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Where's Locke?

The ability to do a daily podcast, to find stuff to talk about daily, and carry on a podcast by yourself is extremely underrated. What Locke does is not easy and almost impossible to replicate.

I respect the energy and passion with which he's attacked his career. He calls games late in the evening, drives home to Park City and does his podcast in the early mornings. He really commits.
I think Locke is a 10/10 insider, 11/10 work ethic, and a 3/10 numbers guy. We're lucky to have him, but I don't listen to him when he's talking about numbers or shilling for the team (part of his job). But even when he's shilling you can often read the tea leaves. When he had a run of 4-6 years of leaking our draft pick that was peak lol.
I think Locke is a 10/10 insider, 11/10 work ethic, and a 3/10 numbers guy. We're lucky to have him, but I don't listen to him when he's talking about numbers or shilling for the team (part of his job). But even when he's shilling you can often read the tea leaves. When he had a run of 4-6 years of leaking our draft pick that was peak lol.
#LockeWatch was a real thing.

I agree we are lucky to have him as an insider/podcaster for this team.
His voice is hard to listen to. It's easy to not like a singer with a nasal tone, but when it's Locke... saint cy says you can't not like him.

Sheesh. Plenty of us don't like him and we are perfectly entitled to our opinion in spite of your cyberbully condescending tone.

I don't like locke because...

- his tone is hard to listen to...
- he has WAY too many adds
- he acts like he is in the know when management isn't really feeding him accurate info
- and because he has admitted to plaguerizing his colleagues to their faces

I can see why people like Locke.

- he has a lot of content
- he presents a lot of numbers (whether his interpretations are always accurate or not... well)
- Utah has a lack of quality sports commentators and he is surely dedicated

But that doesnt mean everyone HAS to like him. Just like you dont HAVE to like Taylor Swift because she has a large volume of hits and looks like a fairy princess.

Is saint cy lockes burner account? He all but worships Locke and cant stop defending him any time anyone thinks Locke is not God.
I never thought there would be this many sheep on the forum, lol.

You all are so starved for content you’ll listen to ANYTHING the Org. will feed you.

You know what the real tragedy is?

Every other “Locked on Podcasts” has impartial coverage EXCEPT the Jazz - because Locke will never get someone else to do it.

He is PAID by the Jazz so of course he’ll never say anything that will mess with his paycheck.

Keep kowtowing to “the Man”.. lol...
Again, the absolute worst and dumbest posters just happen to be the ones with the biggest axe to grind against Locke....
The consequence of having a true insider, a guy that gets paid by the company, is that he's going to have an opinion that is slanted towards the company. Earlier this year I was asked to be on a Pod where I talked about the company I work for briefly. Since I knew this Pod was going to be accessible to people within my organization, you bet I was very positive about the company. I really don't fault Locke for that, and like Cy said, it's easy enough to read between the lines.

Go listen to the pod from last night and you can appreciate what Locke gives us that nobody else does. He is discussing conversations with the front office and coaching staff, he is discussing conversations that he is directly having with players. He is great at helping the listener see the human aspect of the business. He brings up unique analysis that he does (Points Gained, 240 minute analysis, etc.) that even if you don't like or agree with, at least makes you think a little.

Like I've said, I started listening to the Locked on pods for other teams that I like. One of them is done by a local sports radio guy, I think. The other is done by someone who I believe is just a fan. Both pods are fine and I do enjoy listening to their opinions on things, but none of them give me any unique information or analysis that I couldn't come up with by just watching the games.

Not everyone has to like the same stuff. I'll admit that I don't listen to Locke every day as he repeats himself and some of his guests, like Boler for example, give me nothing. I guess this post doesn't have a point, just more justification for why I think Locke is much better than the average non-insider pod.
I don't love and don't hate Locke. He puts in a lot of effort and persistence, he established relationships with insiders and sometimes has really interesting insights. And still, I don't listen to him because he is not good at podcasting in general. He is not a good story-teller: grating voice, long-winded, monotonous, not funny. His podcasts lack clearly defined structure and the tight flow (i.e., bad at self-editing). Finally, the very nature of podcasts almost always calls for having two people to make things interesting - unless you have an exceptional gift of gab. I just don't have enough stamina to suffer through his delivery.

He is kind of popular by default because Utah is a small market and there is little competition in his little niche. Like seemingly successful weird marsupials or a giant sloth.
The ability to do a daily podcast, to find stuff to talk about daily, and carry on a podcast by yourself is extremely underrated. What Locke does is not easy and almost impossible to replicate.
We have both tried this and it is like 10x harder than having someone else to riff with. I gained an additional appreciation for how good he is at this after.

He can be cringy at times, he can be a bit too company man at times, he has some serious holes in his CBA/Trade stuff when he talks about it... but the dude is really good and so consistent. He should get more credit. None of us are without flaw.