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Who should be the 2014 All-Star reserves?


Well-Known Member
My Eastern Conference reserves

John Wall, Evan Turner, DeMar DeRozan, Lance Stephenson, Paul Millsap, Joakim Noah, Al Jefferson

My Western Conference reserves

Damian Lillard, Goran Dragic, James Harden, Dirk Nowitzki, LaMarcus Aldridge, David Lee, Dwight Howard

Parker in place of Bryant in the starting lineup
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I just can't believe freaking Bosh made it over big Al and Joe Johnson made it over Kyle Lowry. Those two are serious joke selections. No Dragic, Davis or Cousins? WTF is wrong with coaches.....
I'm very happy for Millsap he has deserved this achievement.

Pity for Big Al, he has been snubbed again unfairly.
Joe Johnson got in for his game winners. Chris Bosh is a joke. But he should be in based on his efficient performance, not Dwyane 'glass-knee' Wade. It just tells a story when Miami getts 3 and Indiana just 2.
Dragic is victim of guard depth in the West. I wouldn't know who I'd erase from the team. Prolly Parker has been more underwhelming than Dragic, but you give a 70% win team not a single all star? That's the politics getting him in.
Davis will be the replacement for Kobe. But he'd have been the odd man out with his team's winning record.
Has there ever been a worse All-Star selection than Joe Johnson? He's been **** and so has his team. He hit a few game winners, so ****ing what?