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What would you give up now to have a shot at a championship later???????????????

I agree with all of that. Only thing I'd nit-pick is the Poythress work ethic thing. It's similar to Darius Miller. He's a hard worked, great kid, honor roll student, but not driven to drive a stake through the heart of the competition. He works hard, but plays like he wants to be a 3rd/4th option .. when he should maybe be the 1st.

Work ethic wasn't the best word but desire to dominate. He seems to take plays off and let others do it.not what I call a star.
I would give everyone up to have a shot at a championship. Who would say no to that? Your method isn't going to achieve that though.
I would give up nothing. I've become comfortable in a state of perpetual mediocrity, and I'm not willing to gamble with that. Besides, nobody ever gets anywhere in life by taking risks.
Thing about trades is that you never know if they are actually going to work out. Look at the Marvin Williams trade: was there anyone who didn't think that he was going to fit in great here and become at least to some degree the star he was supposed to. Now, while he may be good defensively, i think everyone would agree that he isn't producing near to what was hoped considering how high KOC was on him. That's not to say that he won't figure it out eventually, but trades are fickle that way, you never know.
I would give up nothing. I've become comfortable in a state of perpetual mediocrity, and I'm not willing to gamble with that. Besides, nobody ever gets anywhere in life by taking risks.

Your posts are most always awesome. This one is no exception. Couldn't rep.
Seems to me like a Knight / Hayward straight swap which gets a big NO from me. Not even close.

You don't give up assets just to tank. You follow the tanking expert and do what the Golden State Tankers did last year.
Seems to me like a Knight / Hayward straight swap which gets a big NO from me. Not even close.

You don't give up assets just to tank. You follow the tanking expert and do what the Golden State Tankers did last year.

Good post.
Just wanted to post and see if any of you yahus gave me any rep. Nope just what I figured. Not even PKM after I whor'd myself with the Kentucky praise.
Heck you guys even thought I was PKM. LOL
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Just wanted to post and see if any of you yahus gave me any rep. Nope just what I figured.

LOL... if your goal in life is to collect reps from Jazzfanz I'd suggest you find a new hobby, or better still, find a new meaning for life.

It might be something as simple as doing something to better someone else's life. A simple act of love, forgiveness and self sacrifice to someone that's close to you or a family member can be hugely rewarding.

Take it for what it's worth.

Just my 2 cents.
LOL... if your goal in life is to collect reps from Jazzfanz I'd suggest you find a new hobby, or better still, find a new meaning for life.

It might be something as simple as doing something to better someone else's life. A simple act of love, forgiveness and self sacrifice to someone that's close to you or a family member can be hugely rewarding.

Take it for what it's worth.

Just my 2 cents.

Charging too much.
LOL... if your goal in life is to collect reps from Jazzfanz I'd suggest you find a new hobby, or better still, find a new meaning for life.

It might be something as simple as doing something to better someone else's life. A simple act of love, forgiveness and self sacrifice to someone that's close to you or a family member can be hugely rewarding.

Take it for what it's worth.

Just my 2 cents.

If you think that is my goal in life, you are very mistaken. I just have been stuck on 7 for so long it made me feel like a gambler. LOL I believe if that was my goal in life I would have more post don't you think?
If you think that is my goal in life, you are very mistaken. I just have been stuck on 7 for so long it made me feel like a gambler. LOL

Ignore Hotttknickkkk, it's become his goal in life to tell others how unimportant rep is .. (why?)

Wait, can hotttknickkk read this??
If you think that is my goal in life, you are very mistaken. I just have been stuck on 7 for so long it made me feel like a gambler. LOL I believe if that was my goal in life I would have more post don't you think?

LOL.. not saying it is. Just saying it's not the end of the world. Here's my rep to you for being honest - it's quite refreshing to see it around these parts.
