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Trade Idea w/ Rockets.


Active Member
Swap Big Al for Kevin Martin.

We free up space for Favors/Kanter/Sap while greatly improving our wing play.
Join Date: May 2010

How do you keep track of all these email addresses, usernames, and passwords?

Personally I keep a record of all user names and corresponding passwords on a extremely protceted server. I have about 40 different username/password combos that I have to keep up with.
Personally I keep a record of all user names and corresponding passwords on a extremely protceted server. I have about 40 different username/password combos that I have to keep up with.

Which one do use to make the good posts?
At least this trade does not have us trading one big and bringing another in like alot of trade ideas I see.
Personally I keep a record of all user names and corresponding passwords on a extremely protected server. I have about 40 different username/password combos that I have to keep up with.

Like, for example, this one. Even fixed my spelling!
Any self respecting Jazz fan would veto this trade. Not for the fact of the players in the trade, but because its the Rockets.

**** THE ROCKETS and the slum hole of Houston that they try to call a city.
I don't oppose this. I'm more interested in youth, but if you're going to be a purely offensive player, then you'd better be insanely efficient like Kevin Martin.
Like, for example, this one. Even fixed my spelling!

If this is a shot at my spelling/gramatical errors then fair enough. On this computer everything is security checked a million times and downloading anything is a no no. To use the spellcheck provided on these forums I have to make a download. So no spell check. At least not in any manner I care to pursue.