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Life - official thread

Hence Dr. Jones' sage advise.

Sage indeed even tho unintended this way.
My 10 brothers and sisters always get mad at me for rough housing with there kids at thanksgiving an Christmas.
They tell me I am not a child no more an to act my age. I do not care. Who do you think the kids steal my Maverick work hat from cause they love me the most of all aunts and uncles? The one who acts like a teenager.

It's about fun.

This. My wife and I chill all the time. We watch Phillies games together. We watch movies together. We run together. We lift together. We whine about life together. Yeah, we have sex a bit but that's just one piece of the puzzle.

Plus, look at most husbands and wifes. They are repulsive. They are stressed, lack money and are obese. There had better be more than sex or you're screwed.

My advice would be this:

Relax. Better yourself. Date, but casually. 1, maybe 2 times a month. Get a hobby or two. Develop it. Odds are your dates will suck and you'll meet your wife at the model train show or on a hike or at the post office buying the new commerative stamp.
Bleh. No leeches.

This. My life was built with my wife. I'm 35. The only people I could marry would most likely be some completely unaccomplished person. There's no way I'd screw over my wife's work or my kid's inheritance so I could have some screw on demand.

And I'm not having more kids. I'm done with that stage of my life. And I'm not raising someone else's kids.
If my wife died I'd just focus on my kids. At some point they'd grow up and move on but then I'd find some other old dude and get Jazz season tickets. And the rest of the time I'd throw money at my grandkids so they'd let me hang around.

What would really happen is I'd go back to working six days a week. At least I'd be accomplishing something and providing value to the world.
Bleh. No leeches.

Yep. But you are not a typical guy. You go out and do things others are too lazy to do, and you have a ton of fun doing it. Lots of people just want someone to watch sitcoms with and go out to dinner a couple times a week.

I would probably take like a decade off to get a ton of kayaking and mountain biking in, then whatever.

The main thing I miss about being single with no kids is that I used to kayak, bike and snowboard a ton, now I do that far less. Some of that is my lack of ambition lately, and some of it had to do with budget for a couple years. But then again, my wife likes to do all that stuff too, so we can probably just blame kids.
oh wow congrats man. Then how did CL know??

We've known each other since high school. I actually use to bully him, but I repented of my ways, and he forgave me. He must have saw the pics on Facebook.

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We've known each other since high school. I actually use to bully him, but I repented of my ways, and he forgave me. He must have saw the pics on Facebook.

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Oh wow are you guys the same age? I was under the impression you're much younger than him... like may be you're 37 and he's 49 ...

And you used to bully him?! Wow!!
Oh wow are you guys the same age? I was under the impression you're much younger than him... like may be you're 37 and he's 49 ...

And you used to bully him?! Wow!!

I'm just blowing smoke. I'm only 28. I do not know the man.

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Yeah actually I thought you're about 25 or younger but didn't want to be disrespectful .. LOL

Well, I suppose you could have strived for at least a hair more euphemism in your previous post. Besides, we are, not all of us, so much less than the better angles of our nature.

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Just got done with my evening workout.

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