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Twitter Space Convo

Elizah Huge

Respect All, Fear None
2024 Award Winner
Last night after the game Andy, Tony and Sarah hopped on Twitter Space together and hosted a conversation where Jazz fans could comment and ask questions, etc.

A lot of important nuggets were shared and talked about.

- Jazz offered Conley, Bogey and the least favorable pick of the 2023 picks we had to the Lakers for their 2027 unprotected first plus salary filler before the season started.

We tried tanking from the start of last season and the Lakers are absolutely insane for not taking this vs the deal they ended up taking.

- Clarkson is trade-able and the contract he was given was to make him even more trade-able.

Sounds like Clarkson will be a prime trade candidate when he becomes trade eligible on Dec 15th.

- If you bench THT you torpedo his trade value, he’s upset in the locker room AND on top of it all his agent is Rich Paul.

This one was more of the shocking revelations. We are purely playing THT to not tank his trade value (even though his play is doing that by itself) and it would cause locker room issues plus potential issues down the road with Klutch players.

- There is a chance the Jazz go after LaVine.

It was mentioned this a possibility and we’d have plenty of trade assets after to get a third star.

- Jazz had offers to move Hendricks this summer.

We obviously said no to all of these but no trade details were shared about what was offered. I also am not sure if they meant at the draft or after the draft.

- Lauri, Walker and Keyonte are the three players the Jazz want to keep the most.

It sounds like Keyonte replaced Ochai in the untouchable trio. It was mentioned that Hendricks could be on this list as well.
Seems like there were other teams looking seriously at Hardy and Ainge had to offer a generous contract to get him
This would be a disaster on all sides if they fired him
A bit off topic, but David Locke is constantly bringing up how disconnected the team is personally. He mentions how no one on the team has a natural person to hang with. Says it's a team of introverts who don't necessarily connect with each other.
A bit off topic, but David Locke is constantly bringing up how disconnected the team is personally. He mentions how no one on the team has a natural person to hang with. Says it's a team of introverts who don't necessarily connect with each other.
That isn't really a surprise. I feel like out of everyone on the team Kessler is the guy with the personality to bring everyone together but that is much easier to do when you are playing well and have confidence. He started the year poorly from the get go with the bad fit with Collins and his elbow injury so he may not have felt confident in playing more of a leadership role at that point.
Sounds like coach needs to take the team to Wendover for a special team practice that involves shots of tequila. That will get everyone's mind right.
I'd trade everyone on the team but Lauri, Walker, the 3 rookies, and 'MAYBE' Collins.... Although, trading takes time, I WOULD make these changes immediately: bring the 2 rookies back up and start giving them time. I'd bench and/or reduce the playing time of players that just sucked all year long and give the development to the rookies.
Last night after the game Andy, Tony and Sarah hopped on Twitter Space together and hosted a conversation where Jazz fans could comment and ask questions, etc.

A lot of important nuggets were shared and talked about.

- Jazz offered Conley, Bogey and the least favorable pick of the 2023 picks we had to the Lakers for their 2027 unprotected first plus salary filler before the season started.

We tried tanking from the start of last season and the Lakers are absolutely insane for not taking this vs the deal they ended up taking.
Yep... too bad we didn't get much long-term value in return for Bogey on his own...
- Clarkson is trade-able and the contract he was given was to make him even more trade-able.

Sounds like Clarkson will be a prime trade candidate when he becomes trade eligible on Dec 15th.
What do we think we can get for him? 2-4 2nds? or late 1st? Can we get a late 1st?
- If you bench THT you torpedo his trade value, he’s upset in the locker room AND on top of it all his agent is Rich Paul.

This one was more of the shocking revelations. We are purely playing THT to not tank his trade value (even though his play is doing that by itself) and it would cause locker room issues plus potential issues down the road with Klutch players.
This doesn't sound real. THT is not a player who should be in your considerations when making roster and playing time moves. He's not that good. If he doesn't deserve to play, you don't play him. It's not like there are 20 teams lining up to give him playing time(and if there are, we should definitely use that opportunity to trade him). Klutch' own team(the Lakers) benched his ***.
- There is a chance the Jazz go after LaVine.

It was mentioned this a possibility and we’d have plenty of trade assets after to get a third star.
Eek... :mad:
- Jazz had offers to move Hendricks this summer.

We obviously said no to all of these but no trade details were shared about what was offered. I also am not sure if they meant at the draft or after the draft.
This is another weird one. "Jazz had offers to move Hendricks"? Who does that? What value are you supposed to get for a player just drafted in the top 10? This sounds made up...
- Lauri, Walker and Keyonte are the three players the Jazz want to keep the most.

It sounds like Keyonte replaced Ochai in the untouchable trio. It was mentioned that Hendricks could be on this list as well.
None of them should be untouchable. Said that last year, saying it again...
Jazz offered Conley, Bogey and the least favorable pick of the 2023 picks we had to the Lakers for their 2027 unprotected first plus salary filler before the season started.
I struggle believing that the reality of the discussions is as framed here.

If you bench THT you torpedo his trade value, he’s upset in the locker room AND on top of it all his agent is Rich Paul.
1. Torpedo what value?
2. Boy, wouldn't it be nice to have had Beverley expire (or whatever you parlayed him into) rather than an obligation to someone "because he's a Rich Paul guy." Funny how we would put ourselves in such a silly situation.

There is a chance the Jazz go after LaVine.
Good. We can double down on the kinds of decisions that got us here.
This doesn't sound real. THT is not a player who should be in your considerations when making roster and playing time moves. He's not that good. If he doesn't deserve to play, you don't play him. It's not like there are 20 teams lining up to give him playing time(and if there are, we should definitely use that opportunity to trade him). Klutch' own team(the Lakers) benched his ***.

You don't think a 5th year player rocking an 11.7 PER and shooting 30% from three has big time trade value?! LOL
This doesn't sound real. THT is not a player who should be in your considerations when making roster and playing time moves. He's not that good. If he doesn't deserve to play, you don't play him. It's not like there are 20 teams lining up to give him playing time(and if there are, we should definitely use that opportunity to trade him). Klutch' own team(the Lakers) benched his ***.

First of all, I think this season is more or less going as the Jazz front office planned it to go. Jazz aren't going to be competitive this year and they're motivated to add a top-10 pick to the roster this year, even if the draft is iffy. Second, THT is a backup PG on a bad team, so he's not really derailing things.

Jazz have a few players who can score, but they're middling or worse on the defensive end. Jazz have some athletic defenders, but they're middling offensive players who need the table set for them. It just isn't a good roster.

If the Jazz don't play Clarkson and Keyonte, then the ball doesn't move on offense. That matters because almost none of our guys are self-creators. However, if the Jazz do play Clarkson and Keyonte together, they can't guard the perimeter and they get blown by regularly, and Kessler isn't there to be a deterrent.
Agent power is the #1 thing fans don't account for. I find it hard to believe THT is actually on the verge of being benched though. He hasn't been good, but he is far from the worst and he has earned minutes.

Sexton is also a Klutch guy as well and he has his minutes cut more than THT at times.

I get that THT is on his contract year so there is probably more agent pressure for him to get playing time, but idk, I don't completely buy this line from them. Jazz have a pretty good business relationship with Klutch.
If Homey ciphering is correct KO, Check, THT, Dunn and Luka are on the last year of their deals and Yurt7 and Luka have guarantee dates coming up. Also it will be early January when Clarkson can be moved. The tank is on I tell ya.