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Tucker Carlson Booted From Fox News

As a foreign who immigrated to US 3 years ago, I've always had a hard time consuming news here. Most of the outlets, at least the bigger ones tends to be polarized and heavily biased towards one side or the other. From a political, economic and social point of view, my current preferences are sort of centered, some sort of social liberalism a bit more skewed towards the individual freedom than state support, and I say current because our view should also evolve with the way the world evolves and based on our family, work and general life evolution too, so that can and probably should be different years from now.
Whenever I'm invested into a topic, I struggle on where and how to consume information about it and what I end up doing is reading or listening to 'both sides' and trying to form my own opinion, which sometimes is hard considering how much hate can be distilled in some of these news.
I've tried consuming from international outlets, and they're helpful on the global scale news but they tend to be shallow, or sensationalist or not have the news at all.
Anyways, any recommendations?
As a foreign who immigrated to US 3 years ago, I've always had a hard time consuming news here. Most of the outlets, at least the bigger ones tends to be polarized and heavily biased towards one side or the other. From a political, economic and social point of view, my current preferences are sort of centered, some sort of social liberalism a bit more skewed towards the individual freedom than state support, and I say current because our view should also evolve with the way the world evolves and based on our family, work and general life evolution too, so that can and probably should be different years from now.
Whenever I'm invested into a topic, I struggle on where and how to consume information about it and what I end up doing is reading or listening to 'both sides' and trying to form my own opinion, which sometimes is hard considering how much hate can be distilled in some of these news.
I've tried consuming from international outlets, and they're helpful on the global scale news but they tend to be shallow, or sensationalist or not have the news at all.
Anyways, any recommendations?

It's not perfect, but about as good as it gets.
I get most of my national news from AP.
I actually check news.google.com, as a news aggregator, and then pick from the various stories they have on there - sometimes Fox, sometimes CNN or MSNBC, usually, I try to go with Reuters or AP if they have one available, or NPR or PBS, actually. Or local outlets. I also check the Ad Fontes media guide to see where they land on the spectrum.

It's not perfect, but about as good as it gets.

The biggest problem with NPR is they tend to gloss over most stories. Some they take and run with though and they beat the occasional dead horse but really they are the least biased source of news in America.
When the Wall Street Journal is dead-center, there's some serious mis-categorizing going on.
Where? You pulled 1 organization and thought they are not center. Maybe you’re so far left, the center is a blurred horizon in your view.

"As of May 2023, 54,405 people have voted on the AllSides Media Bias Rating for Wall Street Journal (News). On average, those who disagree with our rating think this source has a Center bias."

It seams majority of people feel it has a center bias by a wide margin.

Wall Street Journal Opinion leans right. Maybe you are confusing the two.
Wall Street Journal Opinion leans right. Maybe you are confusing the two.
Perhaps that also filters into the mix, but biased sources often give a surface feel of being unbiased. For example, if you run a story on evolution quoting two evolutionary scientists and two creationists, people will consider that to be balanced and fair. The truth is that, to be representative of scientists, you'd to quote 19 evolutionists for every creationist (within biology, the numbers are even more stark). However, such an article would be perceived to be biased.
No one and I mean it, no one shows more contempt for the “working class forgotten MAGA” types than Trump, Tucker, Bannon, and right wing elites. They’re always ripping off the rubes with insincere rhetoric about “election integrity, building walls, supporting veterans and police, and sticking it to the elites.” No one is more elite than Republican leaders ripping off their dumbass voters.
