The consequence of having a true insider, a guy that gets paid by the company, is that he's going to have an opinion that is slanted towards the company. Earlier this year I was asked to be on a Pod where I talked about the company I work for briefly. Since I knew this Pod was going to be accessible to people within my organization, you bet I was very positive about the company. I really don't fault Locke for that, and like Cy said, it's easy enough to read between the lines.
Go listen to the pod from last night and you can appreciate what Locke gives us that nobody else does. He is discussing conversations with the front office and coaching staff, he is discussing conversations that he is directly having with players. He is great at helping the listener see the human aspect of the business. He brings up unique analysis that he does (Points Gained, 240 minute analysis, etc.) that even if you don't like or agree with, at least makes you think a little.
Like I've said, I started listening to the Locked on pods for other teams that I like. One of them is done by a local sports radio guy, I think. The other is done by someone who I believe is just a fan. Both pods are fine and I do enjoy listening to their opinions on things, but none of them give me any unique information or analysis that I couldn't come up with by just watching the games.
Not everyone has to like the same stuff. I'll admit that I don't listen to Locke every day as he repeats himself and some of his guests, like Boler for example, give me nothing. I guess this post doesn't have a point, just more justification for why I think Locke is much better than the average non-insider pod.