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What an intelligent GM would do

Ya because going after Deron is the same as going after Lebron and Durant. The circumstances are exactly the same right? Cmon, you are smarter than that.

And yes, if Lebron and Durant were free agents we should try. We shouldnt put our heads down and say it can never happen. Sadly I know this is how KOC operates. He doesnt even try to do anything big. Its all about playing it safe. Cuz god forbid we make a mistake, miss the playoffs, and end up with the number 1 pick in any draft. Well that would just wreck this franchise, wouldnt it?

Congratulations on now appearing dumber than I thought you were.
Ya because going after Deron is the same as going after Lebron and Durant. The circumstances are exactly the same right? Cmon, you are smarter than that.

And yes, if Lebron and Durant were free agents we should try. We shouldnt put our heads down and say it can never happen. Sadly I know this is how KOC operates. He doesnt even try to do anything big. Its all about playing it safe. Cuz god forbid we make a mistake, miss the playoffs, and end up with the number 1 pick in any draft. Well that would just wreck this franchise, wouldnt it?

You've forgotten to take your pills again BluesRocker...
Well silencer, I like what you got to say in the Generak forum, but this is a terrible basketball take. Deron didnt fold when Boozer left. The Jazz were just a crappy team when KOC went out and got Bell and Jefferson. You know, the two guys that still suck and no one wants around here. A point guard is as only as good as the players you put around them. Do you forget that Deron was the leader before the team got blown up? Deron can lead a team to win just fine if he is on a good team. There is only about 2-3 players in this league that can carry a bad team, otherwise you have to have good talent around your stars in order for them to shine.

I disagree buddy.
Do you forget that Paul Millsap is a better all around player than Boozer was in those years?
Not to mention the Jazz played pretty well with Bell starting for a bit until he got hurt.
As far as the Jefferson argument.... I agree that the offense stagnates when Big Al gets the ball, and this is exactly why the Jazz should've gone after Kirilenko instead of signing a washed up Josh Howard.
And you seriously think that the Nets are a better team than the Jazz with Jefferson? Williams got his just due by being traded to that **** hole.
The Jazz need to move Harris for value while they still can. He had a minor resurgence end of last season and we can make the argument in trade talk that he doesn't fit what our team needs.
I disagree buddy.
Do you forget that Paul Millsap is a better all around player than Boozer was in those years?
Not to mention the Jazz played pretty well with Bell starting for a bit until he got hurt.
As far as the Jefferson argument.... I agree that the offense stagnates when Big Al gets the ball, and this is exactly why the Jazz should've gone after Kirilenko instead of signing a washed up Josh Howard.
And you seriously think that the Nets are a better team than the Jazz with Jefferson? Williams got his just due by being traded to that **** hole.
You (and the proponents for the unlikely scenario of bringing back Deron) are ignoring costs.

Kirilenko would have cost a lot more than Josh Howard, and Howard--as a former starter and low-cost risk--had potential upside. And it's not like AK would instantly learn how to shoot (not that Howard is a sharpshooter either).

Why do you not bring back Deron? Because a max-level point guard has never been a cornerstone for a title team. (It won't be this year, either, as Westbrook is making less than $7 million this year, Rondo is making $10 million, and I don't even know who the PG is for the Heat.)

The two or three high-cost players on a team need to include a legit big man and a legit wing who can score.

In recent years:
San Antonio: Duncan and Ginobili (For years, Parker has made low eight figures.)
Lakers: Gasoft/Bynum and Kobe (Fisher is among the world's best-paid accountants.)
Boston: Garnett, Pierce, Allen (Rondo was still on his rookie contract.)
Heat (pending): LBJ and Wade (Oh yeah; Chalmers--a salary-cap filler.)
OKC (pending): Durant and Westbrook (Westbrook is PG but not on his max contract yet, and Ibaka & Perkins (and Harden)--although not superstars--have been playing solid, allowing Durant to play more like a power wing)

The exception: Dallas, who was the last team in the pre-CBA revision to be able to swing overpaying a PG to a title.
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You (and the proponents for the unlikely scenario of bringing back Deron) are ignoring costs.

Kirilenko would have cost a lot more than Josh Howard, and Howard--as a former starter and low-cost risk--had potential upside. And it's not like AK would instantly learn how to shoot (not that Howard is a sharpshooter either).

Why do you not bring back Deron? Because a max-level point guard has never been a cornerstone for title team. (It won't be this year, either, as Westbrook is making less than $7 million this year, Rondo is making $10 million, and I don't even know who the PG is for the Heat.)

Westbrook will be a max PG though, so saying he isn't is just a mere technicality.
Westbrook will be a max PG though, so saying he isn't is just a mere technicality.
No--it's not a technicality, because the PG's salary in the year of the title run affects what other players the team can sign.

I clearly stated that a near-max-level PG has never been a cornerstone; Rondo is another example of a PG who was crucial in helping to lead a team to a title when he was still inexpensive, allowing the team to sign other players who were important to the championship cause. This year, he still supports the theory, with a salary around $10 to $11 million.

Deron is one of the most expensive PGs in the NBA now, and you can look at the lack of the Clippers' depth (caused in part by CP3's expensive contract) as a major reason why they couldn't go farther. (The other reason is lack of chemistry and lack of time together; lets see what they can do about it next year.)

Oh yeah, and there's that Stockton guy, who voluntarily took pay cuts to stay with Utah, but Utah didn't ever manage to get a dominant wing; the closest they got was a limping sharpshooter in Hornacek.

With the expensive signings of Westbrook and Rose, OK and Chicago might have a narrow window to legitimately pursue a title, because history shows that the big money needs to be saved for a big man and a legit scoring wing. Rose might be a proxy for the latter; Westbrook not so much.

And with Boozer really not being a cornerstone and Deng not really a big man, Chicago might have to settle for being a Leastern Conference contender in the years to come.
I didn't read this thread, but the only move to get Deron is for him to sign outright. An S&T with New Jersey is too impractical. So the realistic scenario is Kevin and Deron having a heart to heart about him returning. Then Kevin (quickly) figuring out how to get rid of Devin for the best possible deal, and trying to deal Al. If an Al deal fails, he amnesties him and signs Deron.

That's a lot of crazy dominoes and they're not realistic. But I would love it.
I guess you could say that depth is relative.

But wow--they are paying 25 million plus to point guards alone (CP3 + Moe Williams (combo)).

Yeah, the fact that a lot of their depth is in PG's is bad, but they still have a lot of depth, especially after the Kenyon Martin signing. They need to trade those PG's away for better wings, but other than that they are solid.

Also, do you think this year will be the last year that OKC can compete for it all? They will have to give Westbrook a big contract next year.
Yeah, the fact that a lot of their depth is in PG's is bad, but they still have a lot of depth, especially after the Kenyon Martin signing. They need to trade those PG's away for better wings, but other than that they are solid.

Also, do you think this year will be the last year that OKC can compete for it all? They will have to give Westbrook a big contract next year.

I certainly don't think this contract year knocks them out of contention over the next couple of years. Losing one of their top 3 or 4 may hurt, but not the death sentence by any means.
Since everyone is posting their fantasy scenarios for this summer, and most of them involve the Jazz giving up the flexibility they have worked so hard to obtain for a 40 year old that relies on quickness

Gosh, I sure hope you're not talking about Steve Nash, because then you'd really be embarrassing the ****ing **** out of yourself.