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So It Starts...


No mater how the election turns out the losing side will cry foul. But I fear that the rhetoric and fearmongering on bothsides has made it highly likely that violence will follow. I hope I'm wrong.
I thought republicans didnt believe in conspiracy theories?

I mean it more as accusations of cheating. Not that the Dems are stealing it. Just that both sides are going to go ape **** over cheating and intimidation and all sorts of BS.
There's a part of me hoping Romney wins the popular vote but Obama wins the electoral, just for the entertainment factor of hearing the right wingers whine.
I called it in another thread but I'll put it here too. The popular vote will be close but Romney goes over 300 in the electoral college.

Can someone plz sig this?
What makes it sig worthy? I'm assuming just to prove him wrong? If we sigged every post that was to turn out wrong .. could you imagine?

He could be right, too. Just makes it interesting, seeing as these election-type-thingies happen every 4 years methinks. A bit different than a post that says that Gordon Hayward will never average >10ppg (which would be a funny sig as well, imo)
He could be right, too. Just makes it interesting, seeing as these election-type-thingies happen every 4 years methinks. A bit different than a post that says that Gordon Hayward will never average >10ppg (which would be a funny sig as well, imo)

In my experience as a clerk in a photo center with touch screen kiosks I have encountered countless people who are baffled by touch screens. It never ceased to amaze me how many people could screw up something as simple as touching the screen to select what you want.
In my experience as a clerk in a photo center with touch screen kiosks I have encountered countless people who are baffled by touch screens. It never ceased to amaze me how many people could screw up something as simple as touching the screen to select what you want.

So there you have it - Romney voters are just stupid.

But seriously, typical Fox article - the one person who bothers to notify Fox News of a voting problem is from Ohio and Fox News goes right to the person in charge: The Secretary of State.......of Nevada???

I guess it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that the The SoS of Nevada is Democrat (which they somehow thought pertinent to mention in the article) and the SoS of Ohio (who for some reason is not mentioned at all) is Republican? Maybe the Repulican SoS of Ohio wouldn't make himself available for Fox...Wait, what.........

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I called it in another thread but I'll put it here too. The popular vote will be close but Romney goes over 300 in the electoral college.

Put me down for this as well. Smart money is on a Romney blowout.


Lol, had to say it.

Well I can't imagine Romney winning this thing, especially in a blowout. I guess we'll have to see who was in fantasy land and who wasn't in a few days.

Lol, had to say it.

Well I can't imagine Romney winning this thing, especially in a blowout. I guess we'll have to see who was in fantasy land and who wasn't in a few days.

Nutcakes at this time 4 years ago were still talking about how McCain would make a good Pres and how much of a good choice Palin was. I think it's obvious that this election is over. Mitty still has yet to explain his $5 trillion dollar tax cut and is ducking questions regarding FEMA. Nice job