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Would you be satisfied with some one say Xavier Henry

How is Henry much different than CJ? We don't have a year of CJ's college stats to compare, but look at the similarities at the same age: Same body, same athleticism, both lefty shooters with raw offensive games heavily reliant on their jumpshots.

At KU, Henry took 354 shots, 164 of which were 3's. That's roughly 50/50. He got to the line 3 times a game which really isn't bad for college and the minutes he played, but doesn't suggest a very dynamic game at this point. His rebounding was impressive, however. And his other numbers were solid.

My point is not that he isn't a good player. I think he is. And I wouldn't mind adding another CJ to the team. But I'd bet the guy is 2 years away from being anything other than a gunner.

There are a couple of differences- Henry made 45.8% from field last year. That includes 41.8% from the college 3 pt line.

I would also judge CJ to be more athletic but not as strong. Henry also seems to be smoother. That said I would be okay with Henry at 9 if they think he is the BPA.
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From what I've seen of Henry, his playing style isn't a whole different than CJ's although he's slightly more athletic and a somewhat better defender than CJ. If the Jazz were to invest in a guard over a big man, I would hope the guard has the ability to create his own shot, because Deron is the only one who can do it consistently. That becomes a glaring problem when Deron comes out of the game. I don't see any players in this draft like that besides Wall and Turner.
Cali, you're familiar with Paul George right? Thoughts?

Yeah, I've seen him quite a few times. The comparisons that have been made by some are him to Granger and Ariza. I don't think he'll never be the all-around scorer Granger is, so Ariza is probably a more accurate comparison (although Ariza is better defensively, but George has potential there). At Fresno I think he was held back a bit by his team. They were rather hideous offensively sometimes, which I think got him into some bad habits, such as settling for jump shots, and not being aggressive. Although he's a pretty good shooter, he became a much better scorer when he attacked, but he didn't do it near enough especially considering he shot around 90% on FT's this past season. But when he did, he showed some real flashes because he has the ability and athleticism to do it. If he works on that and his overall intensity (particularly defensively), there's no question that there's potential there, he's got a great skill level. Would I take him at 9? I guess it would depend on who's available but I would probably lean towards no. I think he's too raw at this point to be a top 10 pick. He's going to take some time to develop and establish himself on the NBA level. He probably fits in the 15-20 range. If the Jazz trade back, he's someone to consider...
With Korver likely gone and AK in probably his last season, Jazz could use another wing. Henry would be o.k., but Matthews is only going to get better. He's good enough as our starting SG. I'd much rather have CJ become the backup at SG/SF and for Utah to draft a potential starting SF. Better to roll the dice with a big man - or at least trade back and get Henry + a future pick.
There just Locke's and other people's opinions but the more and more I hear is everyone outside of the top 5 is weak. Whiteside doesn't care and is way to skinny. Aldrich is like Ostertag and has no upside. monroe is too soft and doesn't play much D. Orton is too big of a take in the lottey considering he averaged 3 and 3. Udoh might be the only one people haven't critiqued but may be gone before the Jazz select. So my point is would you try and trade down and get more picks or select a wing like Henry or paul George? Do you trade up and get Favors, Cousins or Wes Johnson??

I'd like to see the Jazz get size, but honestly, if they feel there is a superstar level talent I'd like to see them take it, regardless of the position. If Henry is that talent, so be it.
The Jazz need size. Every move the Jazz make this offseason should be done with one goal in mind - Will it help the Jazz beat the Lakers? I'm not sure drafting another shooting guard accomplishes this.

I will say this though, if the Jazz do use a lottery pick on a position that is clearly not a need, they had better be darn sure they are hitting a home run. I'm just not sure Henry, Gordon Hayward or Luke Babbitt (yikes) are worthy of being selected that high.
Id rather trade down to some where in the early 20's/late teens and get one of the big men (the draft is full of them who are all about equal after Udoh and Monroe are off the board) and get a solid veteran player in the trade.
Xavier Henry seems like a solid player. Kind of reminds me of Grant Hill or Allan Houston type (who knows if he'll be that good in the pros).
Do we really need him though? Seems like Wes, and CJ are fine options. Wouldn't we have another log jam at the 2/3?
If we are somehow trading AK away then this might make sense. Or maybe this pick would be to replace Korver?

If he really grades out better than Aldrich or Whiteside fine. I just really couldn't see him being rated that much higher than all the big prospects out there.
I'm not really sure why the Jazz would value Henry over Babbitt. Babbitt's numbers crushed Henry's both in college and in the pre draft shooting exhibitions.
Matthews seems be a solid fit at SG for us, assuming Henry would be better is quite a gamble and counter productive. AK wlll be playing alot of PF this year and probably leaving or getting traded before the deadline. That leaves a big opening for Babbitt at SF. I would go for Babbitt or Paul George over Henry given our situation.