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LIVE DRAFT - COMMENTS --- Agony, Ecstasy, etc.

Two things: To the Joker save your trip to find Honz I live in Minneapolis I'll do your dirty work for you and do a better job at it. Number two KOC is being defensive b/c deep down he knows he did not make the pick but takes the blame for it. This pick has Sloan all over it. If any of you people in here think that KOC actually is the one that does his job you are mistaken. Sloan is the head coach and also the GM. It's been like this for years. KOC is there just to fill the position and do the PR since Sloan hates doing interviews and is socially ackward (tho KOC is socially ackward as well). I hate the fact that the Jazz organization is old school. I can't even say take a risk because the players that were available were no brainers when choosing between George vs. Hayward...Patterson vs. Hayward....Davis vs. Hayward...Henry vs. Hayward....I'd even say Aldrich and Babbitt are better selections than Hayward. Hayward was my least favored player to be drafted by the Jazz followed by Babbitt and Aldrich. Typical, pathetic delusional Jazz.

Yep, I'm sure it was Sloan that traded Matt Harpring. He is the GM, after all.
KOc really said that Hayward was better than Wesley Johnson? My eyes are bugging out of my head.
NO! KOC said in the last 6 minutes of Butler's 2 games at ESA during the NCAA Tournament, Heyward was the best player ON THE FLOOR, which isn't the same as being the best player overall.
No he's not. I'm so tired of the cluelessness on this board. What a bunch of Ford/Givony parrots.

Says the person who admitted he only saw Hayward play in the tournament this season...I'll take their word personally. He'll give an effort, but that's about the best I could say from what I've seen.
Per KOC on 1320: "We got the best player available." "Very smart player." "Got to get stronger." "Think he's going to be a terrific player in NBA." "Can handle the ball very well." "Think he's better than Wes Johnson." "He has a quiet confidence." "Evaluate us 2 years from now, not 4 or 5." "Tried very hard to trade up, no takers." "Surprised by fans reaction." "Saw Hayward about 5 times in person and makes others better on the court." "Every coach told them that this is the type of player you want on your team." "Said that the reporters need to stay when questioned about pick 55."

Time will tell but I am tired of waiting. I am tired hearing KOC saying he tried.. All these other GMs seem to be able to acquire picks and move up. The Jazz roster needs a lot more talent. Instead of getting nice guys who are good teammates.
Dominique Jones is one hell ova lier unless the Jazz make a trade later on to get a pick in the 20's

I literally would have wanted Aldrich 10X Hayward
[QUOTE="eclipsedya]If any of you people in here think that KOC actually is the one that does his job you are mistaken. Sloan is the head coach and also the GM. It's been like this for years.[/QUOTE]

I believe this to be false. As an example, I would cite the fact that Sloan had no idea Brewer had been traded to Memphis earlier this season -- he heard it from Brewer and was said to be shocked.
Time will tell but I am tired of waiting. I am tired hearing KOC saying he tried.. All these other GMs seem to be able to acquire picks and move up. The Jazz roster needs a lot more talent. Instead of getting nice guys who are good teammates.

Yeah, look at how many traded into the top 8 this year. Amazing.
Says the person who admitted he only saw Hayward play in the tournament this season...I'll take their word personally. He'll give an effort, but that's about the best I could say from what I've seen.

Um...was Butler on TV a lot this year? I have a strong opinion based on what I have seen from all these prospects which is mostly a combination of game action, highlights, and scout/expert analysis. Will Hayward be outclassed athletically most nights at the 3? Yes, but Brewer is one of the best athletes in the NBA and is a below average on the ball defender. Hayward will be a very solid NBA defender. He has live legs and feet and all world toughness.
Yeah, look at how many traded into the top 8 this year. Amazing.

I wasn't talking about moving up. Getting another 1st round pick or high second to get a big man would be nice. Perhaps making a trade with all these wonderful assets KOC talks about would be nice. How about managing contracts better (quit bidding against ourselves).
The guy can't live on DW and Millsap the rest of his life.
Honz are you on drugs?? I watched the same tourney and he was gettin blown by everyone. Oh no one mentioned his stellar 2 for 11 in the championship game. What is he good at, gee! Yeah 44% as a freshman, well guess what, he aint a freshman no more, he shot at godly 29 freakin %.