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Trade Deadline

I guess we'll be rolling with Burke till the end of the season at least. Not the end of the world. Yes he's twitted a picture of his Woody Woodpecker but people have been too harsh on the fella at times...
Someone should make a game thread

Also, QS looked high during his pregame interview. :confused:
Wouldn't that be funny? We've been talking about Lawson's problems, What if Snyder relapsed?
Better keep him away from the Rigby retirement party. I hear it's going to be pretty wild.
Trading a second rounder for Mack seems weird, but a good day. All assets and roster intact. Mack better be third string this year.
So far so good after that embarrassing *** kicking last night.

The point guards were awesome too. 2-13 shooting, zero trips to the line, lots of turnovers, and totally out matched defensively.
So far so good after that embarrassing *** kicking last night.

The point guards were awesome too. 2-13 shooting, zero trips to the line, lots of turnovers, and totally out matched defensively.

Some people just have loser mentality and are afraid for changes. We see that with some fans here but also DL
So far so good after that embarrassing *** kicking last night.

The point guards were awesome too. 2-13 shooting, zero trips to the line, lots of turnovers, and totally out matched defensively.

It's called a bad game, and The wiz playing out of there minds. Doesn't mean we need to be spending valuable assets for a rental that would've made us marginally better for one year. Exum is injured, Trey sucks, and Neto is a rookie, and let's not forget that this team is still the 4th youngest team in the league.

It's called cake baking for a reason. Rome wasn't built in a day. It will take years to get to where we want to be, unless Exum becomes that superstar we covet, Let's also not forget that the cake baking was accelerated by the genius moves by DL to trade for Gobert and drafting of hood. TPP can criticize DL and the Jazz org all he wants, but at the end of the day they know 100 times more then he. Let's also not forget that we still are in the hunt, and have a more then fair shot to make the playoffs and advance past the 7-8th spots in playoff rankings.

TPP, me not wanting to lose Hood plus a first for Teague, or or trading for a guy like Lawson that will or could slow Exum's possible rise to stardom doesn't mean I have a loser mentality, and same for the Jazz org. Sounds like TPP wishes the Jazz were more like the Knicks taking every risk in the book. What has it got them? A star that is known for being a me first win second player. Remember some of there moves... Signings... They've tried purchasing and dealing for a championship caliber team, and what has it got them? The only thing good about that team is Porz.

This team is going to be very good if the Jazz stay the course and let the baking do its thing. Let's also not forget the return of Burks being imminent. That alone will improve pg play and a boost to our playoff run. I can almost tast that sweet sweet cake. It would be a shame to ruin it now, after how long we've waited.

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So because I'm looking at the future betterment of the team, and your looking for a quick fix for the present alone, I'm a clown?

Remember when We lauded DL's cake baking analogy, now most criticize it, because of their impatience.

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You aren't unique for believing in the future of this team. You'd be hard pressed to find someone who isn't.

Your absolute denial that anyone who isn't currently on the team could be better than anyone we currently have is just annoying.

"Would you trade Neto for Curry?"

"You know Neto is a rookie, and he's been improving, I like our team as is."

I exaggerate, but that's the jist, and it can get annoying.

Also, the Wizards were nothing special yesterday. We just sucked, bad. Admit it for once.

We are all excited for the future. So relax. Hopefully we can bounce back tonight.
Your absolute denial that anyone who isn't currently on the team could be better than anyone we currently have is just annoying.

This just isn't true and you're putting words in my mouth. I'm just not willing to mortgage the future of this team for a one year rental, and it would've been a steep steep price to get Teague. Sounds like from everything I heard, it would've taken Hood and a first for Teague. Even u can't deny that Exum could one day be better then Teague, and I believe Exum is already better then Lawson, and Lawson is cancerous to boot, and on top of that he doesn't even want to be here!! So no thanks.

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I think this is the trade if salary matches.

Burke + Pleiss for Lawson.

(no picks involved)

Sorry. I'm calling bs on numerous people being down with burke, Booker, pliess for lawson and nothing more.
Yea I went back and looked. It was mostly just One love preaching about not needing the pick, he just said it so many times in so many ways it felt like numerous posters. There were quite a few okay with a pick swap instead of a pick. Which is about the same thing since we are ahead of them in the standings right now, this was before most of us knew they didn't have their pick anyway. But I was wrong it was mostly just One Love and a couple of posters I've never heard of before.