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we need some Tyson-Chandler-like mentors for the young Tyson Chandlerzz

[size/HUGE] fixed [/size]

Well-Known Member
And we should also probably be thinking about who is going to mentor the mentors.

Just puttin that out there.

For example, besides Moroni, who is gonna mentor Jimmer while he mentors Burke? Serious yo.
[size/HUGE] fixed [/size];696635 said:
And we should also probably be thinking about who is going to mentor the mentors.

Just puttin that out there.

For example, besides Moroni, who is gonna mentor Jimmer while he mentors Burke? Serious yo.

"Kant we stop it with the Chankler rifferincezz?" --[/HUGE]
I think you forgot to switch to hotttnickkk before you posted this.
Mods pls merge with "NAOS is the least funny poster on Jazzfanz" thread.
[size/HUGE] fixed [/size];696753 said:
Jesus Christ, like a fly to flypaper.

Zomgz u so smrt, and clairvoyant. It's lyk that 1 tym wen U sed UGLi wudnt accualy retyr
I get the joke and I think it's funny, but to answer the question, I will ask another: can you list anyone that would be better in a mentor-role than Jason Collins as far as it comes to getting the most out of your talent, and at least defensive fundamentals? Seriously.
I get the joke and I think it's funny, but to answer the question, I will ask another: can you list anyone that would be better in a mentor-role than Jason Collins as far as it comes to getting the most out of your talent, and at least defensive fundamentals? Seriously.

Jarron collins you mean?
Too many (size)huge jimmers in here. Jason Collins would not want to play here. Favors has a girlfriend yo.