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Trust the Filter

Trust the Filter is like Great Value version of trust the process. I’m pretty sure I’d laugh if a boss or coach pushed that saying.
You are on to something. It’s code. “Trust the Process” originated in Philadelphia, right? Notice how “Trust the filter” uses the uses the phoneme “Fill” which is also used in “PHILadelphia.” And “Ter?”It’s a phoneme within “terrible” which alludes to tanking. Very prescient of you to pick up on this.
You are on to something. It’s code. “Trust the Process” originated in Philadelphia, right? Notice how “Trust the filter” uses the uses the phoneme “Fill” which is also used in “PHILadelphia.” And “Ter?”It’s a phoneme within “terrible” which alludes to tanking. Very prescient of you to pick up on this.
Also, when we draft Cooper Flagg for the prophesy to be completely fulfilled he must be nicknamed The Filter.
"That's why I say hey man nice shot."

Filter (the band's) big hit. "Nice shot man." Just listen to that goddamn opening bass line. . . .

He's saying to shoot the ****ing rock! No consequences! No bad shots!
