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To those who provide content here, I call a boycott.

In my younger career I ...... killed people. I could always ....eat .....a...... person. ........ it is best for them."

I ....A....m..... great ....

...Wow. .

To sum it up.

Came across that so had to share *winky smile*

It's not about being afraid of a challenge. It's about not wanting to be punished for having different beliefs from you. I don't think you're standing up for anything. It is about your prejudices that you can't get over. I saw you bully Howard about being anti-abortion dozens of times, and never when he is talking about the same subject even. You call people who believe in hell stupid, out of the blue. Sorry knower-of-everything for believing something you don't believe in! I promise to do better next time!

It is about pushing your own beliefs on others who don't share them. I don't care how intelligent or educated you are. Only God knows everything (I believe). And I don't want to worry about being bullied for making the mistake of expressing my beliefs.

Sorry for getting all angry, I'll go enjoy the rest of my Sunday now.

Excellent take on the One Love archetype. This is a lot better than TPP's slapstick parody. Just believable enough to be genuinely annoying. Bravo.
Excellent take on the One Love archetype. This is a lot better than TPP's slapstick parody. Just believable enough to be genuinely annoying. Bravo.

now you see why he's freelancing - - if he were truly any good, he'd have a steady gig...

or maybe it's the other way around

Like you said, J-Rod, we're brothers.You gotta back your brothers play.

As for giving me anything I want, I would like the "Is this inappropriate (part 2)" thread reinstated.

And Limp diKKK assassinated.

After extensive negotiations with management I have done my best.