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The Jazz FO have New Year's resolutions for the Jazz

In truth, I hope that their resolution is to make a commitment to the direction of this team. Youth or vets but stop playing with my heart strings.
Fire Corbin, hire JVG, trade Jefferson for draft picks and expirings, trade Millsap for draft picks and expirings, trade Marvin for draft picks and expirings, trade Foye for draft picks and expirings.

Once Mo comes back, we'd still be no worse there with Mo, Tinsley, and Watson. We'd still have Hayward starting at the 2 and will have opened up major time for Burks there. We could start Carroll at the 3 and Hayward can be his backup. These three can play 36 a night or maybe around 30-32 with the leftover minutes going to one of the expirings acquired. Kanter and Favors can start. Expirings acquired via trades can play backup big minutes behind them.

Stockpile a ton of picks in this year's draft and next, and make a splash.
For some reason I don't think Carrol plays well when he starts... It almost like he gets pissed off being on the bench and just goes crazy when he gets on the floor...

So keep Carrol on the bench..
Fire Corbin, hire JVG, trade Jefferson for draft picks and expirings, trade Millsap for draft picks and expirings, trade Marvin for draft picks and expirings, trade Foye for draft picks and expirings.

Once Mo comes back, we'd still be no worse there with Mo, Tinsley, and Watson. We'd still have Hayward starting at the 2 and will have opened up major time for Burks there. We could start Carroll at the 3 and Hayward can be his backup. These three can play 36 a night or maybe around 30-32 with the leftover minutes going to one of the expirings acquired. Kanter and Favors can start. Expirings acquired via trades can play backup big minutes behind them.

Stockpile a ton of picks in this year's draft and next, and make a splash.

Well, it definitely sounds like a party. I'd be in. Where's Freak, want his take..

I hope the Jazz FO are planning on a diet and seek to lose however much Al weighs.
For some reason I don't think Carrol plays well when he starts... It almost like he gets pissed off being on the bench and just goes crazy when he gets on the floor...

So keep Carrol on the bench..

No one at the SF plays well when they start.


Because Big Al takes up all the shots.

Look at our offense. When Mo and Foye aren't chucking Big Al is stopping the ball with 10 pumpfakes and then a weezy clanking off the back rim.

Lebron James would struggle to get shots the way our offense is run. He'd have to rely on o-rebounds and fast break points (which is what all of our SFs and PFs must do) when Big Al is out there.

When will Ty Corbin recognize that Black Hole hurts this team offensively? We'd be so much better with Favors or Kanter at C and sharing the "wealth" around at the PF and SF spots than with this slow boring "establish Big Al" offense we have.

How many more teams does he need to "take" to the lottery before people figure out that he isn't Shaq?
The Jazz are a bit further back of the pack than they would like to be heading into 2013, but some of that can be attributed to having played 13 home games and 19 road games. They’re likely due for a little push up the standings over the next month or two. There’s a ceiling on this particular group, however, just as there is for all Western Conference teams with non-elite talent. Utah couldn’t win a playoff game last season, much less a series. Is there any conceivable path to postseason success given the lay of the land in the West this year? Do they really stand a chance of winning more than one game against the Clippers, Thunder, Spurs, Grizzlies or Lakers? It’s not likely.

With that in mind, the trade deadline represents an opportunity for management. Up-and-comers such as Derrick Favors, Enes Kanter and Alec Burks should be seeing more time down the stretch than they are now. But that won’t happen unless there’s some dumping at the deadline or a clear philosophical shift from coach Tyrone Corbin, or some combination of the two.
No one at the SF plays well when they start.


Because Big Al takes up all the shots.

Yeah, that's why Carroll starts bad. Because Al takes up all his shots...

Carroll isn't a starter, is why. He's a high-energy bench guy, good rebounder, and pseudo-defender.

But he's certainly better than Marvin Williams.
New years resolution

1- find a point guard that can run the team! Either a young pg (my vote Marshall) or drafts picks to get one in the future draft or make a plan for fre agency (least likely)

2- make a decision on Corbin. Is he our coach of the future if not get him the **** out of here. Personally bring in a defensive coach that is a good x's and o's guy. Top of my list Jeff van gundy.

3- are burks, favors, kanter and hayward the future? If so move out the players taking their minutes. Take the growing pains and prepare them for the future. Ie Jefferson, millsap and foye.

4- gain an identity. Who are the jazz?

Those I think would be my resolutions for the jazz.
Yeah, that's why Carroll starts bad. Because Al takes up all his shots...

Carroll isn't a starter, is why. He's a high-energy bench guy, good rebounder, and pseudo-defender.

But he's certainly better than Marvin Williams.

As frustrated as I am with Marvin Williams I think he is suited for a 6th or 7th man role. He would be a great bench role player. He doesn't get paid like one but that is his future in the nba.
Jazz New Year Resolutions

What they probably are:

1- Make the Playoffs

2- Use the 17th and 23rd picks to draft another undeveloped pf/c and a sg.

3- Sign Al and Milsap, and Foye and 3 more veteran 'leaders'

What they should be:

1- Create a stable and predictable organization (coaching included) that was the halmark of the Jazz for so many years.
2- Committ to 2 of the bigs, ask the other two to be back-ups- move the un happy ones.
3- Start seeing young players as assetts and committ to make the assetts worth more.

FYI--My Jazz New Year resolution is to complain less and enjoy more. --Probably won't last long with the company I keep around here.
Jazz New Year Resolutions

What they probably are:

1- Make the Playoffs

2- Use the 17th and 23rd picks to draft another undeveloped pf/c and a sg.

3- Sign Al and Milsap, and Foye and 3 more veteran 'leaders'

I will pull all my hair out. From head to head.