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Bernie Sanders

I don't give a **** who's for guns or not.
Molon Labe.

you can tell a lot about the way a man handles a gun.
for example


rick perry




bernie sanders

thats right no gun pictures on the web so he is even more wimpy than obama

bobby jindal


heck even sarah palin is more baddass than obummer


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I feel ya. If anyone else would like to expand on his economic policies it'd be much appreciated :)
comunistic socilaist economics fail all over the world all through time.
heck russia aint communistic anymore.

so why all of the sudden would Bernie the commie sanders economics suddenly be a succes
comunistic socilaist economics fail all over the world all through time.
heck russia aint communistic anymore.

so why all of the sudden would Bernie the commie sanders economics suddenly be a succes

Do you understand the difference between communism and socialism?

bernie supporters.
if by some ungodly miracle bernie becomes president. where do you guys think all the free stuff is gonna come form.

im gonna go on record. he will be better at obama!

better at piling up debt.

bush did 4 trillion and that's bad.
obama did 8+trillion.

Bernie would add 12 trillion to it. thereby effectively destroying America.
soo much free stuff would cost way more!

consider this i live in the Netherlands right. a social country, did you guys know there is literally no small business so to speak off.
with all the stuff Bernie wants to do lots of small business will disappear. which means less people will pay taxes.
and more people need free stuff. and you don't think that will add to the debt!
and for what? for free stuff.

look not a big fan of little bush, but at least his debt was created by waging war. war which most of the senate and house approved. it had support from both parties. if there is a reason for debt, defeating evil is a good reason.

soo bernie supporters you must really hate America!
why do you want to change it, white not go live in cub, Venezuela or other communistic social countries
-Bring on the spending, everyone is already broke already anyways. Feels like the better approach is just to say to heck with it and just focus on being better people to one another, damn the expense.

-Agree with the no silver-bullet. The community level seems impossible to directly address, but could be helped by dealing with things like inequality, healthcare in general (yes, I think it should be free), and even just improving primary education (simple stuff, teachers deserve more pay).

-From the clinical side I'm not real up on what goes on in the entry level mental health. ('Hey doc, I'm feeling kind of down'... sort of deal). But in the more serious situations the approach seems pretty outdated, and I'm no expert so I don't know the answers, but currently our solution is borderline jail.

-I agree that gang-violence is best addressed by trying to bring those communities up. Poverty/Education inequalities being the big two that I see. Drug decriminalization could also take a lot of power from these gangs.

-I'm not super familiar with the common racial dynamics in america. I grew up in an extremely diverse, but relatively small community (10k, shoutout to LazyD) so I didn't grow up with a lot of culture clash, we all got along because we had to I guess. Area wasn't large enough for each group to separate out. I have now moved on to another community of similar size but that it is completely White, and I can feel their... unease(not quite the right word) in dealing with situations involving minorities. I guess I'm just asking someone to try to summarize what the current issues are on this topic?

-Mass-shootings are an extremely difficult to deal with problem, almost uniquely american. I can't think of any direct approach to dealing with them either, they make me sad :(

-I like lists, and thanks for the discussion :)
Your first couple of points lead me to believe that you're not an economics major. AmIright?
Could you expand on the how/why a little bit for me? Economics isn't really my area, I do biology/kids :)
Wow. I saw this one coming. Have you ever balanced a checkbook? Do you honestly believe that it doesn't matter whether you have money to pay for the things you buy or not?

bernie supporters.
if by some ungodly miracle bernie becomes president. where do you guys think all the free stuff is gonna come form.

im gonna go on record. he will be better at obama!

better at piling up debt.

bush did 4 trillion and that's bad.
obama did 8+trillion.

Bernie would add 12 trillion to it. thereby effectively destroying America.
soo much free stuff would cost way more!

consider this i live in the Netherlands right. a social country, did you guys know there is literally no small business so to speak off.
with all the stuff Bernie wants to do lots of small business will disappear. which means less people will pay taxes.
and more people need free stuff. and you don't think that will add to the debt!
and for what? for free stuff.

look not a big fan of little bush, but at least his debt was created by waging war. war which most of the senate and house approved. it had support from both parties. if there is a reason for debt, defeating evil is a good reason.

soo bernie supporters you must really hate America!
why do you want to change it, white not go live in cub, Venezuela or other communistic social countries

source is questionable but ok.

i would bet my left nut bernie would drive the usa in more debt

Since America no longer has large unions, Sanders is looking to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour, which would directly benefit 62 million workers and immediately increase consumer spending and tax revenues.

this would kill small businesses. exactly what i said!
less small business more people on free stuf

His inspiration comes from Sweden, where they continue to close prisons due to low unemployment and better programs.

exaclty sweden debt is also rising. his inspiration is going down the crapper. and he wants usa to follow sweden along.

not to mention your soruce is a liberal media source, who we should not trust.
and still its a ***** link