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People Believe It, But It's Not True

Ok. Fake news. Let's start with "every trump supporter is a lying hypocritical bigot who wants to reinstitute slavery".

Next we'll go with global warming.
Ok. Fake news. Let's start with "every trump supporter is a lying hypocritical bigot who wants to reinstitute slavery".

Next we'll go with global warming.

Then we'll go with "Republicans want to abolish safe spaces", or "America is post-racism", or, my personal favourite, "Socialism is bad!"
I don't think these last 2 posts are examples of fake news you guys.
In the case if climate change being a hoax, it's a sign of naivety

No one said it was a hoax just fake news. I guess Trump said it was a hoax, which is also fake news. Meta fake news.
Someone who seriously thought Clinton was running a child sex ring out of a pizza place should never have been allowed to vote.

There's a certain element of irony in people bemoaning the spread of fake news (not necessarily you specifically) and then turning around to represent people as believing Hillary is running a child prostitution ring out of a pizza joint.

But, yes, fake news is troubling. Here are mine:

- Jeff Sessions supports the KKK.
- Fake news changed the outcome of the election.
- Russia spread fake news to sabotage Hillary.
- Hillary is winning in a landslide.
- Hillary is up 12 points.
- Russia.

The 1980s are calling and they want their foreign policy back because the Cold War has been over for 20 years.
There's a certain element of irony in people bemoaning the spread of fake news (not necessarily you specifically) and then turning around to represent people as believing Hillary is running a child prostitution ring out of a pizza joint.

But, yes, fake news is troubling. Here are mine:

- Jeff Sessions supports the KKK.
- Fake news changed the outcome of the election.
- Russia spread fake news to sabotage Hillary.
- Hillary is winning in a landslide.
- Hillary is up 12 points.
- Russia.

The 1980s are calling and they want their foreign policy back because the Cold War has been over for 20 years.

I'd argue that like it or not we are in a new cold war. It isn't the US v Russia it is "the west" v China/Russia/Iran and supporting nations (Cuba, Cambodia, Venezuela, Belarus...)