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Who would you rather have? DeMarcus Cousins or Enes Kanter?

It would be interesting if a Sac-town/Jazz rivalry reemerged... especially with the Jimmer pick and the similar Kentucky guys. An added aspect would be if we got Knight, then there would be the competing Calipari guards with Ty Evans.

I'd take Cousins from a skill standpoint, but Kanter is probably the contribute to the overall goal of the team guy.
If Cousins can ever get his act straight, then definitely him. He has a special skill set.

/I'm only saying this because we know so little about Kanter. Kind of hard to pick when he haven't seen one of the them play
Cousins has proven that he can play very well at an NBA level already, and he is only going into his second season at 20 years old. Kanter hasn't played ball in a while, I think that based on that it would be really hard to take Enes over Cousins.

Still, Cousins has the immaturity and lack of work ethic that will render all of that talent useless. You really have to question his commitment to the game and mental toughness. Kanter might not have the raw talent, but he is clearly a very hard worker and has a natural enthusiasm for the game.

I'll say this much, it will be much more enjoyable to root/cheer for Kanter than it would be for Cousins.
Cousins has proven that he can play very well at an NBA level already, and he is only going into his second season at 20 years old. Kanter hasn't played ball in a while, I think that based on that it would be really hard to take Enes over Cousins.

Still, Cousins has the immaturity and lack of work ethic that will render all of that talent useless. You really have to question his commitment to the game and mental toughness. Kanter might not have the raw talent, but he is clearly a very hard worker and has a natural enthusiasm for the game.

I'll say this much, it will be much more enjoyable to root/cheer for Kanter than it would be for Cousins.

He shot 43% from the field and he has a 9'5 standing reach. Let's not call playing very well.
He shot 43% from the field and he has a 9'5 standing reach. Let's not call playing very well.

Maybe "effective" would have been a better word.

He averaged 14 and 8 with +15 eff on a terrible team. The point is that he has proven he can play in this league. A proven commodity, especially a 20 year old with Cousins' kind of measurements has a lot of value.
This is a stupid question. We have no idea how good Kanter is. I've got nothing against PKM. I enjoy his insights, but just as he is a KU. homer he is also a jazz homer. As far as his opinion as to who is better I have to take it with a grain of salt.

One thing I do like in Kanter over Cousins is the work ethic, because of this I think he will be good, just might take him some time to get there, but who knows.
Not KU (Kansas). As much as some on here don't like it, I'm also not a regular fan .. take that < with a grain of salt, if you will.
My vote goes to Kanter.

Cousins has the possibility of being a cancer on the team. He was suspended last year for having problems with the coaching staff. And at times had problems with teamates. The guy is a talent but there are legit concerns when it comes to his attitude and work ethic. If you were picking between the 2 right now you take Cousins because he is proven. If you give us a year to watch Kanter play, I think almost everyone well want him more than Cousins if he lives up to is potential. Thats JMO
Yes, Cousins killed us in a late season game. He was talking trash before the game about besting Favors, who was drafted ahead of him. I was disappointed that Favors didn't respond better to the challenge.

I think Jazz Sacramento could be a great rivalry for a few years--Cousins and Jason Thompson (or Hassan Whiteside) versus Favours and Kanter. Tyreke vs Burks could be fun too.

Right now I give the edge to the Jazz team, Al, Memo, Kanter, and Favors gives them 24 fouls to throw at Cousins. Fouling was the only defense they had to stop him in that last game.
Cousins has the potential to be a top center in the NBA.

Unfortunately, Derrick Coleman had potential to be the best PF in the game too.

I wouldn't touch Cousins with a 10 foot pole. His cancerous attitude stinks
This is a tough one - a year ago, most people thought Cousins was a lazy headcase who wouldn't be very successful in the NBA. We know little about Kanter - but I think Kanter will have a better shot and will be as good a a rebounder as Cousins. But will Kanter play 30 mins a game? Also, I'm impressed Cousins played in over 80 games last season. It's a tough one, but when factoring in attitude, I would take Kanter - I doubt he'll get fined for fighting with his teammates, and he appears to hate to lose, and he strikes me as a team player from what he's said/how he played in the one game I've seen him play in. Long-term, Kanter.
I try to ignore your posts because you seem to be a respected poster on this board, but I find it difficult to find much substance to your hate. I have not even said I'm glad we drafted Kanter.

Well i dont think it needs to be said.