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the Best Person for making most of us feel better about being a jazz fan right now.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, the answer to this is clearly Utah Boozer.

UB, you still living in Brooklyn, dogg? You paying attention right now because your Utah Jazz are in town?

Please follow the JFC instructions on how to recover your password and drop us a line. If you're feeling generous, you could start a whole new thread.

He's actually here under a new name.
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I didn't even know it was UB and gave him some rep for being positive in the Brooklyn game thread. Well played my friend.
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before Ortiz outted himself, I was going to suggest we have some sort of seance to bring him hither:

here's a start:

set this song to some gay pron, that will call him forth:
before Ortiz outted himself, I was going to suggest we have some sort of seance to bring him hither:

here's a start:

set this song to some gay pron, that will call him forth:

I am at full mast, watching Buck Nasty vids and just totally chillin' on this FlyLo.