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Thoughts on the league blocking the Chris Paul deal


The league has reportedly blocked Chris Paul being traded to the Lakers. Every national voice in the sports media have blasted the move by the league. All citing that it was a good trade for all parties. Which I agree it was. But what owners were worried about was if Dwight Howard would then be traded to the lakers right after. Ever since the news broke that the deal was blocked. A leaked story surfaced that Howard wanted to be traded to the nets. And all along people have known he wants LA. To me that sounds like it could be just a ploy by Dwight Howard's camp to signal to the league that the Chris Paul deal won't be so bad for other owners because he wasn't going there . I could be wrong but its a possibility. So I applaud the league for the move.

The league is trying to do the right thing. The league won't be able to function like this in the long term. Small market owners aren't in the business of just being farm teams for the big markets. The only way this gets fixed is the league has to adopt a hard cap with no exceptions. That's how you create parity. Do it like the NFL. It's the only way.

Otherwise fans in small market teams will grow frustrated and disinterested if everytime their star player reaches their prime they have to be traded. Players should be able to choose their destination. But they shouldn't be able to all go to the same team or teams. Otherwise what's the point of Small market owners doing business in the league.
How is this the league doing the right thing? Paul is either going to LA in a trade or going to NYC on his own free will. It would be in everyone's best interest to let the Hornets get some pieces back.
The league has reportedly blocked Chris Paul being traded to the Lakers. Every national voice in the sports media have blasted the move by the league. All citing that it was a good trade for all parties. Which I agree it was. But what owners were worried about was if Dwight Howard would then be traded to the lakers right after. Ever since the news broke that the deal was blocked. A leaked story surfaced that Howard wanted to be traded to the nets. And all along people have known he wants LA. To me that sounds like it could be just a ploy by Dwight Howard's camp to signal to the league that the Chris Paul deal won't be so bad for other owners because he wasn't going there . I could be wrong but its a possibility. So I applaud the league for the move.

The league is trying to do the right thing. The league won't be able to function like this in the long term. Small market owners aren't in the business of just being farm teams for the big markets. The only way this gets fixed is the league has to adopt a hard cap with no exceptions. That's how you create parity. Do it like the NFL. It's the only way.

Otherwise fans in small market teams will grow frustrated and disinterested if everytime their star player reaches their prime they have to be traded. Players should be able to choose their destination. But they shouldn't be able to all go to the same team or teams. Otherwise what's the point of Small market owners doing business in the league.

Have to wait at least six years before we could dream of a hard cap now. Secondly this was a good trade for the Hornets. Paul was gone and they got four solid players back plus at least one first round draft pick. How the Lakers were going to be able to get Howard with only Bynum to dangle is a mystery. So this in my opinion is a very bad move by the league. As has been said what happens if Bynum gets injured, the Lakers would have the worst frontcourt in the NBA.
Chris Paul should have just kept his mouth shut about where he wanted to go and none of this would have happened. After all, Stern said he would not allow a player to decide where he wanted to go.
Chris Paul should have just kept his mouth shut about where he wanted to go and none of this would have happened. After all, Stern said he would not allow a player to decide where he wanted to go.

Well it's actually nice of Paul. Yes it would help the Hornets, but it would royally screw whoever unloaded to get him for a 1 year rental.
The lakers could easily get Dwight Howard. They have draft picks.

So to the Magic it would be Brook Lopez plus picks vs Bynum plus picks. Most people in the league feel the Bynum package would be better.

It's a mute point anyways. David Stern doesn't own the Hornets. The owners do. And they can choose not to approve of trades that will hurt them for years to come
I have a feeling that this deal will go through eventually. Can you imagine all the bitter frogs in the league if Stern doesn't allow this to go through.

Sorry Pau and Lamar, we really do love you...signed Mike Brown.
I thought it was a GREAT trade for LA, unloading 2 clearly-declining big men for a still young all-star PG.
It was an OK, not great, trade for New Orleans.
It was quite simply a BAD trade for Houston. Gasol has major milage on him on the hardwood and CLEARLY declined last year. The Lakers would NEVER have traded him otherwise!
How is this the league doing the right thing? Paul is either going to LA in a trade or going to NYC on his own free will. It would be in everyone's best interest to let the Hornets get some pieces back.

Lakers would have gotten Paul, saved almost 40 million, didn't have to trade any picks, and had a great chance of bringing in another big name. No thanks.
Lakers would have gotten Paul, saved almost 40 million, didn't have to trade any picks, and had a great chance of bringing in another big name. No thanks.

Okay, you still can't prevent it. It's the best possible deal the Hornets are going to get.
I'm actually in favor of the move. I think it makes the lakers worse. But not til Howard is out of the picture. Howard, Paul, and Bryant super team would be ridiculous and unfair
I thought that it was a great trade for the Jazz. We have been trying to build a team that can compete with the Lakers big men and with this trade 2 of the 3 are gone. Bynum does not scare or bother me in the least. With this trade the Jazz came out as winners.
I'm actually in favor of the move. I think it makes the lakers worse. But not til Howard is out of the picture. Howard, Paul, and Bryant super team would be ridiculous and unfair

It would be tough but the Lakers would have no depth and in 3 years as the Jazz are peaking, the Lakers would be one superstar short but still have his money on the books. I want this trade to happen.
I thought that it was a great trade for the Jazz. We have been trying to build a team that can compete with the Lakers big men and with this trade 2 of the 3 are gone. Bynum does not scare or bother me in the least. With this trade the Jazz came out as winners.

Excellent point. The best pick and roll players the Lakers have were being traded so that would lessen his "goodness" anyway.
I think this means that the owners now more about the behind-the-scenes shennanigans than the fans do. Can you imagine?

They are right to halt the building of yet another super-team in LA. Even the owners are catching on that a league consisting of a few super-teams and "the rest" does not make for a good product.
I think this means that the owners now more about the behind-the-scenes shennanigans than the fans do. Can you imagine?

They are right to halt the building of yet another super-team in LA. Even the owners are catching on that a league consisting of a few super-teams and "the rest" does not make for a good product.

No they are not right. This trade is completely fair and defensible. Read Hollinger on ESPN. The trade probably lessened the chance that the Lakers were going to get Howard. Bynum + end of first round picks getting him? Doubtful. Paul is gone no matter what. At least the Hornets would have gotten 4 solid players + at least one first round pick.