to.
Yes this plus the negative antics at Jazz games requiring Gail to address them didn't help at all... Plus players and former ones saying some fans yelled out profanity and racist remarks?