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US Embassy Closings

You could kind of foreshadow this happening when those big Al Qaeda prison breaks happened over the past few weeks in Libya and Iraq. Those were not coincidence. My guess? It's a window to move those people into Syria. Those fighters that were freed are being trafficked into Syria to fight as part of opposition the best they can be herded, but it's kind of hard to control human flow in prison break situations, so in the meantime you've got a bunch of wildcards running freely that you have no clue of their individual mental states and what they might do and what their desires are upon release. If some built up more resentment toward the US while in there, maybe their whole mindset has flipped to targeting US related targets in that area instead of being "freedom fighters" or whatever they've been led to believe they are. Hence the caution. If they haven't, they'll end up taking up their previous cause/occupation and gladly join the fight in Syria.