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**** the millers! The Jazz lick balls!

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I wish I could go back in time back to when pbash's mother was pregnant with him, and shove that bitch down some stairs.

Hard to imagine that actually changing any outcome, since I'm fairly convinced he's a half-aborted mess anyway.
I must agree with the original sentiments expressed in the opening of this thread.

Once again, the Jazz have downgraded.

Every Jazz maneuver of the past 2 years has been a downgrade.
There is a better way to handle your fustration that to just **** all over yourself.

Get sober, and come back when you can human speak. Thanks.
I must agree with the original sentiments expressed in the opening of this thread.

Once again, the Jazz have downgraded.

Every Jazz maneuver of the past 2 years has been a downgrade.

One of the worst posts of the day.

Kinda hard to upgrade when your trade chip is a top 3 point guard. I doubt Chicago was dangling Derrick Rose.

The Jazz made a judgment call based on Deron's behavior during the season and his conversations with management, the uncertainty of the CBA and possible lockout, and the previous examples of Chris Bosh, LeBron James, and Carmello Anthony. Based on all of that, the Jazz had limited options. They could either A) Make several kneejerk moves like the Cavs to surround Deron players in a hail mary attempt to win a championship before his contract was up and then hoping he resigns after he gets a ring here, B) Make limited moves in attempt to rebuild the team and show Deron that they are committed to positioning themselves for sustained but not immediate championship contention and hope that he resigns, or C) They strike while the iron is hot, acting on a trade offer from a floundering Eastern Conference team that failed reel in LeBron in the offseason and couldn't sell Carmello on an extend and trade.

Option C is what EVERYONE wanted to do with Boozer because we all knew he was skipping town the moment his obligation to the Jazz was over. The Jazz got a bit lucky that Chicago gave us that trade exception, but had the team acted earlier, who knows? A few draft picks, maybe we move up from #9 in last year's draft and we end up with Favors anyway.

The fact of the matter is, there was too much risk involved in keeping Deron. I'm not happy he's gone, but this was the best option for the team, without question.

And hell, anyone that agrees with pbash doesn't really know **** about anything.
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