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What are the chances we trade Favors or Kanter, or both?

I'm not worried about The Jazz trading Favors. I'm very worried about The Jazz having to shell out 12-14 mil/per to match an RFA deal for Favors when we don't even know at this point if he can be an everyday starter yet.
I'm not worried about The Jazz trading Favors. I'm very worried about The Jazz having to shell out 12-14 mil/per to match an RFA deal for Favors when we don't even know at this point if he can be an everyday starter yet.

Candrew bringing the truth once again.
I'd trade Favors for a decent player and picks that could get the Jazz in on the "Wiggins/Parker/and others" sweepstakes.

But, like many of the deals in this thread I doubt the other team would do that.
I'm not worried about The Jazz trading Favors. I'm very worried about The Jazz having to shell out 12-14 mil/per to match an RFA deal for Favors when we don't even know at this point if he can be an everyday starter yet.

This. There is a good possibility that Favors will end up having a career like AK. A very good player, but way overpaid. I'll be pissed if Utah wasted these years discovering what Favors is so Al can "lead" this team to mediocre season after season.
This. There is a good possibility that Favors will end up having a career like AK. A very good player, but way overpaid. I'll be pissed if Utah wasted these years discovering what Favors is so Al can "lead" this team to mediocre season after season.

That scenario is starting to feel inevitable.
IMHO, I wouldn't trade Favors. I would put Kanter in the mix before I would put Favors. Yes Kanter maybe a bit better on the offensive end. But defensively he doesn't compare. You can learn footwork and post up moves, and all the other stuff to become better on the offensive end. But you can't teach defensive awareness. And Favors has that.
I`m there with you.

With what the Jazz have I`d trade him for a good point guard.

Favors + somebody and a pick or 2 for Rondo.

The sad part is Favors needs a PG like Rondo to take the next step. Also, that is a lot for Rondo. I like him but not at that price.
The sad part is Favors needs a PG like Rondo to take the next step. Also, that is a lot for Rondo. I like him but not at that price.

Agreed.... that is too much for rondo and i like him alot too.
rondo has some great court vison, and since he has incread his FG% he demands respect now. think of the jazz with this kid thowing ally oops to favors. that would be good.
You don't agree that Favors needs a PG like Rondo?

Ummm... in my post, i was agreeing with you that giving boston favors + another player + another draft pick or 2, would be giving up too much.

I didn't say anything about favors not needing a pg like rondo
Here's one-
Would you do Favors for Paul George?

Or is that too easy?

Thats a tough one for me too..... i wouldn't do it, but probably just because he is one "our" guys, so i place more value on favors than the rest of the league probably does.
Thats a tough one for me too..... i wouldn't do it, but probably just because he is one "our" guys, so i place more value on favors than the rest of the league probably does.

I would t do it Cuz we already have two good young wings and It doesn't make sense to trade our highest potential big for another good young wing player!!