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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

dunno man One of these was about a high level loser who was the past and by some bizarre happenings likely the future President of the United States that was all over the news here. The other is about a low level loser who is irrelevant and barely got a mention so i don't care. I dunno how that's so hard to understand.

Are you OK dude ? You seem so wound up and pissy these days
But now that you know you can have an opinion on it. Which you seem very willing to share in defense of trump and to attack the justice system for prosecuting trump but for some reason cant see the issue in the prosecution of hunter. Its strange bro. Im wondering if you are ok.
Why don’t you suggest the GOP find a replacement for Trump? After all, he was the one who was recently found guilty of felony crimes. It’s interesting how you always “error” in attacking the left. For being a “nonpartisan neutral observer” you sure help Trump out a lot. Have you ever asked for Trump to be replaced?
Its kind of a pattern. The dems should replace Biden. The winner of the last election and current president. But the GOP shouldn't replace trump. The loser of the last election, convicted felon scumbag who tried to overturn our election and still has a bunch of indictments upcoming. The pattern continues.

Before the 1960s, it was really hard to get divorced in America.

Typically, the only way to do it was to convince a judge that your spouse had committed some form of wrongdoing, like adultery, abandonment, or “cruelty” (that is, abuse). This could be difficult: “Even if you could prove you had been hit, that didn’t necessarily mean it rose to the level of cruelty that justified a divorce,” said Marcia Zug, a family law professor at the University of South Carolina.

Then came a revolution: In 1969, then-Gov. Ronald Reagan of California (who was himself divorced) signed the nation’s first no-fault divorce law, allowing people to end their marriages without proving they’d been wronged. The move was a recognition that “people were going to get out of marriages,” Zug said, and gave them a way to do that without resorting to subterfuge. Similar laws soon swept the country, and rates of domestic violence and spousal murder began to drop as people — especially women — gained more freedom to leave dangerous situations.

Today, however, a counter-revolution is brewing: Conservative commentators and lawmakers are calling for an end to no-fault divorce, arguing that it has harmed men and even destroyed the fabric of society. Oklahoma state Sen. Dusty Deevers, for example, introduced a bill in January to ban his state’s version of no-fault divorce. The Texas Republican Party added a call to end the practice to its 2022 platform (the plank is preserved in the 2024 version). Federal lawmakers like Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) and House Speaker Mike Johnson, as well as former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, have spoken out in favor of tightening divorce laws.

If this sounds outlandish or like easily dismissed political posturing — surely Republicans don’t want to turn back the clock on marital law more than 50 years — it’s worth looking back at, say, how rhetorical attacks on abortion, birth control, and IVF have become reality.

And that will cause huge problems, especially for anyone experiencing abuse. “Any barrier to divorce is a really big challenge for survivors,” said Marium Durrani, vice president of policy at the National Domestic Violence Hotline. “What it really ends up doing is prolonging their forced entanglement with an abusive partner.”

In the wake of the Dobbs decision, divorce is just one of many areas of family law that conservative policymakers see an opportunity to rewrite. “We’ve now gotten to the point where things that weren’t on the table are on the table,” Zug said. “Fringe ideas are becoming much more mainstream.”

It’s worth noting that though the no-fault laws initially led to spikes in divorce, rates then began to drop, and reached a 50-year low in 2019.

No-fault divorce can be easier on children, who don’t have to experience their parents facing each other in a trial, experts say. Research suggests that allowing such divorces increased women’s power in marriages and even reduced women’s suicide rates. A return to the old ways would turn back the clock on this progress, scholars say.

“We know exactly what happens when people can’t get out of very unhappy marriages,” Zug said. “There’s much higher incidences of domestic abuse and spousal murder.”

Divorce is extremely common — more than 670,000 American couples split in 2022 alone. Any rollback to no-fault divorce would likely be politically unpopular, even in red states (some of which have higher divorce rates than the national average).

But perhaps emboldened by their victory in overturning Roe v. Wade, social conservatives have gone after other popular targets in recent months, from birth control to IVF. The drive to increase restrictions on divorce is part of the same movement, Zug said — an effort to re-entrench “conservative family values,” incentivize heterosexual marriage and childbearing, and disempower women. “They are all connected,” Zug said.
Its kind of a pattern. The dems should replace Biden. The winner of the last election and current president. But the GOP shouldn't replace trump. The loser of the last election, convicted felon scumbag who tried to overturn our election and still has a bunch of indictments upcoming. The pattern continues.

you know there's no chance to replace Trump because the Republicans heads are so far up his arse they'll never do it yeah ?? which is why i don't mention it. It's weird because there seemed to be quite a few other options for them. I actually still have hope that the Democrats will wake up and replace Biden to offer something decent and appealing. i think there's still a good chance that will happen which is why i do mention it, Not hard to understand unless you're just so hell bent on thinking Biden is a good option. I wouldn't vote for either of those clowns in a blue fit.

And my point overall is .. the world is laughing at you Trump is .. well all that he is and it beggars belief that he might get back in, but outside the US Biden is openly mocked and laughed at and it's also hard to fathom that he's being offered as the other choice.

but yeah .. pAtTErn
you know there's no chance to replace Trump because the Republicans heads are so far up his arse they'll never do it yeah ?? which is why i don't mention it. It's weird because there seemed to be quite a few other options for them. I actually still have hope that the Democrats will wake up and replace Biden to offer something decent and appealing. i think there's still a good chance that will happen which is why i do mention it, Not hard to understand unless you're just so hell bent on thinking Biden is a good option. I wouldn't vote for either of those clowns in a blue fit.

And my point overall is .. the world is laughing at you Trump is .. well all that he is and it beggars belief that he might get back in, but outside the US Biden is openly mocked and laughed at and it's also hard to fathom that he's being offered as the other choice.

but yeah .. pAtTErn
One is the winner of the previous election and current president. You should look it up and let me know the last time that the current president didn't run in the next election after their first term.
I'm guessing it's never happened before.
You can think something that hasn't ever happened before should happen but it just won't so might as well give that hope up. I did.

It's also very rare that the loser of an election is the nominee again (though this has probably happened before)

In other words it makes complete sense that Biden would be the nominee again.

It's bat **** insane that trump would be the nominee

Sent from my CPH2451 using Tapatalk
One is the winner of the previous election and current president. You should look it up and let me know the last time that the current president didn't run in the next election after their first term.
I'm guessing it's never happened before.
You can think something that hasn't ever happened before should happen but it just won't so might as well give that hope up. I did.

It's also very rare that the loser of an election is the nominee again (though this has probably happened before)

In other words it makes complete sense that Biden would be the nominee again.

It's bat **** insane that trump would be the nominee

Sent from my CPH2451 using Tapatalk

agree with it being insane Trump running given everything he's done. However i disagree about it making sense that Biden would run given his age and deterioration, he seemed to be more a placeholder for one term. Anyway it is what it is
you know there's no chance to replace Trump because the Republicans heads are so far up his arse they'll never do it yeah ?? which is why i don't mention it. It's weird because there seemed to be quite a few other options for them. I actually still have hope that the Democrats will wake up and replace Biden to offer something decent and appealing. i think there's still a good chance that will happen which is why i do mention it, Not hard to understand unless you're just so hell bent on thinking Biden is a good option. I wouldn't vote for either of those clowns in a blue fit.

And my point overall is .. the world is laughing at you Trump is .. well all that he is and it beggars belief that he might get back in, but outside the US Biden is openly mocked and laughed at and it's also hard to fathom that he's being offered as the other choice.

but yeah .. pAtTErn
Most of the world isn’t laughing at us. Where do you get your information from? The same junk sites you get your crazy anti vax information from? Australia seems to be a weird outlier. Is it because Murdoch media (owner of Fox News) is so popular there?

Again, it’s weird how you have this pattern of attacking Biden and helping Trump.
One is the winner of the previous election and current president. You should look it up and let me know the last time that the current president didn't run in the next election after their first term.
I'm guessing it's never happened before.
You can think something that hasn't ever happened before should happen but it just won't so might as well give that hope up. I did.

It's also very rare that the loser of an election is the nominee again (though this has probably happened before)

In other words it makes complete sense that Biden would be the nominee again.

It's bat **** insane that trump would be the nominee

Sent from my CPH2451 using Tapatalk
I can think of a couple...

Why do we act like Trump is some sort of juggernaut? He’s never won the popular vote. He never broke 50 percent on approval. What has he done to become more popular since his insurrection? Do we think he’s going to win more support with his nonsensical rants about sharks, batteries, and becoming a dictator?
One is the winner of the previous election and current president. You should look it up and let me know the last time that the current president didn't run in the next election after their first term.
I'm guessing it's never happened before.
You can think something that hasn't ever happened before should happen but it just won't so might as well give that hope up. I did.

It's also very rare that the loser of an election is the nominee again (though this has probably happened before)

In other words it makes complete sense that Biden would be the nominee again.

It's bat **** insane that trump would be the nominee

Sent from my CPH2451 using Tapatalk
LBJ, Polk, Buchanan, Hayes, Coolidge, and Truman. And Teddy Roosevelt, but he ran the term after.
LBJ, Polk, Buchanan, Hayes, Coolidge, and Truman. And Teddy Roosevelt, but he ran the term after.
When are they going to make a feature length movie about Teddy Roosevelt? And I mean a modern movie. I don't want to hear about whatever got released in 1909.
When are they going to make a feature length movie about Teddy Roosevelt? And I mean a modern movie. I don't want to hear about whatever got released in 1909.
Hopefully never. Teddy Roosevelt is too complicated a character to tell his story in a ~2 hour frame. A feature length film could only present a slanted half-truth. HBO might be able to do him justice in a miniseries similar to the one they did for John Adams.
LBJ, Polk, Buchanan, Hayes, Coolidge, and Truman. And Teddy Roosevelt, but he ran the term after.
These are guys who weren't their parties nominee when they were the incumbent?

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These are guys who weren't their parties nominee when they were the incumbent?

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LBJ was the last president who didn’t run for reelection when he could have. 1968 was a rough year. You’re at the middle of Vietnam (we had just suffered a major attack from the Viet Cong known as the Tet Offensive. Our embassy was hit, south Vietnamese police officers were caught on camera shooting viet Cong prisoners in the heads, and Walter Cronkite declared the war a failure), Civil Rights unrest, the Democratic Party was split in two as southern Democrats either went Republican or independent, and two major assassinations, Bobby Kennedy and MLK jr.

The others that come to mind either had unique circumstances (Truman had already served 7 years because he had served most of FDR’s final term and the Korean War was a stalemate and Roosevelt didn't think he should run again) and the others happened in the 19th century.

No one with Biden’s economic or legislative record would be seeking to “hang it up.” Yes, he’s old. Wish he were 30 years younger. Wish he was a better public speaker. But the result? He’s been wildly successful. Probably the most effective president since Reagan, LBJ, or Einsenhower.

The economy
Vaccine rollout (it’s a shame red America decided vaccines were for *******)
CHIPs act
Limiting drug prices
Investment in green tech
Handling of Ukraine

All top notch.

Just Imagine Trump’s handling of Ukraine. Would zelensky even be alive right now?
All those projects republicans voted for but are taking pictures of now that they’re being built? That wouldn’t have happened under dump. How many times did we have “infrastructure week” and it ended up being him freaking out at pelosi or calling African counties *********?
Think dump would’ve limited the price of insulin or would he have given ceos who donated to his campaign tax breaks? We all know the answer to this.
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These are guys who weren't their parties nominee when they were the incumbent?

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The ones who decided not to run for a second term - some of them (Truman & LBJ I know for sure) were VP, took over for part of their predecessor's term when they died, won the next election, and then didn't run the one after that even tho they could have. Teddy ran and won in 1904, didn't run in 1908, then ran again in 1912.
When are they going to make a feature length movie about Teddy Roosevelt? And I mean a modern movie. I don't want to hear about whatever got released in 1909.
OK, this is weird, maybe, but I can see Daniel Radcliff in the role, especially if they go with a young Teddy.
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LBJ was the last president who didn’t run for reelection when he could have. 1968 was a rough year. You’re at the middle of Vietnam (we had just suffered a major attack from the Viet Cong known as the Tet Offensive. Our embassy was hit, south Vietnamese police officers were caught on camera shooting viet Cong prisoners in the heads, and Walter Cronkite declared the war a failure), Civil Rights unrest, the Democratic Party was split in two as southern Democrats either went Republican or independent, and two major assassinations, Bobby Kennedy and MLK jr.

The others that come to mind either had unique circumstances (Truman had already served 7 years because he had served most of FDR’s final term and the Korean War was a stalemate and Roosevelt didn't think he should run again) and the others happened in the 19th century.

No one with Biden’s economic or legislative record would be seeking to “hang it up.” Yes, he’s old. Wish he were 30 years younger. Wish he was a better public speaker. But the result? He’s been wildly successful. Probably the most effective president since Reagan, LBJ, or Einsenhower.

The economy
Vaccine rollout (it’s a shame red America decided vaccines were for *******)
CHIPs act
Limiting drug prices
Investment in green tech
Handling of Ukraine

All top notch.

Just Imagine Trump’s handling of Ukraine. Would zelensky even be alive right now?
All those projects republicans voted for but are taking pictures of now that they’re being built? That wouldn’t have happened under dump. How many times did we have “infrastructure week” and it ended up being him freaking out at pelosi or calling African counties *********?
Think dump would’ve limited the price of insulin or would he have given ceos who donated to his campaign tax breaks? We all know the answer to this.

Biden’s CHIPs Act on the ground in Utah. 11 billion dollar investment in Utah’s future economy and the local GOP chuds lap it up.

Just wait until that Infra money starts manifesting. We’re lucky dems got this stuff through before the GOP get their chance to **** it all up like they usually do.

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