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Who are you??

^I'm not sure what this post means, but I will say that a guy who is about to have a child and is interested in taking steps to insure that his marriage remains intact has my immense respect.
I am 43 years old. I spent 2 years in Germany on a mission from 89-91, in the same mission as Colton originally then in East Germany after the wall came down for the last year of my mission or so. Met my wife on the mission. That is another story of its own. Wow did we get drunk! Who knew you could fit that many missionaries in a baptismal font! Whoo-ey!

So I have been married for almost 23 years. I have 3 wonderful kids. And another kid.

Two of my kids are out of high school now and going to college. My oldest daughter graduated from high school in June this year. Her older brother is 20. I still have a son and daughter at home, 16 and 11 respectively.

I am a cancer survivor.

We have lived in Utah, California, Utah, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, then Nevada again. Have been in Reno for going on 3 years this stint. But we want to get back to Utah. That is really home.

I have degrees in Logistics and Operations Management, and German with International Business Emphasis. I have worked as a distribution manager for such companies as Amazon.com and Cummins Diesel, and currently I work for eBay. I also worked for the 2010 Census in their call center in Draper as a senior data analyst. It was the largest call center in the country with over 1000 people on phones at one time, crazy.

Lifelong Jazz fan. I love basketball. In that regard, I am 6' and almost 3", and now 265 lbs. Both of my boys are taller than me, and my youngest daughter, who has the most basketball acumen in the family, is already 5' 8" at age 11.

Also enjoy playing Ingress (see other thread), chess (played competitively until my late 20's and real life took over), reading, writing, and am a fairly hard-core PC gamer. I build all my own rigs, and am currently working on a Core i7 Haswell system with dual Radeon 7950's (got a killer deal). I play all the big titles for the most part, but the one I go back to again and again is a free online FPS called Combat Arms. It's buggy and has lots of hackers, but it is pretty simple and just fun to play with good maps and game play overall. Try it if you like FPS games.

I like to BBQ and grill. I make the best steak you have ever had.

I have been practicing krav maga in varying levels of seriousness, depending on my mood and what kind of instruction I can find in the area, for almost 10 years now.

I am glad to be back with JF and very appreciative of the welcome I received. For anyone that didn't know I took a fairly long hiatus. It started because I think the board hit a low point in terms of ******** and trolling so I wanted to get away from that for a while, but then personal issues came into play and I just couldn't focus on anything else. To give you an idea how long, before I left 23 rep points was a LOT, and now everyone has that. Like any online forum you get all kinds of folks, but for the most part this is one of the best online communities I am associated with.

Dude. You are missed. This dude is missed. Log among some other dudes is a guy I would definitely love to have a beer with...maybe even some vittles.

That kid thing kind of made me sad. What's with the "other" kid? Has he turned out to be a criminal or something? I would understand if you don't want to talk about it.

Anyway, I like that you have quite an array of interests and hobbies. I think that's important especially for peace of mind. I wish you were around more, sir. I really do.
age 28
height 6 flat
Have daughter and fiance
Own Small business
Obsessive compulsive
Recovering Alcoholic
First car 85 Honda Accord
Favorite Car 72 jeep commando
Current car 97 Ford F250
Favorite food anything mexican
Best thing I've ever read "Transmetropolitan"
Favorite Floyd album "The final cut"
Enjoy NPR, Reading, going to the park,and banter.

Solid post, sir.

What type of business do you own and do you still own it? Has your outlook regarding the business changed now that you're into your 30's?

Anyone that's a Warren Ellis fan is usually a good dude. What other things are you into reading?