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A QUIZ: fill in the blank


AK gets the ball drives to the lane, then

AK _______________ and he ___________________

too hard so ill give you the answer right away.

answer: AK yells ayyyiiiiii and flings his two skinny arms up in the air and he loses the ball resulting an easy fastbreak layup for the opposing team.

this is how much im frustrated with that russian man on this team who takes like 15+million? dollar a year. jefferson is finally having few good games, same with millsap, all we need is a scoring small forward and we would be a pretty solid team... plz let this rumor thats been circulating be an ak trade! ak for grander or jackson,wallace, or melo plzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplz

im done
AK gets the ball drives to the lane, then

AK _dribbles the ball off his leg after slight contact_ and he _turns to the ref with a confused look, then smiles about it when the ref ignores him_
AK gets the ball drives to the lane, then

AK draws 3 defenders and shows off his guard skills by passing to the wide open jefferson.
how about his double double or his 4 blocks? also he had more points than dwill. stop trolling.

He had a frustrating game in that he had some great aspects, but his outside shooting was dreadful, and often unnecessary. Two airballs? Quit shooting. Yes, his blocks and boards look solid. But his missed FTs and mistakes were pretty killer. I don't put much of the blame for this loss on AK though.
The Jazz lost the game not one specific player. I can live with AK's performance last night. Unfortunately, I have a problem with his 17+ million dollar contract and that he doesn't always perform with this much energy.

The real problem with the team is the lack of consistent scoring off the bench.
AK drives the lane in a spazmatic, convulsive, flailing ballet which results in a turnover AND a stunned expression on AKs face. UNLESS he was bailed out by the refs, then he clanks two freethrows with the aforementioned look on his featherless birdlike face.